"I'll stay here and guard the place," Gin said, stepping forward calmly.
"By yourself?" Ferrari asked, raising an eyebrow.
Gin's lips curled into a confident smirk. "It's more than enough. If anything suspicious happens, I'll call for you. I just need to hold out until then."
"Fair enough," Ferrari nodded, the logic plain enough for everyone to agree.
"Alright, we'll leave it to you."
And just like that, the group departed, leaving Gin alone with the bound Shedim operatives.
The second floor of the building had been the primary battlefield. Now, it was eerily quiet. The three large rooms on the floor were checked thoroughly before Gin volunteered to stay behind. He knew for certain no other threats lurked here, yet vigilance dictated he remain on guard.
The captives—Shedim's defeated operatives—were all gathered in the largest room in the center. Gin glanced over them, his sharp gaze lingering momentarily.
Drawing upon his mana, he sketched a simple but effective spell formation in the air. As his intent infused the formation, glowing motes of mana scattered like fine dust, descending over the unconscious operatives.
A faint shimmer rippled through the room as the spell activated, plunging the captives into a deeper, dreamless slumber.
Satisfied with the silence that followed, Gin clenched his fists. This had been his first battle, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of exhilaration rise within him.
His eyes sparkled with newfound determination.
So this is what it feels like to fight. To win.
The thrill of combat, the rush of overcoming an enemy, and the satisfaction of his magic unfolding perfectly—it awakened something in him. He wanted more. Stronger foes. More intricate battles. The thought of truly fighting for his life didn't frighten him; it intrigued him.
Gin chuckled softly. Back on Earth, his focus had been stability—building a calm, predictable life centered on research. Yet, here in this strange world, he felt alive in a way he hadn't before.
Perhaps I can seek stability on Earth and combat here, he mused. For that, he would need a way to traverse between the two worlds—a portal of his own, or access to one controlled by an organization.
For now, however, there were more pressing matters.
Gin hadn't volunteered to stay behind out of mere goodwill. During the fight with the Malice Beast, his mana mist had revealed a subtle anomaly in one of the walls.
Something hidden. Something magical.
He made his way into an adjacent room, retracing his steps to the spot. At the base of a wall, he felt the faint hum of concealed mana.
Carefully, Gin extended a thread of mana from his core, probing the enchantment.
The magic was simple—a spell designed to obscure and seal a small space. It wasn't fortified with additional protections, making it relatively easy to dismantle without leaving a trace. Gin began to deconstruct the spell, bit by bit, until a small compartment was revealed.
Inside, resting quietly, was a USB drive.
He used a thin strand of mana to extract it and quickly restored the enchantment to its original state. With the USB now safely in his possession, he slipped it into his pocket and moved to inspect the remaining rooms.
But there were no other hidden compartments to be found.
Returning to the main room, Gin allowed himself a small smile. Whatever secrets this USB held, it might very well explain the Fishmongers Guild's true motives for targeting Shedim.
As he waited, Gin pondered his next move. The mission had earned him enough money to survive for a while, but he needed a way back to Earth. Perhaps reconnecting with Alberta and her group would be a good starting point. If they had taken a similar job from the Fishmongers Guild, there was a chance their paths would cross again.
Lost in thought, he heard the recruits returning. Ferrari and the others were grinning as they filed in.
"Looks like you held down the fort," Ferrari said, striding up to Gin with a stack of cash in hand. "Here's your share."
Gin raised an eyebrow as he accepted the money.
"There was a safe upstairs," Ferrari explained, "stuffed with cash. We helped ourselves."
Gin thanked him, tucking the bills away.
While the others were likely thrilled by their find, he knew the USB in his pocket was far more valuable.
As the recruits settled in, one of them muttered, "How long do we have to wait for the Fishmongers Guild to show up?"
"They'll come," someone replied. "They wouldn't leave this place unchecked."
"What if they get mad we ransacked the place?"
"Then we'll deny it," Ferrari shrugged. "Or just leave before they get here."
But the others quickly shot down that idea. "Leave? We haven't even been paid yet!"
Before long, someone on lookout called down from the third floor, "They're coming!"
Moments later, a group of armed individuals entered the building. At the front of the pack was Odis, his commanding presence unmistakable.
He surveyed the scene on the second floor, his expression hardening as he took in the captured Shedim operatives. "You captured all of them?"
"That's right," Ferrari said smugly. "Thanks to the mage you sent us. Would've been a disaster otherwise. Oh, and there was a Malice Beast, too."
"What?" Jaiden's eyes widened. A Malice Beast? And a mage?
The Fishmongers Guild wasn't known for having mages. Such individuals were rare and far beyond the guild's usual resources. The implications of this were staggering.
"Tell me more about this mage," Jaiden demanded.
Ferrari eagerly recounted the events, and as he did, Ah Jaiden's expression grew increasingly grim.
"We'll take it from here," Jaiden finally said, cutting Ferrari off. "But I have another job for you—an extension of this mission. Are you interested?"
The recruits hesitated, but the offer of more money quickly swayed them.
"As long as we're paid up front," Ferrari said.
Jaiden smirked. "We always pay up front."
At this, some recruits exchanged incredulous glances.
"What? They pay up front? We haven't seen a single coin yet!"
Ferrari shrugged. "Take it up with your broker. The money's already been handed over."
With that, he turned and led his team out, leaving the recruits to carry the captured Shedim operatives.
Outside, Jay watched Jaiden and his men leave the building, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
"Perfect. Time to clean up," he muttered, imagining the riches he would find inside.
But his grin vanished as he saw the recruits emerge, each carrying a captive. His eyes widened as he counted.
"Not one of them died?!"
Panic gripped him as he realized his chance to reclaim the funds he'd issued was slipping away.
To make matters worse, Jaiden opened a large bag and began handing out gold certificates directly to the recruits.
"What the hell is going on?" Jay hissed, watching as his carefully laid plans unraveled. Desperate, he decided to follow Jaiden back into the building. He couldn't afford to let this opportunity slip away—not when the stakes were this high.