Arc 1 Chapter 3
The man who stopped the blades was none other than Kaede Kraftlawe.
"Foolish man interfering with my plans are you… you'll pay… Dearly"
The man with the tattoos face contorted revealing an unlovable monster.
"Malissia get your family to safety"
Kaide began to smile with his own malice.
"I'll handle them."
Malissia nodded leaping back from the blade of the man and then dashing in towards her family. The man tried to swing at her but it was stopped by Kaede.
The man had a look of disgust on his face. Kaede a look of malice.
"Big sister!"
Malissia grabbed her family and removed them from the burning building.
"So your the Cult I'm hearing rumors of?"
"Oh you have heard of us I am honored but that is not good."
The man leaped back bowing the other two men joined behind him.
"I am Apollos Van Reichant Servant of the Seventh Steated among the great!"
He stood up straight looking Kaede in the eyes.
"Servant of the Seventh huh? As in… Last"
Kaede smiled. The man had grown Irritable and was angered by this.
"I'll show you my might!"
"Go ahead and try!"
The twos gazes met. The enemy pushed first crushing the floor of the building below his feet. Kaede Responds with the same move they push forward towards each other. CLASH! The Twos swords met. Resulting in an explosion of mana crushing the building they were inside.
The buildings roof exploded everywhere they were now in the open. The night sky visible but the stars light outdone by the fire.
"I'll kill you!"
The men leaped back.
"Behold my power!"
The man raised his hands to the sky.
His words were cut off by the sound of a a blade hitting gut.
"There will be none of that here…"
Kaede had leaped forward so fast the man couldn't see it. He stopped the mans incantation by ending his life.
"What rank are you!"
Kaede smirked and raised his blade to the man's neck and beheaded him.
It was Lady Malissia. Kaede had by no means stopped the attack. There were several men everywhere burning and killing.
"Kaede how did you get here so quick."
"The Castles of each Capital of the Nations hold a Teleportation Device of some kind. I caught wind of this attack from… a contact and came at once."
"I see…"
She looked around seeing her home burned to the ground.
"Who are they?"
"They are from… The Cult."
Kaede looked around at the other men who were cloaked.
"I'll tell you more later just save as many people as you can Leave the attackers to me."
She nodded and ran towards the next building Kaede followed behind.
"So what exactly did Kaede run off to do he seemed in a hurry?"
Hikaru and Marx were still in the front of the carriage steering it.
"Who knows all we know is we were assigned this job."
Suddenly Marx looked up towards the forest ahead it was night time and late at that.
Hadlend came forward on his horse.
"Go ahead and scan out the area I have… that feeling."
"I see"
Hadlend nodded and went ahead.
"What's the matter."
Marx had a worried look on his face. He stopped the carriage.
"Hikaru get inside the carriage with the women I need to use Light of Rendel!"
Before he could finish his sentence a massive explosion occured in front of them.
"Hadlend! Hikaru get in!"
Hikaru leaped down and entered the carriage. The maidens were confused.
"What are you doing!"
Hikaru got inside but was kneeling at the door ready to jump out if necessary.
"I was told to get inside for a second. Something is going on."
"what's happening!"
Kasumi kept pestering Hikaru.
"Hang on."
Suddenly a large light appeared it's light ran through the windows meeting Hikaru's skin. He fell to the floor in agony.
"Boy what's wrong!"
"It's my Divine bind a weakness that comes with it."
He held his stomach in pain. The light died down.
"We need to go and see. We need to protect our Lady!"
Her and the other Guard women nodded. Lady Hasee was asleep on her seat.
"No! Just wait were an A rank party trust Marx!"
The lead woman Kasumi had an anxious look but eventually she gave in taking her seat.
Marx shouted from outside. Hikaru got out of the Carriage and ran towards Marx who was in front of the carriage a ways there were three men dead next to him.
"Marx! What happened?!?"
"Attackers seeking the Lady Hasee."
"Is that all of them?"
"No telling…"
Marx looked down at the three cloaked men he saw a sigil on their cloak recognized it and sneered at it.
"Kaede what's going on…"
He mumbled to himself.
"The lady Hasee is asleep."
"Good I don't want to worry her."
Marx looked off into the forest.
"Light of Rendel: Illumination!"
A light flew from Marx's hand lighting up the forest. Hikaru felt a bit queasy but it wasn't as painful.
"Don't worry this is Minor light magic it may make you feel uncomfortable but not in pain."
"I see… where are the others?"
"I sent them ahead to find Hadlend."
"I see."
What's going on… who are these men. I wonder what's really going on Marx seems to know something but Pestering might not be a good Idea.
"I want you to stay inside the carriage for a while just until we reach the next town if I use a more powerful Light spell of mine it could seriously damage you."
"Alright… be careful"
"I will"
The others came back carrying Hadlend. He was injured Marx motioned Hikaru to go inside the carriage.
"Wait! Take Hadlend."
Marx picked up Hadlend from one of the horses and gave him to Hikaru who carried him into the carriage.
"What's going on?"
Kasumi wanted answers when she saw one of the men injured.
"We're safe for now just leave it to Marx."
Kasumi clenched her fist but sat back.
"Do any of you know healing magic?"
"I do."
One of the women sat up and kneeled over by Hadlend.
"Spirit of Healing: Astos!"
Her incantation caused a circle light of mana to ignite around her hands and it began healing Hadlend.
"So Hikaru is your name?"
Kasumi asked Hikaru looking at him dead on. Giving Hikaru a creepy feeling.
"Yeah, Hikaru Yume."
"Are you from Mythreign also?"
I guess that's where their from we look the same so that's a fair deduction.
"I see where then. I ask because you look like your native to Mythreign like we are."
"I'm from a distant land… Japan."
"Never heard of it."
"Yeah, not many have."
After all only me and Crux know really I have no clue who else is or could be from or know about my world.
Hikaru sat back on the floor closing his eyes.
"So Hikaru how long you been an Adventurer?"
"Just started."
"Ah, I see"
Kasumi looked at Hikaru with Interest wanting to know more about the strange boy.
"Why do you ask?"
"You give off an odd feeling… a dark feeling."
"Yeah, I know."
"Why is that."
"I.. am bound to the Eye of the Forest Crux."
There was a silence then a very loud all around.
The Lady Hasee turned over.
"Quiet down!"
Kasumi ordered the woman all relaxed.
"The Eye of the Forest of Despair!"
"So that's what it's called?"
"You didn't know?!?"
"Like I said I'm not from around here."
"Yes, I know."
Kasumi looked out the window behind Hikaru. It was pitch black with a small bit of light caused from Marx's light he launched with his spell. The carriage began moving again.
"Well I guess were in the clear now?"
Marx called out. He was steering the carriage and the others were close behind.
"We're in the clear but keep your wits about you."
"Of course"
Hikaru sat there with his eyes closed. Kasumi and the other women all we're anxious but sat back trusting their A rank companions. Hadlend was still being healed and the Lady Hasee was still asleep.
Kaede Kraftlawe was sitting on the tavern porch just like that night when they were in Gagdred previously but the building was ashes along with the rest of the town. The sun had risen and it was day. Several bodies of Cultists lay around on the ground.
"Stupid cultists…"
Malissia Greyhound was walking uo to him from the rubble that was the bar.
"Malissia, how can I help?"
"No, I want to thank you because of you we saved well over half of our townspeople. Although the village was burned."
"Yeah, no problem."
Kaede had a look of anxiety hand hate on his face. Malissia saw this and took a hint.
"If you need anything just ask we have moved to a stronghold nearby you've been there before just ask and we'll help."
"Of course."
Kaede rubbed his eyes and started walking into the forest Malissia turned and saw this.
"I wonder… what could be going through your mind, Kaede Kraftlawe…"
Kaede was walking into the forest and suddenly a branch snapped behind him.
"What's the news?"
"The Cult has upped the bounty on your head! You're now the second highest bounty on their list!"
Kaede smiled and turned to Varro.
"So who's the first?"
"No clue… they have no Image just a name… Sylzarro."
This name sent shivers down Kaede's spine. He was shocked to hear that name. He looked down in thought.
"Sylzarro the Last Blade of the Elves! I thought he was dead!"
"No I guess he is still very alive."
"Hard to beat that bounty."
Kaede turned back to the forest. Looked forward and pulled out the medallion from his bag.
"Any word on Marx and the others?"
"They have reached their destination and are now basking in the treasures of the Hasee Land, hehehe"
Kaede smiled and laughed.
"Good, any trouble on the road?"
"I heard they ran into three cultists."
Kaede's expression turned once more to anger.
"Anyone Injured?"
"No clue. But I know that the Lady Hasee made it safe and sound so that's good new for you."
"Marx, who were those men that attacked us?"
"No clue."
He's hiding something…
"I see."
The group made it through the long journey and came to a farm with a giant manor upon it. Hikaru at some point moved back to the front with Marx. Kasumi and the women sat with Lady Hasee and the men rode on horses behind Hadlend was inside with the Lady.
"We're here I assume?"
"Yes. alert the women."
Hikaru opened the window behind them and looked inside the carriage.
"Hey, we're here."
The women all perked up.
"Lady Hasee we are home."
The carriage stopped at the manor and the women got out. Hadland sat in the carriage looking on his failure in the forest.
"Thank you good sir's"
Lady Hasee stood silent. Kasumi thanked them.
"We have food inside the Lady has invited you to her table will you accept?"
"I apologiz-"
"Of course!"
Marx looked at Hikaru surprised.
"Boy, you don't get to decide that!"
"Come on, the men, especially Hadlend are still weary from last night we could use the rest and meal."
"Fine, we accept."
"Excellent! We shall show you to the guest rooms."
Kasumi invited them inside and showed them to their rooms as the other women led Lady Hasee to her quarters. The mansion was big and full of Marble statue art. Kasumi was leading the two men to their rooms the others stayed outside taking care of the luggage. Kasumi stopped at the end of the hallway.
"Here it is. You're room."
"Thank you Lady…?
"Lady Kasumi guard of the Hasee families daughter."
"Thank you Lady Kasumi."
Hikaru smiled at Kasumi. She left them to their room and went to attend to Lady Hasee. Marx and Hikaru entered the room it was massive there were five beds a living room and a balcony overlooking the farmland. Which spread for miles with forest surrounding it
"Wow, nice room."
"Yeah Marx?"
"I want you to know I'm hiding the answers from you for a reason… to protect you."
I see he noticed I suspected something.
"It's all good"
Hikaru patted Marx's shoulder.
"I trust you Marx."
"You really are good man, Hikaru Yume."
The night had come and the table was set a large feast laid upon the table. Sitting at the table were 10 men of importance and 3 women sitting next to them.
"Alright, I would like you introduce you to the Great group of men who safely brought you your daughter Lord Hasee."
A man standing at the door bowed introducing the group. Sitting at the opposite head of the table was Lord Hasee a giant man with a great beard and he had no hair. Beside him on his right was Lady Hasee His wife and on his other side Lady Hasee his daughter.
The others at the table were military men and nobles and ofcourse Kasumi. Who sat next to another big man with long black hair just like hers. And he wore a long black jacket.
"Bring them in."
Lord Hasee commanded then the man stood and signaled two soldiers who were standing at the door.
"I present the Kraftlawe party."
The doors opened and the party stepped in wearing their gear still as they had no change of clothes. This shocked many of the important people at the table.
"I assume we were supposed to dress like that."
Hikaru whispered to Sato who let out a small laugh. Everyone at the table was dressed up to the max. All except the big man next to Kasumi.
"Ha, I see like minded adventurers!"
The big man in the jacket spoke his voice deep and coarse. Kasumi hid her face in embarrassment.
"I am Marx Charlin Vice Captain of our party. Native to Lucienda East."
"I am Hikaru Yume rookie adventurer. From Japan"
When Hikaru spoke the man paid close attention with a smile. Kasumi smiled when he spoke.
"I am Sato Nazaro. Native to Mythreign."
"I am Hadlend Kano. Native to Southcrest."
"I am Diavelei Churno. Native to Italano."
"I am Kniveson K. Native to Lucienda South."
The people sitting looked upon them with disgust all except for Lord Hasee and Lady Hasee and of course The Giant man and Kasumi.
"I see a Vice Captain where is your true captain?"
"I regret to say he is not with us currently."
"How unfortunate. Come and sit with us!"
Lord Hasee invited the men to sit which they did they sat at the opposite end of the table with Marx at the opposite head.
"So tell me was there any trouble on the road?"
"Nothing we couldn't handle."
The Lord smirked.
"I see. You are strong."
"Thank you."
"So Hikaru Yume!"
The Giant man chimed in.
"What nation are you from again?"
He wore a smile resembling Crux Hikaru hated it.
"Japan it's a far away land I assume you haven't heard of it."
"No I have not. You look like your Native to Mythreign like that Sato fellow."
"I am not, Sorry."
The big man studied Hikaru he received an elbow from Lady Kasumi who was sitting beside him.
"Now let us feast!"
The man said the others at the table gave him a nasty stare.
Clearly they don't approve…
"Yes I agree!"
The Lord Hasee spoke and several men with platters of Meat, Soups, Veggies and more walked in setting the platters about the table.
The adventurers stared at the food. The Lord and the Big man smiled.
"Dig In!"
The people at the table began to take and eat. There were many dishes there unfamiliar to Hikaru. Hikaru put his hands together remembering the dinners he ate with his aunt.
Lord, Bless this food to our bodies and give us the strength to make it through the trials awaiting. Protect us and… protect my Aunt…
Hikaru wasn't all that religious but his Aunt was and he cared for her and his Uncle. So he did this to never forget them in this new land.
"What are you doing!"
Sato whispered over to Hikaru.
"Do you know where we are!"
Hikaru looked around all eyes were on him.
Not very religious I take it…
"Japan huh?"
The big man said with a smile. The others all had looks of disgust on their face. All except the Lord and His family and the Big man and Kasumi.
"Have I done something?"
Hikaru whispered to Sato who sighed remembering Hikaru was new to this land. Sato and Hikaru had become quite close in their journeys so had Hikaru and Marx. the men in Kaedes party were all ranging from 17 - 30.
"This country is Constalageous they worship the star gods. And that prayer stance is not welcomed."
"I see."
"My lord do you see these men are barbarians from the Elder religions!"
The Lord's voice echoed through the halls of the Manor.
"They are our guests! They aren't all from here some of them were bound to be different. They protected my daughter so I am bound to reward them! Enough of this pointless debate!"
I see some form of Christianity or something exists here as well…? Interesting. I wonder if they worship stars are they Greek? Roman?
"Continue to eat my Guests forgive my foolish company!"
They all ate and there was silence but that was quickly changed by the laugh of a man. A big man.
"Hahahaha! Silence at a feast how dumb!"
"Father! Enough!"
Kasumi hit the man.
Father! I see that man is her father. I assumed something of the sort. Too old to be her husband but who knows maybe she's into that stuff.
"For instance we haven't even introduced ourselves yet. I figure you know Lord Hasee?"
Marx answered for the group. Lord Hasee smiled at the odd behavior of the man. Lord Hasee acted mature but in reality…
"Your outbursts always make me laugh friend! Shall we continue our fight after dinner!"
Lord Hasee was as a child. His wife Lady Hasee elbowed him. He coughed into his hand and suddenly returned to his original "Mature state" with sweat beads on his face.
Well I can see where the power in this relationship is.
The Big man opened his mouth.
"I am Kago Miyata! This is my Lovely daughter Kasumi Miyata!"
He said this wrapping his arms around his daughter. Needless to say he received an elbow.
"Foolish old man."
After recovering from the elbow he opened his mouth again.
"These ungrateful Jerks are Nobles from this land."
The nobles looked at Kago with hate and bitterness but he remained unaffected.
"I am Leader of the Guard of Lord Hasee also his Cousin!"
That explains the casual wear and behavior.
"So tell me what is the greatest beast you have ever come face to face with!"
Marx looked at Hikaru who turned to him. Marx shook his head causing suspicion to befall Kago.
"I don't know."
Marx gave Kago a look that sent him retreating into a shell. Retreating behind his daughter which made her more than a little angry.
"Just a softie," Marx said to himself
"Says you."
Hikaru commented obviously referring to Gagdred. Marx instantly gave Hikaru a look that made him regret that statement.
Sato laughed so did the other adventurers. Kago spoke again.
"So Marx is it."
"As in Marx who had the great Light of Rendel?"
"How interesting a Divine Bind user not contracted to the government!"
"I find that kind of work annoying and repulsive."
"Ha, me too!"
Bind users work for the government?
The men smiled and then back to the awkward silence.
"Feel free my guests to stay as long as you would like!"
"I thank you for your kindness my lord."
The Nobles all gave glances towards the group.
"But I really think we should get on the road sooner than later."
"I see…"
Kasumi opened her mouth as if she wanted to speak but didn't.
"What is it my Daughter?"
Marx noted her behavior and Linked it to Hikaru. When he did he smiled.
"Oh, I see"
He shot over a look at Hikaru smiling. All it did was leave Hikaru confused. They finished eating and all went there separate ways back to their rooms.
The morning came and the forest was full of fog. Kaede Kraftlawe looked at the sun while eating his breakfast.
Varro came out from the forest.
"So you were watching me sleep? Creep."
"Not at all I was in Gagdred assisting the people."
Kaede took a sip of his soup then turned to Varro.
"What is it?"
"Hikaru Yume."
Kaede sighed and looked up to the sky.
"You must get rid of him some way if you want to protect him."
"He has potential."
"But you know as well as I if he stays with you… he will die."
Kaede looked back at Varro. Who was still wearing that mask and cloak.
"I have a feeling that whatever brought him to this world will find a way to protect Hikaru by removing him from your party."
"I see so the Great Kraftlawe yields to fate."
"You noticed it too right? Hikarus Mana… it's like his…"
"I did."
"This is the only time, I'll yeild to that twisted Ideal… fate."
The sun rose in the morning flowing through the room of adventurers.
Hikaru's eyes opened slowly as the light came into the room. He rose up and looked around.
"Finally Awake."
He noticed everyone else was already up and were sitting on the couches.
"Must have slept in after that delicious meal!"
Hikaru got out of bed he grabbed his cloak which was laid beside his bed. Along with his bag and sword.
Hikaru heard yelling outside it was children's voices.
"What's all that commotion?"
Hikaru walked over onto the balcony of their room overlooking the farmland behind the manor.
"Kids just being kids…"
He saw three children running around the fields and immediately thought of Natsumi.
"Hikaru come sit down. We must discuss our next plan of action."
Hikaru took a seat next to Marx and Sato. Sato had a map placed on the table and next to it a ton of research notes.
"What are those?"
Hikaru pointed to the notes.
"Ah, those are notes from Kaedes journal on the land known as Jailors Keep."
"Jailors Keep?"
"It's a place next to Lucienda an Island where dangerous prisoners go."
Hikaru reached for the notes but his hand was blocked by Marx.
"Hikaru, sit back."
Marx had a worried look on his face.
"Hikaru, we received a letter from Kaede this morning."
"How is he?"
They seem worried.
"He is good. He sent us a letter of what we should do next and based on his Letter we have decided something."
"Oh yeah?"
"Listen Hikaru… we all joined Kaede for a reason we all have our vision set on a goal and we don't want to drag you into it."
"So your leaving me…"
"Yes, I am sorry."
Hikaru looked out the window. All the men had a guilty look yet fulfilled look as if they were content with their ruling.
"Hikaru I spoke with Lord Hasee's Cousin this morning and it must be fate."
Hikaru perked up. Looking over at Marx.
"What is it."
"He would like to add you to the Hasee security detail."
"A job?"
"Listen to me Hikaru… Listen good."
Hikaru knew they had their reasons he had gotten to know them pretty well in recent weeks.
"Stay here take the job. Work for a little while and set out on your own and form a party."
They all had their eyes closed. They still had that guilty conscience.
"I will… and… Thank you…"
Marx let out a sigh of relief.
"I know I just showed up out of nowhere and ruined Kaedes dream of gaining his Divine Bind and you still took me in. trained me and protected me. I don't know your reasons…"
Hikaru looked at Marx who had opened his eyes and looked back.
"But I trust you… friend."
Suddenly Marx had a memory appear in his mind of a young boy patting his shoulder the boy was covered in Scars. "I trust you… Friend!" the boy was young and had short red hair. Marx began to tear up.
"Hikaru… we will come to find you one day. We will reunite."
Hikaru patted Marx's shoulder.
"I know. This I promise you I will become strong and then I'll come and find you. I'm also gonna have the strongest party and we can drink and tell our tales to each other!"
Sato pitched in. the group all sat there in silence and reminisced on their time together. Time spent fighting, training, and drinking.
"I'll join the Security detail and when I'm ready I'll leave and start my own journey."
"Then it's settled we leave tonight."
Marx wiped away his tears. Sato stood up and looked down at Hikaru.
"Been a good few weeks, Hikaru Yume."
Hikaru nodded. For the first time in weeks, he was once again alone in another world…