大殿沐浴在银白色的光芒中,夸张的线条和不断闪烁的五彩灯光都表明这是一个高科技文明的世界.广阔的空间可以轻松容纳数万人.各种机器人忙于工作,许多是人形的,有些是机械的,有些是像人的,还有一些类似于不同的生物.这表明了一件事:这个世界的科技水平已经达到了几乎难以想象的高度.然而,尽管技术取得了惊人的进步,但还是缺少了一些东西——生命!整个大厅里到处都是机器人,但没有人类.长时间的沉默后,一个长着翅膀的金色小玩具飘了出来.后面跟着一个穿着银色长袍的胖乎乎的小男孩.当男孩出现时,大厅里的所有机器人都立即投来崇敬的目光,直到意识到他根本不在意他们时,他们才继续工作."小瑾,别乱跑了,等我!"这个男孩显然很宠爱这个活泼的玩具.他的到来为原本空无一人的大厅带来了活力,驱散了冰冷,僵硬的气氛.尽管这个地方宏伟而精致,但它给人的感觉过于僵硬和毫无生气——一切都是金属和闪亮的,没有纹理.如果能多一些绿色植物来装饰空间,它看起来会更加诱人."主人,快来抓住我!抓住我,我给你唱一首歌!小机器人拍打着翅膀喊道,它张大的嘴巴劈开,露出滑稽夸张的笑容,仿佛它的头会一分为二.不可否认,这很可爱,让人有一种冲动...深情地拍拍它.然而,这一次,男孩并没有像往常一样兴奋地追赶它.相反,他站在那里,沉思了一会儿.这让小瑾感到困惑.尽管是一个简单的玩具,但小金远胜于周围的工作机器人.这是玛雅帝国的最新创造,专为为伟大的王子服务而设计.被选中执行这样的任务是一种无与伦比的荣誉,尤其是在玛雅帝国,他们的技术已经达到了进步的顶峰,他们在星际旅行中几乎是不可战胜的.在这个领域,玛雅帝国被当作神来尊崇.无数的星系被玛雅势力征服,他们的时空跳跃技术使距离变得毫无意义.没有其他文明,无论是精神文明,科技文明还是外星文明,都无法对抗玛雅军队.但在一千年前,玛雅王发现了终极秘密——成神的秘诀,玛雅帝国的进步停滞了.最近,有传言说这个计划终于实现了.以当前的 Maya 技术水平,一切皆有可能 - 时间是他们唯一需要的东西.小王子默默地盯着萧瑾,然后突然一把抓住了.玩具来不及逃跑,因为这个男孩正在使用一种机器人无法抗拒的力量.太子低头看着手中的小瑾,眼中闪烁着短暂的不舍.然而,他仍然紧紧地握着他最喜欢的玩具,朝着大厅旁边的一个像井一样的物体走去.王子向井里望去,看到的不是水,而是一个镜子般的表面,反映了大厅的正常状态.就在这时,外面响起了清晰的脚步声.王子咬紧了下巴,在玩具还没来得及喊叫之前,就把小瑾扔进了镜子般的表面.
"卡特,这是错误的.平行镜子连接到其他宇宙——完全不同的世界.如果小瑾成功逃脱,那些宇宙的法则就会带来不平衡!王子似乎并没有感到害怕.他只是微微一笑."爸爸,妈妈,你们自己也说过了.即使是我们也无法抗拒平行宇宙的法则.小金在理论上只有十亿分之一的机会能在那些定律的审判中幸存下来.国王的怒火并没有平息,但王后温柔地阻止了他,她的声音很舒缓."陛下,今天是一个具有纪念意义的日子.我们不要责怪我们的儿子.我的挚爱,今天,玛雅文明将达到它最后的辉煌.很快,我们就会成为真神——这个宇宙中唯一的神!听到成神的说法,国王的表情变得柔和了."我们将成为光,宇宙将成为我们的,我们将成为宇宙——不再分离!""我们走吧,我亲爱的孩子,成为光!"站在王子左右两侧的国王和王后牵着他的手,带领他走向大厅的巨大大门.当门打开时,耀眼的光芒淹没了整个世界,露出一个巨大的漂浮祭坛.祭坛上燃烧着乳白色的高耸火焰,在它下面躺着无穷无尽的机械士兵大军!The light didn't come from the sun—it came from the countless mechs below. Each one was capable of conquering an entire planet with its terrifying power. It was these forces that made the Maya Empire invincible, unstoppable in their march across the stars!The surface of Earth was covered with a dense array of robots—there wasn't a single living being in sight, just robots. Their eyes, all in unison, turned toward the altar, the only object of their reverence—their only King!Beyond Earth, across the entire solar system, enormous interstellar warships were scattered, with soldiers standing solemnly on each vessel. All of them, like the robots on Earth, were also machines. These starships extended far beyond the solar system, with no end in sight. They were the indomitable fleets of the Maya Empire, and no civilization could withstand their attack. They could obliterate entire star systems with a single strike.Today, all the soldiers of the Maya Empire and their vassal states gathered to witness a moment of immense significance: Their great King would ascend to godhood, becoming light itself, and would forever illuminate the universe!As they gazed at the sacred altar, the King raised his hand, and all the soldiers followed suit, lifting their weapons in perfect unison, shouting, "Long live the King!"The sound of their voices echoed throughout the entire universe. In this realm, the Maya Empire was already invincible!But the Maya Empire was now reduced to just these three—the King, the Queen, and the Prince. Their task was now to fulfill the final goal of their ancestors: to become gods and merge with the universe.It was a solemn and grand moment. Countless robots, cloaked in pure white robes, began chanting sacred texts—records of the great history of the Maya civilization. At this moment, all their people would bear witness together.The three of them slowly ascended toward the altar, their bodies free from the restraints of gravity. In no time, they arrived at the altar's entrance, where roaring white flames blazed. This was the fire of the future.This was the ultimate power of the Maya civilization. Only by merging with the universe could they achieve their final destiny. This was the ultimate goal of Maya civilization.The King, the Queen, and the Prince exchanged silent glances, solemnly placed their hands on their heads, and then gently removed their own skulls."In this glorious moment, let us face the world with truth!" The King spoke gravely, and with that, he slowly tore off his hair, then peeled off his facial skin. Beneath it appeared a half-circle, transparent vessel containing a pulsating red brain.Once the King had completed the act, the Queen and the Prince followed suit, returning to their true form.Their bodies respectfully raised the brains they held, and with reverence, they pushed them into the central fire.Everything fell silent, as if time and space themselves had come to a halt.But in the next instant, the flames skyrocketed into the sky, compressing violently before vanishing in a flash. A brilliant white light shot upward into space, expanding rapidly, and everything within its reach was absorbed by the light.It broke through the limits of time and space, transforming everything into light, followed by a deafening explosion. The entire solar system vanished, and the Maya civilization would forever be a thing of the past. A faint sadness seemed to hang in the air, drifting through the universe.The Maya civilization's early days had seen a great king named Nietzsche, who had claimed he was the sun...The universe was not three-dimensional, nor seven-dimensional, but rather infinite-dimensional. Its origin lay at a single starting point, from which countless parallel universes emerged, each with different outcomes. For example, the same Earth, from the moment of its birth, could have led to countless possible developments. In one universe, dinosaurs went extinct, and humans—the mammals—ruled the world, but in other parallel universes, the dinosaurs did not perish, continuing to thrive.Each possibility gave rise to a different existence, and the parallel universes could be similar or vastly different. In some universes, Earth never hosted life, while in others, it reached the pinnacle of civilization. The same could happen with human history—perhaps the unifier of China was not named Ying Zheng, or Albert Einstein never developed the theory of relativity, but his father did. Even the smallest differences were possible.All of this was the result of parallel universes—universes governed by inviolable cosmic laws. Even though the Maya civilization had reached the pinnacle of technology, they could not break these rules. Any object daring to challenge these laws would be destroyed in the process of crossing universes.When the Maya Empire's supreme intelligence calculated this, they lost the meaning of their existence.But as the Prince had said, when technological power reaches its peak, these laws are not entirely unbreakable. The chances are nearly zero, but they are not impossible. And even if they managed to break through, living and non-living beings alike would lose over 80% of their functions. According to the calculations of the Maya civilization's central intelligence, this would be utterly meaningless.No one understood what it meant to "become light," but the Maya civilization, like the ancient emperor who once sought to become the sun, was now obliterated. This caused a massive interstellar explosion, triggering a chain reaction of energy that pushed the entire plane toward destruction, and the energy storm—so immense it could not be measured—spread through the parallel universe channels.A small, almost imperceptible golden dot vanished at the edge of the destruction. When it reappeared, it was before a beautiful blue planet...