One day, Mia decided to approach Zoe. She wanted to talk to her, to understand what was going on. Zoe looked at her with a change in her eyes. Without Mia understanding what had happened, Zoe said to her:
– I don't need you anymore, Mia. I have to find my own path.
After hearing these words, Mia finally understood what had truly changed. Zoe was not the person she had once been in her life. The lies in Zoe's eyes began to shake Mia to her core. Understanding what Zoe really thought and wanted became nearly impossible.
All those years, the words Zoe had given her, filled with lies, had now turned to smoke in Mia's eyes. Mia had trusted Zoe, had given her all her heart, but now everything was shattered. She was opening her eyes to a world she had never seen before. Mia felt alone in the face of this deception. No matter how hard she tried, Zoe had never truly accepted her for who she was.
One day, Mia accidentally learned a secret. Zoe had completely deceived her and had used her in someone else's name. In truth, Zoe had only wanted to keep Mia around for her own interests. Zoe saw Mia simply as a tool for her connections and her good life.