There are four mirrors: one represents your guilt, another your conscience, the third reflects your desires, and the last unveils the truth you fear to know. What will you choose, my dear Junhi?
The voice was distant, a strange sound that seemed to come from within his own mind. Junhi's eyes flickered open, and for a moment, he couldn't tell if he was awake or still lost in a dream. The room was familiar, yet something felt wrong, as if the shadows were stretching too far.
He rubbed his eyes, the voice lingering in his head like a puzzle he couldn't solve. Four choices. Four reflections.
What would he choose? And what would it cost? - the voice grew intense as if indicating something Junhi never knew
His throat got dry as he felt thirsty as if it was long thirst even if he drank 3 gallons the whole day. As he sat up his eyes followed the victims board he marked every victim had one trait in common they were abusive towards their omega . He drank water gulping down 4 glasses. As he looks at his new victim who was different then others
Lee byeol the son of the CEO of X company a newly debuted idol after the dead of song ian . He was different a omega who simply caught junhis attention
He sighs "I wonder why Aion entertainment decided to debut another idol right after other ones death"-
" they never found his body"- he was reminiscing about his past despite ian betraying him stabbing him directly
"Fuck... "-he muttered in his breath his usual cold demeanor breaking down into a irritating tone as he remembered all the pain ian caused but his love it was genuine
By that he couldn't sleep at night squirming in bed continuously still failing....
As next day he made up his mind following byeol barging into his house as he saw the condition of his house tidy but the owner wasn't there as byeol just laid down forgetting his medicines....
As junhi pretended to be a electrician
" sir you called"-junhi tried to sound professional
"Oh did the manager call you"-byeol he was dull which confused him yet junhi enters the house
As he begins to fix the problem he noticed byeol who was the owner isn't watching over him rather he was just on bed curled up in distress as this made junhi follow him
As he saw him give him a gentle smile despite seeing the knife
" most victims tend to be scared you knew who I was why are you so calm"-Junhi raised an eyebrow
""Not scared, aren't I? Most people would be shaking in their boots wanting to live"-byeols voice broke down as this made junhi remember ian badly as he pointed the gun to his head
" kill me wouldn't you"-byeol
"You aren't afraid?"-junhi
" even if I go you won't see me the other day"-byeol
Junhi holds his gun down "I have morals"-he muttered under his breath
" why did you stop young man"-byeol
"Mr byeol if I let you go will you stop or go the other way"-junhi
" I don't know"-byeol
Byeols answer made junhi realize he shouldn't harm someone like byeol as he was going to further ask a question as byeol fainted due to not taking me ones he should as junhi saw the medicines on the night table he froze his hands started shaking realizing how inhumane he was going to be as he managed to break the pills into water to feed him unaware will it have any effect he barely succeeded but byeol was just asleep as the night passed he realized byeol cries in his sleep unable to let junhi go
"A familiar scent"-he softly smiles looking at the sleeping omega as byeol reminded him of someone he loves fearless..
As the the next morning byeol woke up by the smell of Bacon's sizzling and pancake batters smell as he was confused he walked by saw a unfamiliar man in his kitchen.
" huh-huh huh!!??"-byeol
"What are you doing here"-byeol
" you finally woke up sleeping koala"-junhi shamelessly cooking for byeol and him
"Tch unbelievable you were going to kill me now here what am I seeing "-byeol
"I'm cooking because I was hungry and since I used your kitchen I also cooked your breakfast simple"-he sighs looking at junhi
"How am I supposed to trust you"-byeol
" less talk have breakfast take your medicines "-he makes him sit
"Uh... Thanks I guess"-he looked awkward
" welcome "-junhi
"By the way did you cry last night-"-byeol
He doesn't respond to Byeol's comment about the crying, instead focusing on plating the food. He turns around, placing a steaming plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of Byeol. "Sit." He commands, sitting down opposite Byeol. "who tf stays chill to a guy who's gonna kill them"-
" maybe because you seemed trust able then those saesangs"-byeol
Junhi freezes at Byeol's words, his eyes widening slightly before narrowing. He unbuttons the top of his shirt, revealing a scar across his chest. A reminder of the last time he trusted someone. "Trust is a luxury I can't afford."
"Huh is that a stab mark?"-byeol had a mortified look in his face
He quickly buttons his shirt back up, realizing he revealed too much. He maintains his cold composure, but beneath it, he feels exposed. "Yeah. Ex lover issue." He catches Byeol's horrified expression and smirks darkly. "Bet you're regretting being nice to me now
"not really"- he stood up making him sit in front of him "well it feels bad if the one who cooks doesn't eat"-byeol
Byeol's sudden action catches Junhi off guard, and before he can react, he finds himself sitting down, with Byeol standing over him. "I don't need you to take care of me." He tries to stand up, but Byeol firmly sits back down, holding him in place.
yeah yeah your hair is full of dandruff"-byeol as byeol guessed he doesn't care for himself
Junhi's eyes widen in shock at Byeol's blunt comment, a rare blush creeping up his neck. He self-consciously runs a hand through his hair, realizing Byeol was right. He hadn't paid attention to his hygiene in weeks, too consumed by his hunt. "Asshole...;
Byeol gets to the point as he heard 80% of things junhi said yesterday he's quite chill about it
"about yesterday you told you are gonna stay here"-byeol
Junhi's blush deepens, his gaze dropping to the table as he fiddles with his fork. "Yeah... I guess I did." He clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. "You're not going anywhere. You're staying here with me, whether you like it or not because I can't let my prey go away"-
"sure sure you can move in today"-byeol " just told let the paparazzis catch you"-junhi
Junhi's head snaps up, his eyes wide with panic at Byeol's careless suggestion. He grabs Byeol's wrist, his grip tight and urgent. "Are you insane? If the paparazzi finds out I'm staying here, it'll be a fucking circus or you are genuinely bad at Korean"-
coughs "I mean don't let them find out"-he used translator
as byeol gets embarrassed "I mean mistakes happen"-*he really skips class
*He watches Byeol's cheeks turn pink, his expression dropping. He realizes Byeol really is an idiot when it comes to books. He smirks mischievously, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You really skipped Korean class, didn't you?" "so leave it are you an beta like they are usually this stupid"-
" so what what what what if I'm ugh are you an alpha that thinks you are superior"-byeol gets worked up
"Sheesh calm down who told you alphas are superior so tell what are you an omega?"- junhi
" shut up"-byeol
"Well well someone lied to the public they are an beta"-junhi a teasing smirk as the idol apparently lied he was having fun messing with him
[End chapter -1]