A solitary spark of unyielding, eternal fire roared down from the upper atmosphere, its destination... Veyros.
Against the sky, the flame seemed insignificant and small, yet it possessed an incomprehensible weight to it. It did not burn out, despite the harsh winds. It did not fade, as if ignoring the very concept of rain. Instead, it charged forward, seemingly toward a specific location, predetermined by the flame's creator,
My eyes burst open due to another brutal kick to my solar plexus. My breath hitched and I could feel blood in my lungs. My ribs cracked, my vision blurred, both from fear and from the blood dripping into my eyes due to the numerous wounds on my head. New wounds opened up over old wounds. Old wounds opened and became new wounds. The unmistakable taste of iron filled my mouth.
I wasn't sure how long I was unconscious before but I assume it was not long. My vision was becoming clearer, yet the pain never left me. I feel like I want to die. The memory of my sister being taken and the anger I felt from the scene was starting to disappear, it was being replaced by a level of fear and agony I did not know a human, or any other race in this world could experience.
I saw the beautiful form of the battle-hardened female COE staring back at me, blood on her knuckles and steel-capped boots. The pure, pristine white clothing she wore was untouched by my blood. The light blue crest of the COE on her left breast pocket remained unsullied by any grime or dust that plagued my rundown apartment. She had a chilling ear-to-ear grin on her face and she laughed manically as she stared down at me.
She was twirling her blade between her scarred, yet perfect fingers. The moonlight reflecting off the silver blade flickered like a flame around the apartment.
"Honestly kid your boring me. I thought rats from the slums were supposed to have vitality, grit, determination." She laughed again, this time much louder. "I guess it was all just pathetic rumour. At the end of the day, you're just another disgusting, useless human aren't you?".
I finally managed to catch my breath. My voice was unsteady and breaking. whether or not that was due to fear or my injuries, I don't know. "W-why are you like t-this? Your suppose to p-protect humans. Your suppose to be our sword and shield." tears began to well up. My eyes were stained by the mixture of blood, sweat, and tears.
The female officer's smile did not dissipate. "Why? Oh, you still don't get it, do you? This is why you non-evolvers are so funny to me." The manic grin of hers disappeared and in its stead, a piercing, cold stare. "Power decides everything in this world. Not just in the human domain, but across all races. That same notion has been unchanged since the meteor hit."
She leaned down and her piercing stare became more cold as she looked at me with disgust. "You non-evolvers, especially scum like you, think it is your right for evolvers like me to protect you." She scoffed and said "Keep fucking dreaming rat. The higher-ups in the COE couldn't give two shits about almost any of you. You're beneath us. You're scum, filth. Hell, you shouldn't even be looking in my direction, yet you have the audacity to ask why we are doing this. Well, I'll tell you anyway because I'm about to kill you."
She leaned even further down. Her murderous intent flooded my apartment. I started shaking and my vision began to blur again. "Kian wasn't it? Well Kian, the COE is doing this because your sister is very important to us." Her chilling grin crept back onto her face. "And it's also because... we can."
Far above Veyros, the flame was continuing its descent through the sly. It carved a path through the clouds as it fell with a purpose. The winds were completely ignored as it forced its way through them like a divine spear of fire. The already night sky darkened around its presence, the stars were drowned out by the light as if they were fleeing from the flame.
However, it attracted no attention, glances from curious onlookers. The low ranking gang-affiliated evolvers in the slums were oblivious as well. Even the higher ranking evolvers at the various COE-owned buildings could not perceive this flame. It was as if it was beyond mortal comprehension.
Below, in the wrecked and bloodied apartment, I could feel my already minuscule strength fading as my thoughts drifted. The words of my father echoed in my mind. The supposed greatness of the COE and evolver alike that he constantly informed me of felt so stupid to me now. 'What a fucking joke' I thought.
Myself, and every other regular human viewed evolvers as heroes and protectors. The ones with A-Class abilities were basically perceived as a higher power. The few that are S-Class and above are pretty much portrayed as gods. Almost everything revolves around evolvers in this world. Construction workers work tirelessly building facilities for the COE, and hundreds of tabloids, interviews, and articles are published about the various good deeds and achievements of evolvers every day. Murals and shrines of evolvers litter the streets of every city, every town, and every street.
Before my father died, when we could afford to live in central Veyros, and when I was still in school, the COE's messages and speeches of hope were relayed to us every morning over and over again. They were my favorite part of the day back then.
'What a fucking joke' I thought. My whole life, I was conditioned and forced to believe in their ideologies. My father died for the COE, he ruined me and my sister's future, our chance to make something of ourselves, yet I never even blamed him for it. Instead, I was proud. Proud that he died for such a noble and just cause. I feel stupid. I want my sister back. I despise my father now.
I was forcefully snatched away from my thoughts by the COE officer slowly raising her blade in the air. Her smile was still present on her flawless, untainted face. With one swift movement, faster than my silver eyes could see, she swung her blade down diagonally and slit my throat.
My blood spewed out onto the cold wooden floorboards of my apartment.
I wanted to scream. To cry. Yet no sound came out. 'I'm going to die'. The COE says that when a regular human or evolver is about to die, their loved ones will bring them to the afterlife, yet I see no one. Not my sister, not my dad. All I can see, as I lay helplessly on my floor is that beautiful light-blue crest of the COE, printed on the women's jacket.