I woke up when my leg was pushed forward a little as lips moved down my neck. Seconds later, a hard cock was gently rubbing against the length of my core, making me immediately get aroused as an involuntary moan slipped out of my mouth. I reached over my shoulder to grip one of his horns as I slid my pussy over his length, teasing us both. His hand moved up my body to roughly grasp my breast. "Bella," his Beast rasped.
When he said my name, it snapped back to the present and I let his horn go to wiggle my hand between his cock and my pussy, cupping my mound to prevent him from entering me. He groaned. "Bella, I want you." I shook my head as I tried to get out of the bed, but his arms tightened around me, holding me in place. "What's wrong?"
"You don't want me. The Beast can't want anyone. Edward wants Ara. I'm not her. I'll never be her," I said.
His arms tightened even more around me, painfully so before letting me go. I sat up, wrapping my arms around my knees. He started to transform into the dark Fae Edward that I had become accustomed to. "I know you're not Ara," he growled. "Is that what you think this is? You think I only slept with you and am trying to treat you like you deserve because of Ara? I never knew her but always felt how Edward of the Light pined for her. Even he stopped."
I closed my eyes to try to hide the tears glistening in them. "Yes. I think it's best if we end whatever this is."
I felt him sit up and I flinched, afraid of his retribution. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"NO!" I exclaimed, a little louder than I intended to as I shrugged his hand off my shoulder. "I want to end this! If you continue, it won't be consensual. I won't be into it and I'll hate you more every time that you force me."
He narrowed his eyes on me. "Do you just expect me to forget how I feel about you?"
"No, I don't because it's not really me you feel it for. It's all about Ara. You will go back to being Edward of the Light and I will be your lowly human servant," I said bitterly.
He studied my face for a moment before getting up. I averted my eyes from his naked figure as he got dressed. When he was finished, he came over to my side of the bed to cup my face, tilting it up so that I was looking into his eyes.
"It won't matter if I am ever a light Fae or not, you will never be just a lowly human servant again." He kissed me softly before pulling back. "I'll be waiting for you in the dining hall."
For a few minutes after he left, I stayed in place, letting my tears flow freely down my face. I hated that I was already missing him, but I needed time and space to think. It was impossible to go from hating him one day to craving his presence the next. It was even more impossible to love someone when you were afraid that at any moment they could lash out and hurt you. It was different for humans. We didn't feel bonds like he claimed he felt toward me. It was too much for me. I got up out of bed, still sniffling as I straightened my clothes. When I finally made it to the kitchen, the chef bowed his head slightly at me.
"The his food is right there, Queen Bella," the chef said as he pointed at a tray.
I shook my head. "Please don't call me that. King Edward–"
"Said even if you told me not to call you that, I was still to call you that," he interrupted me.
I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to win. I was, afterall, just a lowly human servant. I picked up the tray to take it out to Edward. As I stepped into the dining hall, all eyes went to me, including his. I swallowed hard as I made my way over to the throne to kneel in front of it with the tray lifted up for him to take. "Your breakfast, King Edward," I murmured.
He growled before he took it from me before pulling me up to bite into my throat. I swayed a little before slumping against his chest. He held me close to his body as his arm wrapped around my waist. I remained silent as he fed from me, secretly enjoying the way his mouth moved over my skin. As he retracted his teeth from my neck, I couldn't help but nuzzle into his chest sleepily. He chuckled as he brushed his lips over my forehead.
"Sleep, Bella. I will take you to bed," he murmured as he stood up, lifting me with him.
I shook my head as I leaned back to look up at him groggily. "Put me down. I need to clean your room," I slurred. He shook his head. "No, I–"
"King Edward, I am but a lowly hum–"
He set me down roughly, making my legs almost crumple at the sudden impact. He leaned down and whispered tersely, "You aren't human and you will never be a servant to anyone ever again." He left me standing in the middle of the room, wobbling on my unsteady legs. I stumbled out of the room, holding onto the wall as I went to the supply room to get my bucket and cleaning solutions. I barely made it to his room before collapsing, my heart racing and my breaths coming in short gasps. I turned my head a little to look at his bed, wondering if what he said was true. He had said his scent would help me heal, and if that was true, would it help my body recover from him feeding from me faster? It was worth a shot.
I started to crawl to the bed, focusing on putting one hand in front of the other one, while doing the same with my legs until I was sitting beside it. I leaned my head against it for a moment as I tried to catch my breath. When the dizziness I was feeling subsided enough, I started pulling myself into the bed. As soon as my body hit the covers, warmth started to cover me like a blanket, easing the pressure in both lungs and my head. In mere seconds, I was being dragged under the veil of sleepiness, while thinking: I hoped that Edward didn't catch me sleeping on the job…