Chereads / The Godswar / Chapter 28 - 28

Chapter 28 - 28

The sounds of training filled the room while Zeroth grunted as his axe clashed with Drex's shield, sending small arcane sparks across the training room's floor.

"Quite the shield arm you got Drex! Are you ever gonna go on the offensive?" Zeroth teased as he used the flat of his axe to shove Drex back.

As the half-orc regained his footing, he slammed his longsword against the shattered chain emblem on the front of his shield with a wicked grin.

"You asked for it, puny dwarf!" Drex yelled as he parried an overhead swing by Zeroth with his shield then slamming the pommel of his sword into Zeroth's chest, knocking the wind from him.

"Come on Zeroth! Get your ass up and give Drex a challenge!" Ardric shouted from the edge of the ring.

Once Zeroth caught his breath, he closed his eyes and allowed a small portion of his new power to flow through him. When he opened his eyes, Zeroth noted he was getting better at letting near unnoticeable amounts of power flow, his axe only gaining a slight pink tinge from the heat. "Let's see what he thinks of this..." he thought with a grin as he rushed Drex with his axe held by his side. Drex let out a quick gasp as Zeroth fainted to the left then, using the weight of his axe, swung around in a circle catching Drex's shield and disarming the half-orc, sending the shield skittering across the room. With that, he watched as runes began to flare down the length of Drex's longsword and Drex made an overhead swing towards Zeroth. He gasped as a bright blue wave of energy launched from Drex's sword and slammed into Zeroth, knocking him on his back with a thud.

From the corner of the room, Thalamar and Tingle, who had been engrossed in their arcane craftwork with Varic and Sylvana, turned sharply towards the source of the commotion. Their eyes widened at the sight of the unleashed energies. Tingle's tools clattered to the ground as he and Thalamar exchanged a knowing glance; they needed to intervene before the sparring session escalated beyond control.

"Enough!" Thalamar's voice boomed with authority, carrying a subtle wave of magic that damped the lingering energy in the air.

He approached swiftly, his robes billowing with each step. Tingle, with his magical aura flaring slightly in response to the commotion, scurried behind the Archmage. Drex, realizing the intensity of the moment, stepped back, his sword's runes dimming as the magical energy dissipated. Zeroth, still on the ground, looked up, his pride stung but understanding the need for caution. He nodded at Thalamar, acknowledging the Archmage's decision to halt the spar.

Tingle reached Zeroth first, extending a hand to help him up. "Are you okay, Zeroth? Tingle did not expect such a display of force!"

Zeroth grasped Tingle's hand, pulling himself up with a grunt. "I'm fine, Tingle. Got a bit carried away, I suppose," he replied, brushing off his armor. 

Thalamar turned to Drex, "Your control is impressive, but let's remember, the goal is to train, not to unleash full power here. We're preparing for the Godswar, not starting it."

Drex bowed his head slightly, sheathing his sword. "My apologies, Thalamar. I'll keep it in check."

Meanwhile, Varic and Sylvana emerged from their work, curiosity etched on their faces as they joined the others. The moment of tension passed, and Thalamar used the opportunity to remind everyone about the importance of control and synergy, especially when dealing with such potent forces.

"Now," Thalamar began, gesturing to Sylvana and Varic, "I would like to see you two... Interact. I'd like to know how both of you will handle other powerful mages, so the floor is all yours."

As Thalamar finished, Varic and Sylvana exchanged places with Drex and Zeroth, Zeroth winking at Varic as he passed for good luck. Varic, always ready to display his cunning, stepped forward with a smirk.

"Ready when you are," he said, giving Sylvana a nod.

Sylvana, with a quiet confidence, assumed a graceful stance. "I'm rarely unprepared," she replied, a playful twinkle in her eye hinting at her druidic prowess.

Thalamar raised his hand, signaling the beginning of the match. "Begin!"

Varic wasted no time. He muttered an incantation, and in a blink, he vanished, reappearing a few feet behind Sylvana, his eyes flashing with his dark green energy. He then cast a quick series of eldritch blasts at her back. But Sylvana, attuned to the natural flow of energy, sensed the disturbance and spun around, her hands glowing with a verdant light. As the blasts approached, she clapped her hands together, and a wave of green energy rippled outwards. The blasts hit the wave and dispersed harmlessly into sparks of light that rained down like fireflies. Varic teleported again, this time above Sylvana, sending down a rain of arcane energy. But Sylvana raised her hands above her head, and a dome of shimmering energy formed around her, the attacks reflecting off its surface and streaking back towards Varic.

With a curse, Varic had to shift away rapidly, narrowly avoiding his own reflected spells. He landed with a thud on the other side of the room, breathing heavily. Sylvana remained calm, her robes barely rustled from the exchange. The spectators, including Zeroth and Tingle, watched with rapt attention as the two mages continued their dance of attack and defense. Varic's teleportation and assault spells were impressive, but Sylvana's ability to anticipate and redirect his magic proved to be an equal match. Finally, Thalamar raised his hand again.

"Enough!" he declared, a smile of approval on his face. "You both have shown great skill and understanding of your powers. Let this be a reminder that our magic is as much about understanding our opponents as it is about understanding ourselves."

Varic and Sylvana bowed to each other and Thalamar, the duel ending in a mutual show of respect.

"That was... Intense. Thanks for the fun duel Sylvana." Varic stated after he bowed, still slightly winded.

"Of course. I'm mainly defensive anyway so this was a good test of how well I can hold out." Sylvana replied with a slight nod to Varic.

 Zeroth, still shocked at the magical display he witnessed, approached the two with a grin. "I seriously don't want to be on the receiving end of those spells. This gives me high hopes for us in the Godswar."

"Speaking of," Thalamar interjected. "The Godswar is supposed to officially start within a few days. While training against one another is good, you all need to begin work on controlling the power your gods have given you lot."

Tingle saddled up next to Thalamar and said, "Tingle agrees although Tingle still has work to do on these boots. The Mana Binders alone won't be enough of a magical battery for me so I must continue this before I work on control."

"You are correct Tingle. Zeroth, you seriously need to begin work on using Vulcanix's raw power that's now yours. It's going to be very different than it used to be." Thalamar finished with a worried glance at Zeroth.

With a simultaneous nod, everyone split off to restart their work. Tingle, the ever-ingenious artificer, departed with Thalamar, eager to imbue his new boots with enough magical reserve to sustain his artificer's arsenal. Varic and Sylvana walked alongside, their banter an eclectic mix of arcane theory and light-hearted jests. Zeroth, Ardric, and Drex formed their own trio, the open space of the room theirs to dominate.

Drex clapped a hefty hand on Zeroth's shoulder. "Let's see the extent of Vulcanix's wrath," he said, an encouraging growl in his voice.

Zeroth nodded, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation welling within him. He concentrated, feeling the now-familiar swell of power rising from deep inside. His grip tightened on his axe as the latent energy awaited his command.

"Easy, Zeroth. Don't let it overwhelm you," Ardric cautioned, standing ready.

With a deep breath, Zeroth tapped into the torrent of divine might, his body swelling, growing in size and emanating a fierce glow. Flames licked along his hair, and his muscles rippled and flowed with volcanic might. The transformation was complete: Zeroth now stood as a giant, his godlike form towering and fierce. Mira, having just entered the room, witnessed the transformation and rushed over, her hands outstretched with power.

"Zeroth, concentrate on your core, your essence. You need to command the power, not be commanded by it," she instructed, her voice cutting through the roaring fire.

Zeroth's eyes, now gleaming with an inner inferno, locked onto Mira's determined gaze. He centered his thoughts, focusing on his identity and his will. Gradually, the flames receded, and his form shrank back to that of a dwarf. The fire that had edged his hair dimmed, leaving behind a smoldering aura of controlled strength. He stumbled slightly, back in his original form, and Drex caught him before he could fall.

"Impressive control at the end there, dwarf. But remember, without restraint, that power can consume you," Drex said, his tone both stern and supportive.

Ardric offered a nod of approval. "You've come a long way, brother. Vulcanix's power is formidable, but in your hands, it could be the key to our victory."

Exhausted but empowered, Zeroth gave a tired smile. "Thanks to both of you. And you, Mira. I won't forget this lesson."

Thalamar, who was distracted by Zeroth's display of power, stood by the edge of the training room, his keen eyes tracking Zeroth's fluctuating aura. Mira, calm and composed, directed Zeroth's focus, her hands moving like a conductor's, guiding the symphony of his power.

"Again, Zeroth," Mira encouraged. "Let the power surge, but only as much as you can retract."

Zeroth nodded, drawing on the divine energy. His body expanded, his stature growing with each pulse of power. But this time, he held back, only allowing a fraction of his full might to manifest. One moment he was the size of an ogre, the next, barely larger than his natural form.

"Interesting..." Thalamar murmured, stroking his beard, perplexed by the spectacle. "Control, not strength, is the true measure of power."

Mira beamed with pride at Zeroth's progress. "Yes, that's it! You're not Vulcanix; you're Zeroth with the power of Vulcanix. Remember that distinction."

Zeroth exhaled slowly, his body returning to its original size with ease. The transitions became smoother, almost second nature, his confidence growing with each shift. The flames that had once raged uncontrollably now danced at his command, a testament to his burgeoning mastery. Thalamar couldn't hide his admiration.

"Your control is commendable, Zeroth. I've seen many fall to far less power." Mira stepped back to let Zeroth feel his own limits. "Keep practicing," she said. "Find your balance."

As Zeroth cycled between forms, each transition was a declaration of his will over the raw chaos that Vulcanix had left behind. Thalamar watched, knowing that Zeroth was no longer just a champion chosen by the gods. He was becoming something more, something that could shift the tides of the impending Godswar.