Ryu opened the patient's file quickly and looked through it with curiosity, his eyes shining and flickering. There were extensive reports, test findings, and a patient history describing the man's dietary habits, occupation, and even his favourite brand of cigarettes. His mind raced with intensity, processing information at lightning speed.
Projections of the information he had gathered from the patient's file, including personal details, employment history, and medical reports, appeared on a transparent screen before him. Texts appeared one after another as he flipped through the file. But no one else could see it but him.
He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he was in a different place. The room appeared to vanish, and the patient's data was neatly organised, labelled, and displayed on several screens. This place was the creation of multiple abilities – [Parallel Thinking], [Fast Thinking], [Hyperphantasia] and [Eidetic memory], all working together in tandem.
It was a place inside of his mind where he could think, reflect, and speak freely without fear of discovery, and the time at his place moved slowly.
His fingers followed the text's lines, stopping now and then to focus on a specific detail. The doctors were fascinated by the little boy's closed-eye expression, which suggested that he was meditating or thinking. But in actuality, he was processing information at an astonishing rate.
With unsettling speed, he skimmed through the data in front of him and cross-referenced it with other data, his real-life brow furrowing with concentration. With a hint of suspicion in his eyes, Dr. Sato leaned forward, but Dr Nono Yakushi was mesmerised, staring at Ryu with barely disguised amazement.
Finally, after a minute of thinking with a decisive snap, Ryu closed the file. "I think this patient is probably suffering from chronic lead poisoning," he said, his voice ringing with newly discovered certainty.
The room went silent as everyone held their breath, but Yuki Sarutobi raised an eyebrow and remarked, "Would you please elaborate?"
Ryu replied, "Certainly…. The frequent headaches mentioned in the file could be a symptom of lead poisoning. Additionally, the tremors and the decline in cognitive function align perfectly with documented effects."
He pointed to a specific page. "See here," he said, his voice sharp with focus, "it mentions the patient works in a factory that uses lead paint."
Dr. Nono leaned in and said, "But Ryu-kun," she interjected, "couldn't those symptoms be indicative of other conditions as well? What made you zero in on lead poisoning specifically?"
Ryu nodded, acknowledging the question. "You're right, Dr. Nono. While these symptoms could indicate various conditions, the combination of factors that led me to this conclusion includes the patient's occupation, the specific pattern of symptoms, and their progression, all strongly indicating lead poisoning. However, it's important to consider other possibilities as well."
Dr. Sato said, "Although there is lead in his system, the tests did not show just above the normal levels but below the threshold deemed hazardous, but the severity of the symptoms exhibited suggests a more pronounced exposure to lead than the tests indicate. Besides, the fact that other employees in the same factory do not display such severe signs."
Ryu's eyes brightened up at the challenge, and his lips curved slightly into a smile. He had already connected dots that others may have overlooked and ruled in the lead poisoning for a particular reason instead of ruling it out like others had.
"You raise a valid point, Dr. Sato," he acknowledged, surprising everyone with his calm composure. "However, the patient's diet also suggests a significant calcium deficiency." He tapped the file again. "Calcium acts as a barrier against lead absorption. A lack of it could potentially exacerbate the poisoning symptoms, allowing the lead to infiltrate his organs more readily. Intensifying the adverse effects even with the lead below the threshold deemed hazardous."
Dr. Sato's eyebrows shot up, clearly taken aback by the depth of Ryu's analysis. "That's... actually a very sharp observation," he admitted, a hint of grudging respect creeping into his voice.
Dr. Nono couldn't contain her excitement. "Incredible!" she exclaimed. "Ryu-kun, how did you make that connection so quickly?"
Ryu blushed slightly at the praise. "I... I just see patterns," he explained hesitantly. "When I look at the data, it's like everything connects in my mind. The calcium deficiency jumped out at me because it perfectly explained the discrepancy Dr. Sato pointed out."
A tense silence descended upon the room. Yuki exchanged a knowing glance with Dr. Nono, whose eyes shone with newfound respect for the young man before him. Even Dr. Sato's posture softened, a hint of grudging acceptance.
Dr. Nono finally spoke, his voice full of admiration, "Your ability to synthesise information and identify patterns is truly remarkable, Ryu-kun."
Dr. Sato cleared his throat once more, this time with a hint of intrigue battling with his usual scepticism. "Impressive," he muttered, the word a grudging compliment. "However, a theory, however well-constructed, remains just that—a theory. It could be something else."
Ryu nodded, acknowledging Dr. Sato's point. "You're absolutely right, Dr. Sato. In medicine, we can never be 100% certain without proper testing. My analysis is not perfect, but it is based on the information at hand and reasonable inferences. It could be something else, but the patient's symptoms, combined with his work environment and dietary habits, paint a strong picture of lead poisoning," he countered. "Further blood tests, specifically designed to detect deeper lead deposits, would solidify the diagnosis."
He leaned forward and said, "Dr. Sato, a clue-based diagnosis is inherently inaccurate. There are many assumptions involved, and they are removed by conducting tests. It is like the elimination of suspects in a crime by picking up clues from the crime scene. I picked up clues and made a list of suspects from the medical history and test results. Eliminate them one by one. And finally, I came to the last suspect. When down to the last suspect, one simple test can confirm the diagnosis."
Ryu gave such a detailed yet simple explanation that Yuki could not help but smile. She had always known he was special, but seeing him hold his own against seasoned professionals was truly inspiring.
Dr. Sato's initial scepticism gradually melted away, replaced by a glimmer of respect that softened his gaze. The realisation that Ryu's unconventional methods might hold the key to unlocking the puzzle before them dawned upon the seasoned physician, prompting a subtle shift in his perception.
A stunned silence followed Ryu's explanation. Yuki, broke the silence. "Ryu-kun," she began, her voice filled with genuine admiration, "that was remarkable. Your deduction skills are truly extraordinary."
Dr. Nono, unable to contain his excitement, leaned forward in his chair. "He's a genius, just like Lady Tsunade!" he exclaimed, his youthful exuberance bubbling over.
"I do not think I am anywhere near Lady Tsunade's level, I just try my best to understand what I see," Ryu said in response to the comparison.
Dr. Sato remained pensive, his brow furrowed in thought. While a hint of scepticism still lingered in his eyes, it had been undeniably shaken by Ryu's insightful analysis.
Dr. Sato thought, 'This boy…. maybe there is something to be learnt from this unusual viewpoint.
Dr. Yuki straightened in her chair, her expression turning serious. "Ryu-kun," she said, her voice carrying a weight of purpose, "we've been discussing your situation. Given your medical condition, Director Sato has offered that the hospital will bear the expense of your medical bills."
Shock registered on Ryu's face. He stammered out an exclamation, "You mean...?" as his eyes grew wide.
"Yes," Yuki confirmed and said, "The hospital has decided to sponsor your medical treatment. Those rare immunity booster herbs are incredibly expensive, but the hospital will now provide them to you, along with any other medication you require."
Ryu's hands trembled slightly as he processed the news. "I... I don't know what to say," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "When I woke up this morning, this is not what I expected to happen."
Dr. Yuki's eyes softened with compassion. "You deserve this chance, Ryu-kun. Your brilliance shouldn't be hindered by circumstances beyond your control."
Dr. Nono, his voice brimming with enthusiasm, chimed in, "Yes! We want to see what incredible things you can achieve with your unique talents."
Finally, a broad and genuine smile lit up Ryu's serene countenance. He was more aware of his condition; the herbs would only be of temporary relief before his body began to reject them. He is aware that they are counting on my body to develop immunity by then, but he also understands that this is simply putting his trust in Lady Luck, and she has not been kind to him.
At that moment, Dr. Sato told Ryu, "Dr. Yuki has spoken highly of your potential. Let us hope you get better."