Crow went to a random village its very small the small village is nestled in a valley, surrounded by dense forests and rolling hills. It's a peaceful place, with simple wooden houses and a sense of tranquility that seems to permeate the very air. But Crow's presence shatters that peace, like a dark cloud blotting out the sun.
"Crow: smirking Ah, a quaint little hamlet. Perfect for gathering shadows and... replenishing our ranks."
Zahra follows behind him, her eyes downcast, her movements subdued. The rejection still stings, a bitter taste in her mouth. But she knows better than to protest, to question Crow's decisions.
Zahra: softly Yes, my lord. Whatever you desire."
Crow's eyes scan the village, his gaze lingering on the villagers going about their daily lives. He can see the shadows clinging to them, dark tendrils that betray their fears, their doubts, their hidden desires.
The villagers sense the darkness approaching, a palpable sense of dread settling over the village like a shroud. They whisper and huddle together, eyes wide with fear as Crow and Zahra make their way through the streets.
The villagers are a mix of men and women, each one radiating an aura of fear and desperation. The women are indeed beautiful, their faces a mix of innocence and terror. Crow's gaze lingers on them, a predatory hunger gleaming in his eyes.
"Crow: smirking Such a lovely assortment. It's been too long since I've had a chance to... sample the local flavors."
Zahra's stomach twists at the implication, but she keeps her expression neutral. She knows Crow's appetites, knows the cruelty he's capable of. But she also knows her place, her role in his twisted game.
Zahra: quietly Yes, my lord. They are yours to command, yours to... possess.
Zahra's jealousy simmers beneath the surface, a greeneyed monster clawing at her insides. She watches as Crow's undead minions swarm the village, their rotting hands grasping, their mouths twisted in snarls. The men scream and fight, but they are no match for the relentless horde.
The women, however, are a different story. They are herded together, their wrists bound with dark, shimmering cords that pulse with Crow's magic. They cry and plead, their beautiful faces streaked with tears, but the undead ignore their cries, dragging them towards Crow.
Zahra's hands clench into fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. She wants to scream, to rage against Crow's cruelty, but she bites her tongue, swallowing her jealousy and her pain. She knows that to protest would be to invite his wrath, and she is not ready to face that again.
Crow's eyes glimmer with an otherworldly light as he focuses on the captured women. With a mere thought, he activates his skill Absolute Hypnosis. The women's cries fade away, their eyes glazing over as they fall under his spell.
"Crow: softly Listen to my voice, my lovely ones. You are safe now, protected by your new master. Forget your old lives, your old loves. There is only me, only my will, my desires."
The women's expressions soften, their tears drying up as they stare at Crow with blank, obedient eyes. They sway slightly, their bodies moving in unison, as if pulled by invisible strings.
Zahra watches, her jealousy turning to disgust as she sees the women's minds being bent to Crow's will. She remembers the feeling, the helplessness, the utter loss of self.
The women's obsession with Crow is palpable, their eyes filled with a fervent adoration as they gaze upon him. They move closer, their hands reaching out to touch him, to caress him, their voices murmuring his name like a prayer.
"Women: in unison Crow... my lord... my master... I love you... I need you..."
Zahra's stomach churns at the sight, at the sound of their voices, so similar to her own when she first fell under Crow's spell. She remembers the allconsuming love, the desperate need, the willingness to do anything, to be anything, for his affection.
Zahra: whispering They're just like me... obsessed, possessed...
Zahra's eyes widen, a flicker of shock crossing her face at her own admission. She quickly looks away, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and shame. But beneath the surface, a dark thrill runs through her, a twisted excitement at seeing others fall prey to Crow's charms.
Zahra: hesitantly I... I didn't mean... I just... she trails off, unable to meet Crow's gaze. But deep down, she knows it's true. There's a part of her that revels in the chaos, in the destruction of innocence, in the creation of new slaves to Crow's will.
Zahra: softly It's beautiful, isn't it? The way they love you, the way they need you. It's... it's perfect.