best lawyer of the year cause she possessed

outstanding capabilities

She was the envy of colleagues and pride of her law firm

she never reprimanded for her work.

Nevertheless that didn't stop her being the scapegoat for her naughty son.

Kendall confronted her, u have spent 2 days in

this office dream has been worried about you.

They spent his days bumbling at SAN Alexandro's


I guess sir Alexandro has some new strands of hair due to disturbance he caused him

On hearing that Kim felt an incoming headache. she couldn't help but found the situation funny also.

she laughed so hard.

five years she felt robbert house without a rethink

she wanted to further her education overseas but found out she was pregnant,

back then she was caught in dilemma thinking on terminating the pregnancy

her child, on getting to the hospital she had a

quick change of mind at the instance of thinking

to part with her child, that thought was unbearable for Kim.

in the end she kept her son.

The thought of her son's gave her utter bliss

she slummed her shoulders when she recalled

she was about to get recalled, thanks to their


Kim hurried into Mr alexandria's office and met a

rascals in there swinging both his hands on feet

carelessly and nonchalantly In the air.

at moment he saw his mother he lit up mommy, how are you doing? I thought u were not going to come back, what took u forever? mommy I missed u.

mummy give me hug i know u miss me a lot give

a big hug, as soon as hugged his mum he took

her to a Seat mummy come sit down. mummy

you are working to much, don't over work yourself.

dream faced Mr alexdro and asked "why are overworking my mother? is she your only staff, answer me I need to know"

Mr Alex smiled uhhh! I guess u are overprotective of your mother, but well that's what the lawyer's of the year do.

that's doesn't give u the right to over stress her, can't u see, she's looking malnourished.

okay I am sorry dream Mr Alex says with bright smile

Mr Alex faces Kim and says have u spoken with senator baki? ummm well..... I spoke to him this afternoon and he said he won't be able to come over, I tried convincing but my convincing fell on deaf ears sir.

Mr Alex adjusted his glasses, and said well I think it's high time we have this discussion it's been on my mind but I didn't have the perfect time to say it, but now is the time. Kim u have to return back to the city, there u are going to meet prominent men and women u, there u are going to go far in career. u are limited advantages Kim, widened her eyes in surprise "what?"

She had never thought of going back to the city, she had no family in the city all she had in the city was bad memories, which hunted her Everytime she remembered. Those statement triggered her annoyance, but she was mute all through due to respect she had for mr Alexandro, he was the father she never had! she had been his student for 6 years and it was all awesome memories .

As soon dream heard he was so happy he had always wanted to go to the city, he wanted to see his father and also teach him some lessons for abandoning he and his mother
