"Xerva-VII, most commonly known as Xervanon, orbits around a teardrop star graced by the divines, Alberio, is an 'ornament' infamous for its abundance in the riches of the radiant cores. The land has its natural fertility, when only a handful of it is held in the hands of any being, it shall cost more than his pitiful pathetic life.
Those who envy it speculate it must have been the trace of Aulcan's graceful answer upon their forlorn cries and prayers of mercy for the sins their ancestors had committed. Still, some argue since Aulcan doesn't glance at any 'ornaments' after his stone broke a pillar of alliance and chose a vessel.
"I am the everlasting memorial of the destruction. I am the annihilation. I am the creator of the Sibylline. I am the Bane of their existence. I am KNAVE. You shall never end me, coward!"