Chereads / Where Is My Perfect World / Chapter 10 - Find a man and use him up

Chapter 10 - Find a man and use him up

Renee stepped off the elevator and heard a newborn cry. Scanning the lobby, she saw a woman cradling a tiny baby and smiled. Her bio clock alarm just went off, so she had to go see. 

Making a beeline to the source of the noise the woman had soothed the baby by the time she got to them and was talking to another woman who looked just like her just a bit shorter. 

 "Could I see the baby?" Renee asked so sweetly standing to the side of what appeared to be the office door. 

The woman turned and smiled brightly towering over her. "Sure, I love to show him off." She turned and pulled the cover back and bent over slightly so she could see him. 

"Oh, he is adorable how old is he?" Renee asked.

"He is three weeks. This is Lucas Alan Monroe Jr."

"Oh, his daddy must be so proud." Renee cooed

Eyes darted around the room and the woman said, "Oh his father died months ago," she told her sadly. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry my husband just died last month. I'm looking to jump-start my life and I plan to start it here," Renee told her.

"I thought you looked familiar your Renee Blankenship right," the man sitting behind the desk asked.

 "Yes, but don't hold that against me."

 "No, I would never. I'm from Austin too and I read our local paper online most days just to keep up with home. Hi, I'm Ty Bancroft and this is Yesterday Jones my fiancé and this is Tomorrow Monroe the owner of the hotel," Ty told her.

 "It is nice to meet you and I love this hotel."

 "ROE," came yelled out across the lobby. The same two men came strutting across the lobby smiling happily at them.

 "Oh, Dan, Dan my man, how are you?" she announced as he embraced her lightly to spear the baby but still wanted his hug."

 "Ok let me see this little guy," he said taking the baby from her. He scooped him away and Renee noticed the cutie was standing right next to her.

 "Dan this is Renee she is a Texan too," Tomorrow told them as they both looked her over. With an embarrassed smile, she accepted their perusal. 

"That makes sense she is a beauty too. It is nice to meet you," Dan said and stuck out his hand to shake.

"I want you to meet my little brother, Caleb," Dan said turning his attention to Renee and then to Tomorrow. 

"It is nice to meet you Caleb your brother has been such a welcome fixture in this place for months," Tomorrow told them.

"Oh, I know if he can't be found we know he is here. He speaks so fondly of this place. I had to come out here with him when I found myself single," Caleb told them making sure this woman heard he was single.

 "Oh, I'm sorry we are all a bunch of sad singles. Renee's husband just died," Tomorrow said as they followed Dan to the couches so he could see the baby better.

Renee followed them she didn't know why but she was not ready to walk away from this conversation.

"I'm sorry you lost your husband," Caleb said as he walked next to her. It was a lie he was thrilled about her single status. She was much smaller than he thought she was and could be much younger than him. But lord she was a beauty. 

"Oh, don't be I was nine days away from our divorce being final. He was a cheater, and a drinker so no don't feel sorry for me." Renee told him and he could see the anger still strong in this woman's eyes. But he would still like to get a hold of her. Maybe he could help her forget. He was sure she would help him forget what's her name.

Everyone sat as Dan stripped the blanket off Lucas. Renee sat close to Dan she hadn't been this close to a baby this young since Monica had her last kid seven years ago. 

Caleb watched as she smiled seeing his little sock-covered feet kicking. He had been looking forward to having kids with Jessica and she jerked it out from under him. 

"I hear you. My girlfriend decided to go off and chase the California dream of being a movie star. I thought we were going to marry and have kids and she was going in a different direction," Caleb told her trying to keep her attention on him. He was desperate to make a connection with this woman. They both lived in Texas they at least had that in common. 

"I know how you feel. It just goes to show you that you can't know what is going on in someone else's heart," she told Caleb as Tomorrow and Dan sat close together looking the baby over and talking quietly. 

"It was nice to meet you, but I need to go to town and buy a few things. My wardrobe is too dressy for this place. In Austin all you can find at this time of year is winter stuff," she told him getting ready to stand and make arrangements to get a cab. 

"Oh, you don't want to roam around this place by yourself. That is what happened to Tomorrow's husband. He was shot by a local," he told her very close to her face and she could smell the liquor on his breath. She was amazed how that didn't bother her he was relaxing after all.

"Tomorrow she wants to go to town any ideas about the best and safest way," Caleb asked breaking up the cozy conversation going on with his brother. 

"Sure, take her," Dan smarted back.

"I have been sipping bourbon all afternoon with you; so maybe not the best idea."

"I didn't mean for you to drive her just walk with her. I told you how tacky these people can be," Dan encouraged him. 

"Do you have to go today we have a few things in our little shop and tomorrow I will have my entertainment director take you. She is a local and knows all the good shops. Where to go and not," she said pointing behind them to a small brightly lit-up shop. 

"Oh no, that sounds great I just had nothing to wear for tomorrow. I came with an empty suitcase."

Tomorrow laughed and told her, "I did the same thing and just bought here." 

"Ok let me look at what you have and yes I would love to have a personal shopper help me out tomorrow," Renee offered and looked behind her at the small shop she hadn't seen when she arrived. Her advertising mind started working. They need to have a bigger sign and some brighter things in the windows to draw your attention to it.

"Perfect I'll let her know and she will be thrilled. She loves to shop, especially during working hours. I would go with you, but I don't want to take the baby out so young," Tomorrow told her as Dan cradled him to his chest and he gave off a slight whimper.

"You know he looks a lot like Lucas," Dan told Tomorrow as they went back to talking.

"Yes, and I'm so glad he does he keeps him alive to me."

Dan cupped her cheek and Caleb noticed. He had never seen his brother be so caring with any woman before. He wondered where this was going. He can't live here he is closer to the company. 

They watched Renee walk away to the store. She immediately went to the dress rack. Most were long and would drag the ground for her, but she was pleased to see some were meant to be very short on a normal girl. Taking one cute dress she held it to her waist and turned to look in the mirror and saw Caleb walking into the store.

"That is a cute one. I was wondering if you would have dinner with me tonight."

"That is sweet; sure, let's say 8:00. I'll meet you down here or did you plan to go somewhere else?" 

"No, as I understand this place has the best food on the island. So far it has been excellent," he offered.

"Ok then I'll be down here at 8:00," she told him, and he walked off to let her shop. She started looking for something to wear tonight as she watched him walk away and groaned. Two little sundresses will help fill out a wardrobe. Handing the clerk her credit card she sighed thankful he had a Trust, and everything went to her. Tomorrow morning, she will call and make sure the dealership is still running Ok. She sent up a prayer that all Martin's secrets stay hidden as she rode up in the elevator. 

An hour later she donned her bikini and her wrap and walked out to the pool area. The place was busy lots of handsome men and cute girls flirted around the pool. Seeing the girl from the plane she waved, but was not interested in joining them. She hadn't come here to make new girlfriends. 

Caleb may just be the ticket she was after, and he was the first man she saw. She checked out the other men around the pool as she walked to the beach. None caught her attention as Caleb has. She thought how funny that he was as interested in her as much as she was in him. 

This was her first time at any ocean, and it was exceeding her expectations. The water was clean and clear as she watched the waves roll up on the sand. The sun was hanging low in the sky as she walked along kicking the waves as they rolled over her feet. A gray fin appeared in the water as she jumped back another came and then she realized they were dolphins and not sharks. She stopped walking and watched them and more came to play a game of chase. 

Renee stood on the shoreline looking over the vastness of the ocean and realized how petty her problems were. She has money and a good business she can depend on. She needs to let the pain and disgust go and enjoy life. Martin did those things not her it can't reflect on her. She is a good person, and she needs to continue to be one. She needed to not let this set her back or drag her down to the dregs of society with Martin. Ok, she could never get that low unless she starts sleeping with seventh-grade boys. So, setting her sights on Caleb isn't that bad. He was a grown man. He was a fine-ass grown man at that.

The sun was sinking kind of low as she turned to head back to the hotel with the fold of her wrap filled with shells. Amazed at how far she walked lost in her thoughts. She had to pick up her pace to be ready in time. She had a dinner date to go get ready for her first in ten years and she was apprehensive. Well, she was kind of bad she acknowledged. She was going to use this man to find out if she is any good in bed and then go home and have sex with her sexy FBI agent just to say she did. She knew he was not the man for her. He didn't have time to be a family man. 


She spent an hour sitting on her balcony watching the people on the beach she had gotten back so early. She saw lots of sexy play going on, on the beach with a few couples down there. The water was a little too cold to swim in right now. So, it seems walking along the beach is all the attention the water was going to get from her. She had been warned on the website, but she came anyway. She was a little freaked out about going in the water. For her, the thought of swimming with dolphins, and rays, and feeding them didn't appeal to her whatsoever. 

Once it became so dark that she could not see much she realized she needed to get ready. Her hair was a mass of curls with that expensive sea salt spray look, but this was natural sea spray. With a quick shower, the humidity curled it more and her down to her waist-length hair was to the middle of her back. It looked like a blonde lion's mane, and she liked it. She made her make-up a little heavier slipped on the blue dress from the shop and a pair of sandals and she was ready. The sundress was the type that you didn't wear a bra with. She felt naughty and free as she stepped out of the elevator. 

Caleb watched as she scanned the lobby and he stepped away from the wall so she could see him. Her concerned look turned to a smile when she saw him. His boredom turned to excitement as she approached the restaurant. He knew he was being ridiculous, but he couldn't stand sitting in that room bouncing his leg nervously as time slowly slipped by. He went up to his room as soon as she said she would have dinner with him. He was in desperate need of some sleep. Dan never made it up to the room. They were going on thirty-five hours of no sleep including the drive to the airport and the flight. It sounds like he just won his hand. His celebratory yell echoed out in the lobby. 

 Meeting her halfway across the lobby he wanted to hug her so badly; but instead, he turned as he reached her and smiled broadly and said. "It is good to see you again. I have been looking forward to our dinner date all afternoon," He told her turning her to face the restaurant.

 "I have to. I did go walking along the shore it was a beautiful day."

 "I wish I had joined you, but my brother is set on playing poker the whole time we are here."

 "And you? You're not the poker player he is?"

 "Not at all. I came here to relax and enjoy a vacation, but he conned me into that room, and you saved me from more hours of poker," he told her as they stepped into the restaurant.

The place smelled heavenly, and plates of huge shrimp being served around the room made Renee's mouth water. 

 "Two," he said to the young hostess setting people. He took Renee's arm and followed the girl to an empty table one of the few still available. It did look like most of the people are finishing their meals so it should clear out soon.

Being handed a menu they both smiled and began to scan the items to choose from. It was a limited menu, but it all sounded wonderful. That shrimp was calling to her as she placed her menu on the table. 

"Could I order you a glass of wine or a carafe?" Caleb asked.

"That would be perfect, white wine would be best for me. Be warned I'm a light weight so one is enough."

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Do I need to hold you to just one glass?" he teased. 

"That would be smart unless you want to carry me to my room. Honestly, I'm not a drinker," Renee told him remembering her last drinking episode she passed out the moment she crawled into her bed. Tonight, she doesn't want to pass out if she has company in her bed. A little bit of wine may just relax her enough to make that happen. This man was very attentive and interested in her. 

Placing his menu on the table he smiled again, and the waiter brought them ice water and waited for their orders. 

"We both would like a glass of white wine. Have you decided what you want?" He asked as Renee smiled. Martin would have ordered first not caring what she wanted. Or he would have ordered for her, and she was too chicken to complain.

"Yes, that wonderful shrimp dinner I'll have French dressing on the salad. Do you have dinner rolls or something to munch on while we wait," Renee asked passing the menu to the waiter who smiled. 

"That sounds good, and I want the black sea bass and the ranch dressing on the salad," he told him and passed him the menu too. 

"EU yours does sound good too. I was torn between that and the shrimp. Maybe for lunch tomorrow," she offered excited at the prospects.

"So, tell me again why you're here?" Caleb asked just to keep her talking.

"Oh, I needed a break. You don't want to hear the sorted details of my sad life. Nor do I want to go over it again with you. It plays in my head like it is on a loop and to verbalize it would help keep it going. Let's talk about your girlfriend if we have to talk about broken relationships. So how long has she been gone?"

"Well to beat a dead horse about nine months. She was a success in a local play, and it all went to her head. She and a few friends took off for LA to become famous."

"And you thought you had a wife and mother for your kids, right?"

"Exactly, I'm guessing that was you too?"

"Yep. Nine years married to the same man just about ready to have a family. I came home and some teenager was giving him a blow job. I left and filed for divorce."

"Nine years you don't look old enough to have been married that long," he said and took a sip of his wine.

"I turned twenty-nine a few months back. I just look young. Not young enough for my husband. Turns out he was a pedophile looking for young teenage girls on the internet."

"Whoa, that's a good reason to divorce someone."

"I thought so and the men in his jail cell area found out his proclivity and beat him to death. So, I walked away with everything. So yeah, good reason for a divorce. Now let's talk about something lighter. Tell me about your family," Renee asked. He got the information out of her anyway. He doesn't live in Austin, so it doesn't matter. 

"Yeah, sure. Dan is the oldest then James I'm the youngest boy, but we have two younger sisters. My Father started a construction company when we were kids and as we grew up, we started working for him. Dan, we call the closer he goes out and finds the work. James is the Forman he keeps the workers working and I went to college to be an architect, so I make sure the building is built to spec and is properly built. Our sisters work in the office making sure everything goes correctly. You know the bills get paid and payroll gets sent out," Caleb told her and took the last sip of his wine.

"That sounds nice. A good hard-working family. Are your parents still alive?"

"Yes, my father is old enough to retire but he is too paranoid to let go and let us run the company," Caleb said sounding a little frustrated.

"I only have a sister, but she has five kids," Renee told him.

"We have six grandkids in our family my sisters each have two and James has two."

"And you were expecting to have some too?" Renee asked she felt his pain.

"Yes, that was my plan. We had plans to get married and have children quickly. Now I wonder if she was just going along with my plan to keep a roof over her head."

"She left you that easily. Mine cheated so easily so I guess we both have been screwed over."

"Yeah, it looks like it. So, what happened to the lighter conversation," Caleb said giving her a sweet smile. 

"I don't know we have some unresolved issues. So, let me see," she said glancing around the room. The place was clearing out and the noise level was down to a small chitchat.

"I have a degree in advertising. I started college when I was seventeen. In Austin, I'm on TV all the time advertising for the car dealership I own." She liked the sound of that, I own. "Come on down to Blankenship Jeep, Chrysler dealership, and let us make you the best deal in town," she said with a cheesy smile.

"You own a car dealership?" he asked kind of shocked.

"I do now. It is very successful. We have lots of loyal customers. So yeah, I own a car dealership. Not to go back to the dark side but my husband was a car salesman when I met him. He was handsome and slick, and I fell hard for the older man. I was young and stupid back then. Nine years made me grow up and I got smart a few months ago."

"So how long have you had the dealership?" Caleb asked to keep her talking. 

"Six years and we got the building and site cheap after all the dealerships went out of business in the early 2000s. We paid it off a couple of years ago so now it is all profit."

"Good for you. You have a good head on your shoulders."

"I try. I put my house up for sale a couple of days ago. I kept thinking about him and that girl he had in my house, and I couldn't live there anymore. I'm hoping it sells while I'm gone. It's not a lot of fun having people snooping around your house as you watch. The realtor claims I should get close to a million."

"Now that I can understand, I sold my home too about eight months ago. I know how you feel. Too many memories to deal with; but I didn't make that much on mine. I bought it for her no way was I keeping it once she left. Mine was not that expensive."

"I never wanted a house that big anyway. I'm hoping to make some new memories here go back and start over with happy memories."

"That is exactly what I'm looking for too. I want something to smile about when I go back to work," Caleb told her scanning the area to see who would hear them discussing the prospects of hooking up tonight. 

"Do you think I could make you smile?" Renee asked trying to sound sexy. It sounds like she only will have him here a few days if not just the weekend.

"You already make me smile. I would love to give us both something to smile about."

"Good, I have been…" Renee said as their food is placed on the table, she stopped her enticement of him.

Caleb would like to punch the waiter he wanted to hear what she was going to say. With the plates on the table, they both turned theirs so what was the most appetizing thing was right in front of them. He chuckled as he noticed her doing the same thing he did, and she smiled at him. 

Taking a bite each, they hummed at the flavor. "So, you were saying," he said to inspire her to finish her statement. 

"I was going to say that I'm not an experienced woman. I have only been with one man and young girls appealed to him more than I did."

"Ah, Renee don't think that way. He had some mental issue if he passed you up for some little girl."

"Thanks. So, are you going to help me find out if I'm any good with this sex thing?" she asked and watched him swallow his fish.

"You can depend on me. I'd be glad to give you my expert opinion," he told her, but she knew he was teasing. 

"So how long do you plan on being here? I may need you to make sure your opinion was correct more than once. So how long are you here for?" She asked taking another shrimp and biting it in half.

"Our plans are for four days. We blew the first day in the game room." 

"So, you have three days left?"

"More like two and a half days I'm afraid."

"Do you mind spending some of that time with me," Renee asked mainly to see how he would react.

"I would be pleased to spend every second with you. I think we could make some good new memories in a very short time," Caleb offered, and Renee smiled. She has chosen well. He was so cute with his hazel eyes and brown shaggy hair. He is much taller than Martin, and it will be interesting to deal with a larger man. But that was good because Agent Parker was an even larger man too. 

Caleb was taller but not as buff. The problem with her Agent Parker was he had only been able to call twice for less than three minutes since the funeral. He says he is too busy running down leads chasing bad guys on a new case. That just proves he had no time for her, and she assumes it will always be that way. Or maybe he is giving her subtle hints that he can't be there for her as she needs the man in her life to be. 

"Where did you go, Renee?" Caleb asked. She was staring at the shrimp on her plate completely lost in thought.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It is just that. Oh, I don't know; you think you have your life all figured out and then something happens, and everything changes."

"Sure, so are we still on or have you changed your mind about me too?" Caleb asked. 

"No; that doesn't have anything to do with you. I just find it interesting the first man I meet here that I'm so interested in."

"Lucky me. You're the ninth woman I have met here and the only one I'm interested in," he told her to set her mind at ease.

"Lucky me," Renee teased as he signed for the meal. "The next one is on me. I have a feeling I have more money than you do."

"That may be true, but I have no intention of you paying for my meals," Caleb offered.

"And I'm supposed to be Ok with you paying for everything. I plan to put you to work," she said and smiled to let him know she was not teasing.

"Fine you pay for breakfast and lunch it looks like I will need the energy," he told her with his teasing smile and reached out for her hand. 

Renee took his hand and felt that tingle again. She hopes he is good she would hate to be attracted to someone who was not. 

They walked towards the elevator and Renee turned to him and asked "So why me? With all the women around here you zero in on me."

"Ah you looked like a classy lady," he told her, and Renee began to laugh. To him, it was the most beautiful laugh he had ever heard. 

"Right classy and the first thing I ask is for you to have sex with me. That is classy."

"But you did it with a lot of flair and everyone deserves attention. I'm just glad you asked me," Caleb said leading her to the elevator. 

Standing in the elevator she turned and cuddled to his chest and asked, "So you don't think I'm trashy for coming on to you?"

"Do you think I'm trashy for coming on to you," Caleb sent right back to her.

"So, you don't feel pressure to perform?"

"Oh yeah I feel all kinds of pressure to perform, but I plan on releasing the pressure several times." He pressed the second floor and Renee told him, "I'm on the third floor."

"I need to stop by my room for a few seconds and pick up my toothbrush and some condoms," he offered as the door opened to his floor. 

"I'm on the pill so no problem," Renee told him. She has never used condoms before. She was not about to tell him she had half a dozen STDs, but she was checked and came back clean now. So, they are both safe. 

"I will want to dive between those beautiful legs of yours more than once. I know I'm clean, but it is for your protection too," Caleb told her and walked into his room. Dan was sprawled out on the bed snoring away. Caleb quickly collected his things and left a note for his brother, so he didn't worry. All it said is (I'M WITH RENEE). He placed it on his nightstand and noticed it was only 9:30 and he had a full night ahead of him. Thank God he took a nap before dinner. It appears Dan wore himself out finally.

"So, you're twenty-nine?" he asked as they closed his door.

"Yes, I know I look younger, but you won't get arrested."

"I knew you had to be over twenty-one to even be here, but I would have guessed twenty to twenty-two."

"Nope wait until I take my makeup off you will think fourteen," Renee teased.

"I was not looking to be a cradle robber I'm glad to hear you're older. You should be wiser, more settled down, and know what you want," he said as she opened her door. It smells much nicer in her room. His reeked of liquor and man odor thanks to Dan. 

Renee placed her purse on the dresser and slipped her shoes off. She turned on the TV and found a classic love song station and turned it down for background noise. Caleb inched his way to the bathroom he wanted to brush his teeth and make sure his bits were clean. It has only been two hours since his shower, but he wants to be clean. "I'll be right out," he told her and closed the door. She had her make-up and toiletries lined up on the sink he thought nice, she is very organized. He came out minty fresh as she walked past him, she ran her hand over his chest and closed the door. She needed to clean up too. He has plans to be between her legs and she wanted to make sure she was clean. She had been kicked out of bed a few times for not being fresh enough, which pissed her off. She didn't know he was going to go there when she went to bed. 

She washed her face brushed her teeth and quickly sat on the side of the tub to wash her naughty bits. Using a touch of her minty toothpaste and using lots of water she applied a watery coating to her freshly sugared mound making her tingle all over. She slipped her dress back on and nothing else and joined Caleb. She thought stepping out naked would be a bit much. She was unbelievably nervous, and he saw it the second she stepped out of the bathroom. She kind of had an I'm going to bolt look about her. 

"Renee if you don't want to do this we can go walk along the shore, play cards, sit around the pool, or we can make out for a while and see how you feel," he offered using a very handsome smile as encouragement.

She could tell he had used that smile to win many disagreements. She had to stand her ground and do this; otherwise, she was going to talk herself out of the whole thing. She knew he was too damn cute to let him walk away from her in two days. No one else had caught her attention and she did look while she was out by the pool.

"No, I want you. It is just I have never been with anyone but my husband. Not even close. I'm a loyal person so have patience with me."

"How about we kiss and if I don't do anything for you, I'll leave and go pout in my room," he offered and extended his hands for her to come to him on the bed. 

The problem was kissing her being so tiny was difficult to get down that low and yes taking all the make-up off made her look much younger. Not fourteen but close and he likes the fresh face look. He started with a soft kiss, and it was Renee who deepened it. 

He quickly found himself on his back laying on the bed as Renee crawled up his body to make it more comfortable for both of them to kiss. Her body only came halfway down his and he found when he ran his hand over her thigh there was a naked bottom attached and her hips in perfect reaching range. 

Receiving no resistance, he let his hands continue to move as he devoured her mouth. She sure wasn't acting like she didn't want to do this. 

One thing he knew for sure he hadn't lost his appeal. He questioned that when Jessica walked away so easily for some pie-in-the-sky idea. 

Renee was getting frustrated with his hand swirling around her ass he needed to find something to probe. She broke the kiss and started to unbutton Caleb's shirt running her hands over his nicely defined chest. He was in much better shape than Martin. When she reached for the button on his shorts, he stilled his hand and helped remove his clothes. 

Condoms spilled out of his pocket as his shorts came off and Renee got a look at what he had to offer. Thinking Ok, I can work with this. She moved around on the bed and pulled her dress over her head. 

With both of them naked it didn't take long for the party to start. Grabbing her hips, he took her to the bed and made a quick trip down between her legs. Finding her clean mound, he wondered if she liked it this way or did her pedophile husband wanted it like this. 

Diving in it was great. He has never had a clean mound and she was minty fresh. Receiving a good groan for his efforts he got busy, and she came quickly. He let her come down from that one he went for another. Shuttering from another orgasm she wiggled out from under Caleb and dove for his dick that was waving at her. She loomed over him pulling his length into her mouth. He moved until he was on his back comfortably and let her go for it. 

Digging through all that thick blond hair to find her neck he cupped the back of her head as she pumped it up and down milking him for all he was worth. 

 Giving her a two-second warning that he was coming she backed off and let him finish it off with his hand. Laying there breathing hard with cum dripping over the side of his hand he chuckled as she watched him come down from that release. She liked his come face; it was a mix of pain and pleasure.

 "OK let me give you this, You're good at blow jobs and I love it when you come. You don't have to guess if you had."

 "Ok let me tell you. You have a magic tongue and are very good at making me come. I figure my three to your one was a good trade-off," she told him excited to keep this going. She didn't mind giving that blow job to him. 

He scooped her up and pulled her to his chest hoping she would relax for a few minutes. Holding her tightly against him he slowed his breathing. She was sexy as hell with her tight little body and decided not to ask about her mound. It may set her off.

She cocked her leg over his hip and since she was so short his hand fit perfectly between her legs from behind and he was able to get her going with minimal energy. A little bit of finger movement and she was humping his hip within seconds. 

Caleb couldn't believe he was growing again so quickly. He hasn't been this randy in years. Then again Jessica hadn't been that interested in sex after about six months together. He could blame himself, if he hadn't come home exhausted from work, he may have performed better. She mainly got a slam bam thank you ma'am if anything more than a kiss. As he pointed towards the ceiling, he grabbed a condom flipped Renee on her back, and dove in. 

Sliding in he could tell her husband was a whole lot smaller than he was. He filled her with a little groan from her, but she accepted it all raising her hips for more. Hitting bottom, she groaned and bit his shoulder as he did it again and again. He liked that bite it gave him something to think about, so he lasted longer.

It was not like she was going to draw blood. Finally, she began to relax and enjoy him. A few seconds later he could feel she was close to coming. Shifting a little he was about to get a little more button action and she went over the edge. Her hands and legs went a little spastic with movement as the orgasm swept thru her body. That got her calling out with a few Oh Gods thrown into the fit. 

She got hers but he hadn't, so he kept going. He was shocked as he felt her building again her muscle walls constricting around him. If he worked at it, they may come together. That was something he had never accomplished with any other woman. Setting his mind to coming he felt her spasms start and hit hard filling her with his protected seed. 

He hated that he had to cover it. He wanted a baby so bad with her or anyone. He brought the condom just in case he found someone you still have to be careful. Dan hasn't found anyone yet; but then again all he wants to do is play poker. Then again, he is interested in that Tomorrow he noticed. Brand new baby or not she is a beautiful woman. He looked down and Renee was studying his face. Smiling at her he rolled to her side and took her with him. He was still hard enough to keep his place as they rolled. 

"I will say this; you do know what you're doing. I have never come; I think that is what they call it like that in my life." 

 Caleb hugged her tighter to his side and chuckled. "I was just thinking the same thing. Do you know how rare coming at the same time is?" he asked.

 "I'm thinking rare. I never came like that for Martin. When he was down there half the time he gave up. I was taking too long. But he didn't do it like you do."

 "Did you tell him what you liked? Never mind I don't care he is gone," Caleb said dismissing the whole question. 

 "No, he was the one who was supposed to know his business. Did some other woman teach you?"

 "Yes, in college I had two girlfriends who wanted what they wanted. You do it right or be on your way."

 "Yeah; I knew a few girls who were like that too. I never dated while I was at college. I met Martin right as I was graduating." 

"Where did you go?"'

"UT where did you go?" Renee asked enjoying being held. Martin was a roll over leave me alone type of person. 


"I think you need to go," she said in a teasing manner pushing at his side. Their schools were big-time competitors in the state of Texas.

"What did you mean you knew a few girls? Did you have a lesbian faze?" He asked because he knew a lot of girls in college who did. 

"No silly I heard them talking. That made me more determined to not date college boys."

 "Hey, we weren't all bad," he complained knowing he was one of them not that long ago.

 "So, you have never been married?" Renee asked trying to get to know him better. He was very good in bed. And yes, she knows sex cannot sustain a marriage.

 "No close twice. The first one I broke up with her after three years. She was too lazy for me. I worked all day and when I came home, she was half the time still in her PJ's and the place was a mess. People told me maybe she was depressed but she refused to see anyone, so I sent her back to her mother. I was single for a while mainly keeping to myself. Then I met Jessica. I think I blamed myself for Amy's possible depression and Jessica was bubbly and outgoing just the opposite. She was always involved in some production and dance troops."

 "Hum, so am I any good at this sex thing?" Renee asked to change the subject. She didn't want to hear the pain he still carried around about Jessica.

 "I think you're good if you were any better, I would have a heart attack."

 Twisting out of his reach she sat up and asked, "Do you think so because Martin did a few years ago? I was thinking that maybe his having to use Viagra for sex warped his brain. I was so shocked when they told me what he had been up to."

 "Sorry, Renee I never heard that as a side effect," Caleb offered. He was not going to let her use that as his excuse to abuse her and the girls. He was a pervert pure and simple. Blindness yes, pervert no.

 "I know I was just looking for an excuse. You know you think you know someone," she said displaying that great little body for him. Getting up on his elbow he leaned towards her taking one of her perky little breasts in his mouth and sucking it in. Her dead husband had picked well she did look like a fourteen-year-old if his memory serves him correctly from his wicked youth. But she knew how to move and seduce. 

She cradled his head against her chest enjoying the closeness and his desire for her. Martin had never been like this, she was the one to try and stay close encouraging him to show he cared for her.

 He was almost ready to go again, which was a record for him. He laid her back and slid down her body kissing as he went. He figures one more trip downtown and he would be ready to go. Within seconds she was arching off the bed and he had to chase her across the bed to keep going at her. They have some very wet spots on the bed, and he doesn't think he is drooling that much. He got excited thinking she was a squirter another thing he never achieved before.

He gave her three seconds to recuperate while he slipped a condom on his very sensitive dick. Quickly he slipped in as she was still coming down and sent her right back to the same state. Felt her vaginal walls convulsing around him and her hands on his chest spasmed feeding her frenzy as she came down from the orgasm. 

 Caleb's chest puffs with pride he knows she is pleased with his efforts. With one final push, he explodes and falls to her side. In a matter of seconds, he was asleep completely spent. 

Somewhere in his stupor he felt the bed move then a warm cloth spread over the naughty bits and felt the condom come off. Looking down he watched as she cleaned him up.

"Do you want more?" he asked hoping not right now; but if she did, he would keep going. Maybe.

"No, I think I have worn you out for now. Are you spending the night?" 

"If you don't mind, I would like to."

"Sure; just no snoring I heard Dan," she teased.

"No; no one ever complained so I think I'm good," he told her and noticed she had picked up their clothes and had his hung over a chair. He gave her points for not being a pig.