Chereads / bad or good / Chapter 5 - CHAPTER FIVE: WELL ''HELLO'' AGAIN


 It was a very bright morning, the sun was shining as usual Sadie sleeping peacefully , a glint of light from the sun woke her up. She stood up from the position she is scrubbing away the sleep from her eyes, stretching her arms above her head she did her daily routine she took her bag and go ready for school.

 She went down stairs and was greeted by a very beautiful AROMA ''hmmm... what is the occasion why does every where smells so good'' she said moving closer to the smell ''your brother is sick he will not be able to go to school today . And are you hungry'', '' there is your breakfast money and lunch'' Mary said pointing at the money. Sadie looks at her and the money , she picks it up and said thank you before going out side for school. As she was walking she met Billy on the way who stopped her and rode to her in his motor cycle '' where are going ? where is your brother?'' asked Billy while getting off his ride'' why do you care. come on just go leave me alone ,''Sadie said shooing him away, '' hey'' he hits her hand and she quickly moves it away'' why are you trying to make me Leave, you look grumpy today what's up why are you feeling down'' he said looking at Sadie with concern, Sadie who was very surprise to hear him looks at him her gaze never leaving his '' why are you asking me Mrs. arrogant, how suddenly you show concern why?'' '' if it was any girl in your place i will have asked the same. so don't think you are special or anything'' he said moving closer to her '' i didn't say i am special nor will i like to be '' a small wind came passing through them as if they is a spark going on between them, there was silence for a moment before Sadie decides to speak '' if i stay here with you then am going to be late, so bye for now'' she started walking but he hold her hand she looks at their hands and then to him. She returns back to where she was standing before and he lets go of her hand '' why did you stop me'' she cross her arms a hint of curiosity and amusement in her face, ''well i was thinking i will take you on my bike , i mean since you are late this could take you fast right?'' he looks at her waiting for an answer Sadie was standing in a position of thinking she smiled and looked at him feeling relieved he ask that question and said ''ok let's go since you insisted, i am getting, i can't afford to be late. She climbed on the cycle and they rode off.

 They arrived at school after some time, they were almost late but luckily they arrived on time by five minute'' i guess thank you '' Sadie said while getting of the motor '' no you are welcome it was my pleasure . i told you if it was any other girl i will have done the same'' he smiled looking at Sadie then to his clock ''uh, you are late, you have only two minute'' Billy said, ''really well i bid farewell to you, see you again'' she runs to her class after they wave each other goodbye.

 At class, their English teacher Mr. Lewis was waiting for her. She slowly opens the door and carefully says HELLO before fully entering the class and then running to her sit , ''STOP'' Mr. Lewis shouted, with a serious face he said'' you're late '' '' i am sorry sir.. i was just.. i mean'' before she could finish he interrupted ''you know i don't start my class without all my student here. Amelia came just now too'' Sadie looks at Amelia and their eyes meet as if they are telling each other jokes through only their eyes, Sadie turns to the teacher trying to stifle and hold back her laughter '' do you think this is all a joke to you huh!, anyway, i won't waste my time on people like you, go take your sit ok!'' Sadie went to her sit close to Amelia and sat beside her they looked at each other and giggled'' no giggling'' Mr. Lewis said writing on the board.

 After school, Amelia was curios to know something she looks at Sadie raising one of her eyebrow her eyes a glint of mischief in it she said '' Sadie can i ask you a question'' ''yes'' as they are walking down the street '' do you .. i mean do you have a boyfriend'' she looks at her grinning from ear to ear '' no i don't why do you ask'' looking at Amelia totally confused, as the cold breeze keeps blowing every where '' no i just saw you with someone when i was coming , and i saw it was not White , then, who is he, you can tell me?'' she holds Sadie's hand with reassurance in her eyes '' BILLY'' she exclaims ''Eww ! that person is such a grumpy i don't know why he is always a serious person the only good he did to me was bringing me here to school , he hits me twice didn't even say sorry for once ,'' she cross her arms pointing out her lips'' ok ! i am recalling, is he that monkey? on the other day'' , she said playfully hitting Sadie's hand '' of course, he is the monkey , i don't know his class but i know he is in our school, how strange ,'' and as they were enjoying the conversation , they arrived at the main road that they have to separate, '' I guess this is goodbye'' Sadie said her voice feeling low '' but not forever right? , we will see ourselves tomorrow'' ''yes'' they bid farewell. Sadie on the road thought to herself feeling hesitant about her plans of taking revenge '' why is she so nice? , why?, should i take this revenge or should i leave it but i promise dad i can't break it. No , no, no, i won't , i must kill everybody who is involve in separating me and my family and i am going to start tomorrow, nobody can stop me' tomorrow at noon' , she gave her self a grin before heading home.