In the country side in a certain village, there lived a woman with her daughter and grandson. She owns a very small farm and some cows, sheeps, and goats. She also has a donkey that was gifted to her by her neighbor.
One day she gave the donkey to the boy look after, and he named it Teapot. She and the little boy alongside his mother lived in the farmhouse together. On one sunny day inside the farmhouse the woman and the boy were having brunch.
"Grandmama, did you enjoy the toast I made you?"
The boy asked after seeing no bread left on his grandmother's plate.
"Tori the toast were amazing, I couldn't stop eating. My belly have never been so stuffed in ages."
"Grandma you also said that yesterday."
Tori said chuckling, he is very happy that his grandmother enjoyed the meal he made.
"Well, you can't blame me, you make wonderful meals."
Grandma Tina said smiling, looking very proud of her grandson.
"You can't give me all the credit grandma. Mama taught me well."
Tori said blushing, he was feeling quite shy now.
"When did your mom say she will be returning back work?"
Grandma Tina asked wanting to know when she would be back so she would help her sell the milk to Mr. Thomas.
"Mama said she would be back late in the afternoon around 5pm grandma."
Tori said
"Is there anything wrong grandma?"
Tori asked after seeing the worried expression on his grandmother's face.
"Well, I thought your mom would be coming back earlier today, like she usually does. I did promise Mr. Thomas that your mother would bring him the milk he ordered for by 2pm today."
Grandma Tina said worriedly
"Grandma, mommy said business has been booming lately, so she has to spend more time to attend to the customers."
Tori explained and then suggested to his grandmother.
"Why don't I his help deliver the milk to Mr. Thomas instead of mother?"
"That is a wonderful idea Tori. This will save me a lot of stress."
Tina was delighted.
"I have already milked the the cows and they are packed inside the basket in the barn."
She stood up from her seat and walked out towards the barn, where she picked up the basket containing the milk jars. Then she returned to the house to meet Tori.
"Here is the basket Tori. Now how are you going to transport them to the market all by yourself?. They it's a bit heavy for a little boy to carry all alone."
Grandma Tina said thoughtfully.
"I can ask Teapot for help, he will follow me to the market"
Tori said amicably.
"That's wonderful, I will strap the basket to his back. Stay here while I go bring him out."
After a while Tina was done preparing Teapot for the journey to the market. She called Tori out and said to him.
"Tori what's the time? You have to leave early, so you won't keep Mr. Thomas waiting."
"The tine is 15 minutes past 12. I think it's still early to go wait for Mr. Thomas."
Tori said after checking the clock.
"That's right, why don't we clean the barn while we wait for time to pass by."
Tina suggested.
"Sure grandma, let's go."
Tori said excitedly, he was definately more happy to clean the barn than to meet Mr. Thomas, but he had to help his grandma.
Grandma Tina and Tori went into the barn, after cleaning for a while Tina sent Tori away to go prepare for his journey to meet Mr. Thomas at the market.
"Grandma I'm ready."
Tori went into the the barn and said to his grandma, after taking his time to prepare, making sure Mr. Thomas scrutunizing eyes won't find fault to make degrading comments.
"You look handsome in the new clothes your mother got you."
"Thank you grandma."
Tori said shyly while scratching his head. He didn't want Mr. Thomas to look at him like a poor orphan boy, so he put on the new clothes his mother bought for him. After giving the boy some instructions, Tina permitted him to go.
Tori and the donkey Teapot, walked to the market with the basket of milk. On getting there he waited on the designated place he was asked to.
He had been to the market with his grandma and mom many times before, so he knew his way around the market.
After losing his father to an accident, he and his mother moved to the country side to live with his grandmother.
"What is the time now auntie Rita?"
Tori asked the middle aged woman next to him for the second time after waiting for a while.
"It is just five minutes past 2pm"
The lady answered.
Tori was sitting next to the lady's stall on the stool she offered him after they exchanged greetings. Tori has earned his reputation as a good boy and everyone in the village is fond of him. So anywhere he is in the village he is always given a warm welcome because of his warm and respectful attitude towards them.
Tori is sitting patiently with the basket by his side. He had tied the donkey to a pole at the entrance of the market, so that Teapot won't cause troubke for him and be a nuisance to those at the market.
"Have you seen Mr. Thomas auntie?"
Tori asked after waiting for fifteen more minutes. He is getting tired of waiting for the man, he had arrived before 2pm so he had been waiting for over 30 minutes.
His mom and grandma has always emphasis to him the importance of keeping to time. So this just worsen his impression of Mr. Thomas.
"No I haven't, is he the one you are to deliver the milk to?"
The lady asked.
"Yes auntie Rita, I really want to go home now, grandma is all by herself I don't want her to start worrying or get hurt."
Tori replied
"Oh! You sweet sweet boy, just be patient for a while."
Rita can't help but like the boy even more he's so thoughtful.
"If Mr. Thomas still don't arrive in 15 minutes, you can go home and leave the milk here. I will give them to him if he comes."
Rita suggested nicely.
"Ok" Tori said
Tori waited and waited for Mr. Thomas until it was almost 3pm. So Tori thought Mr. Thomas was not going to come, so he decided to go back home.
He stood on his feet and picked up the basket and was about to bid auntie Rita goodbye when he saw Mr. Thomas. He was taking a stroll towards him.
"Good Afternoon Mr. Thomas."
Tori greeted when he arrived.
"Yes boy, where is your mother?"
He questioned Tori nonchalantly without acknowledging the presence of Rita.
"She is not here sir, I came by myself."
Tori replied
"Where is the milk?"
"In the basket"
"Hand them over"
Mr. Thomas said curtly.
"You haven't paid yet sir"
Tori said unhappily not liking the man's presence one bit.
Mr. Thomas thought to himself,
'What a rude child. I might as well win him over if am to get his mom.'
Mr. Thomas wiped the dissatisfied expression off his face and then smiled.
"What do you think of me, your grandma, and your mom living together?"
Then he said with a slight change in expression after not getting a reply from the boy.
"And you too of course"
"That is weird Mr. Thomas."
Tori replied unhappily.
"Of course not, it will be so much fun. Wouldn't it Tori?"
Mr. Thomas said smiling sheepishly
"I don't think so Mr. Thomas."
Tori said
"Of course it's going to be so much fun, and our name sounds nice too. I think people should call us the 'quadruplet T'
Your grandma's name Tina, your mom's name Theresa, me Thomas, your name Tori all begin with a T. Wonderful right? We would make a wonderful family."
Thomas said wistfully.
Tori now tired of listening to Mr. Thomas said,
"Do you still want the milk Mr. Thomas?"
"Yes, hand them over."
Mr. Thomas said and gave some money to Tori before taking the the basket from him.
"Thank you so much sir."
Tori said after counting the money. He turned around and said goodbye to auntie Rita and turned to take his leave . Then Mr. Thomas shouted from behind him.
"Is your mom at home?"
Tori shouted back and walked faster to get away from Mr. Thomas as quickly as he can.
When he reached the entrance to the market, he saw his donkey Teapot trying to loose the rope that tied him to the pole.
He immediately ran over and fed him a carrot he kept in his pocket before untying him and they both walked home.
On their way home he said to Teapot,
"Mr. Thomas is definately not the best company for me and mama."
And the donkey brayed in response.