Chereads / Death Break Trilogy / Chapter 1 - Part 1 (Leon’s Infiltration Arc)

Death Break Trilogy

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Chapter 1 - Part 1 (Leon’s Infiltration Arc)

—-This story will be a small story but if you guys enjoy it I'll turn this into a actual story—

We are introduced to Brown Haired Loner 28 Year Old Male named Leon.

"...People should be Treated, Equally."

"...The Responsibility for the world to be in balance.."

"...The World Just Sometimes needs fixing.."

Leon would enter a building, filled with two hundred to four hundred men and women who were smuggling kids and drugs.

Leon: *disgusted* "Looks Like I'll just Do this the quick way"

Leon would enter the building, disguised as one of them.

Leon: *grinning* "Hey Baby, What's good."

Grunt A: *wink* "You Know What's Up."

Leon then took out his machete as he viciously sliced the Grunt's Tongue then took his katana slicing him, into bits and pieces like a Mortal Kombat Finish Me Animation.

Leon: *While he pissed on the bits of grunt A's Body* "Rest in Piss Bozo."

Leon then decided to take off his disguise as he then used his Super Strength and thanks to his invinciblity ability, he was unable to take a hit.

Leon: *taking notice of his surroundings* "okay time to get serious."

Leon would then used his katana's darkness ability in order to kill off about 390 more of the grunts.

Leon noticed the kids and drugs then one by one he rescued the kids, alerting the army to retrieve the drugs and kids.

Leon then noticed the Boss of the Grunts, His name was Lucas.

Leon: *Angry* "You are going to die."

Lucas: *smirked* "You really think you can stop me?"

Lucas' Arms turned into mini-guns.

Leon teleported the people to safety and teleported back to Lucas.

Leon: *pointing* "You are going to die, you know that..."

Leon then used his katana and machete as he infused them together to create a new weapon called a Katachete which he then used his darkness and light powers and infused into Godly Magic and then Swiftly made his power then copy a fatality move from scorpion.

Leon: *Shouting* "GET OVER HERE."

Leon then used his blade and made it spin into a fan and then he made Lucas fly into it, causing it to turn Lucas into mincemeat.

Leon: *smirking* "Looks Like it's over I think, actually I'll let you live I guess."

Leon then knocked out the female grunt as he yanked the bomb strap off her neck then threw it into the sky, causing it to explode.

Leon: *angry, before he chopped her neck* "Now Go to Sleep."

Leon then knocked out the Female Grunt then he killed the 3 females then he noticed another female grunt and knocked her out as well and took off her bomb strap which he threw outside.

Leon: *noticed the two grunts* "Huh?"

Leon then noticed a dimensional portal thing which he then equipped and then a time travel device, which then messed with his dna and then it infused with his powers as he woke up, he was outside.

Leon: *confused* "Where am I?"

Leon noticed the clock saying "May 5th, 2005."

Leon: "it was definitely May 15th of 2065..."

Leon decided to investigate until he was lost but then he noticed a weird village.

Leon: *confused* "isn't this that one Naruto show I remembered?"

Leon sighed, as he camped out for now and then he fell asleep.

-End of Introduction for this Series-