The hum of the library's fluorescent lights was a dull backdrop to the sharper thrum of my own attention. For nearly two hours, I'd sat across from my tutor, a man whose Russian heritage was etched not just in his features but in the very air around him. Damn, the man's genes were unfair. I wouldn't be surprised if women fainted dead away at the sight of him; his presence was electric, a low-voltage current that crackled in the air.
"Ty slushayesh'?" ("Are you listening?") His thick Russian accent question startled me. I bit my lip, a nervous habit that earned me a raised eyebrow.
A laugh erupted from me, unrestrained and loud. "The f*ck! Sir, you really are much better
at speaking English." I said trying to hide the nervousness that was building within me.
His brow furrowed a dark storm gathering. He slammed the textbook shut, the sharp thud silencing the library's gentle murmur. Time to observe. What did this man look like when truly angry?
Instead, a slow smile curved his lips. "Stop laughing, or people might get the wrong idea about our teacher-student relationship." His English was flawless, and his voice was also... intoxicating.
I bit my lip again, the taste of blood faintly metallic. Why not? Why not try to seduce this impossibly attractive man? Ari always managed to charm her way into whatever information she needed. Maybe I could, too.
"Oh, sir, please. Let them think what they want. People who jump to conclusions are just idiots."
His shoulders slumped, the tension visibly leaving him. His grey eyes, the color of a stormy sea, met mine.
"I know you're older than most of my students, but show some respect, please." He rose, gathering his books, leaving me in the quiet aftermath.
He started to leave, then paused, turning back. He held my gaze, a slow, deliberate smirk spreading across his face – the kind of smirk that whispered promises and ignited fantasies.
"YA ne idu za det'mi" ("I don't go for kids.") Was he toying with me? Because his Russian, this time, was even more captivating, a fluid melody that belied his lack of Russian heritage, according to the HQ files.
I buried my face in my hands, the smooth wood of the table cold against my skin. Seducing him was a ludicrous plan, wildly inappropriate in a Catholic school. And it wasn't my style; I'd never even had a boyfriend. I was supposed to be a front-line operative, but my role was infiltration and destruction. This… this was Ari's domain. But since Xy hadn't found her yet, they'd sent me. Just great.
It was strange, though. HQ deployed us; they should know where their agents were. So why the sudden uncertainty about our squad's whereabouts? It was their responsibility to know, especially in critical situations.
I glanced at the clock, jolting upright. It was noon! No wonder I was ravenous. How had the time flown by so quickly? It felt like only an hour had passed. Probably because my mind had been elsewhere.
I left the library, nearly lost in the maze of corridors. I needed my bag – it held my money and essential supplies.
"Sh*t, where is that blasted room?!" I muttered, growing increasingly frustrated as I navigated the unfamiliar hallways.
Why had I been so distracted by that man? Now I was hopelessly lost! This wasn't like me; I could memorize a ten-story building's blueprint in minutes. Yet here I was, utterly disoriented in a simple school. Had five months of prayer, seminars, and forced piety dulled my instincts?
"Uhm… are you alright?" A soft voice pierced the fog of my irritation.
I stopped, turning to see a girl who couldn't meet my gaze. She fidgeted, her shyness palpable. She wasn't wearing glasses, but I could tell she had poor vision – she was wearing mismatched socks.
Taking a deep breath, I forced a calm demeanor. "I can't find the room for… uh… St. Pedro?" Awkward. Of course, a Catholic school would name its sections after apostles.
I rolled my eyes discreetly. Right. Catholic school.
"Follow me… I'm in your class." She hurried ahead, and I followed.
It turned out I'd gone to the wrong building entirely. We entered another building, a three-story structure that was almost identical to the first.
"Here." I entered the classroom, relieved to finally retrieve my bag. Food, glorious food, awaited.
"Oh… you're still here," I said, surprised to find the girl still waiting outside the door.
She smiled a shy, hesitant gesture. I offered a warm smile in return, extending my hand.
"I'm Asher. And you are?"
Her cheeks flushed as she took my hand, her fingers trembling slightly. Damn, was I really that intimidating?
"C-Celeste Parker…" she whispered.
I slipped my arm around her shoulders, a subtle gesture of camaraderie. This girl was going to be useful. A little information gathering never hurt anyone.
She flinched, but I pressed on. I had to be the one to initiate contact, or nothing would happen.
"Is there a restaurant nearby, Cel? I'm starving, and since I'm new here, you'll have to look after me for now." I tried for a tone that was both friendly and subtly commanding.
Her soft laugh was music to my ears. She nodded, and we walked out of the school together.
"Yes!!! Huhu, it's been three years since he started here. I still remember his first day – everyone was terrified of him! He always looked so grumpy."
I winced, taking a bite of my food. We were at a small eatery, and Celeste was talking incessantly.
Could you believe it? I'd simply asked about our Russian teacher, and her shyness had vanished, replaced by a torrent of words.
It was working, though. I was gathering a wealth of information on this man. I'd send it all to HQ.
"It's obvious. Always frowning. He's annoying, even if he is good-looking." My comment made her pause.
She leaned closer, whispering conspiratorially,
"Since you arrived, he's been smiling a lot more. People are furious with you. I heard some classmates plotting to humiliate you in front of Sir Darwish."
I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? They'd actually try that?" I asked, a laugh escaping me. She shrugged.
"Well… they're obsessed with him. At least I just stalk him from afar."
I studied her over my water glass. Your methods are far more dangerous, I thought, keeping the observation to myself. I still needed more intel.
"How about his personal life? Anything? With that face, he can't possibly be single, right?" I asked casually, taking another bite of food.
This pork barbecue was heavenly. I missed Ezra's cooking – our squad's sniper.
Her face brightened. "No girlfriend rumors. But you know the biggest gossip?"
I stopped eating, my curiosity piqued. What she revealed next was astonishing.
"He's gay!" she exclaimed, laughing.
I almost choked. I grabbed my water, gulping it down before meeting her gaze, utterly dumbfounded.
"The hell? Why?" I asked, my brow furrowed.
Celeste laughed at my reaction. "People have seen him around campus with a guy! He's handsome, too. I saw them at Time Square last week, eating street food."
That was even more surprising. Street food? This guy had to be incredibly wealthy. And HQ had sent me after him, meaning he was hiding something significant.
I covered my mouth, my mind racing. The rumors were wrong; that guy was likely a colleague. I needed to investigate further. But first, I needed to try a different approach, asking more personal questions.
I cleared my throat, adopting an innocent expression. "Where does he live? I'm suddenly a huge fan, and I want to send him a letter."
The words felt like bile rising in my throat. A fan? More like his executioner.
Celeste remained silent, offering no response. Perhaps she didn't know. I finished my meal, my thoughts churning.
As we were leaving, she spoke again, her voice low.
"He lives in Diamond Chateau. He has an apartment, and from what I've gathered, he's the only occupant on his floor. No neighbors, since the top floor is inconvenient. Especially for students."
I stared at her, a mixture of disbelief and grudging admiration washing over me. This girl was dangerously obsessed. If I'd met him under normal circumstances, I might have become just as captivated.
Celeste and I said our goodbyes. I decided to skip class that afternoon. Time to make my move. The first day of school, and I was already playing hooky. Whatever. I'd earned my diploma four years ago. This was just a cover, nothing to take seriously. It was temporary.
I found a bench in the plaza, the afternoon sun beating down. It was sweltering, but I had no choice. Time to make some calls. The sooner, the better.
I tapped my earpiece. "It's me, Dom." The connection was almost instantaneous.
["Do you know what I'm doing right now, Dom? I'm showering, for Pete's sake!"] My contact's voice was sharp with irritation.
I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "But you're wearing your earpiece? Crazy woman."
I could practically feel her eye roll from across the city. Xyriah. Always irritated.
["Fine, what do you want?"]
I took a deep breath. "Tell HQ I need more funds. I'm moving. I've found out where he lives. I need to get closer."
Xyriah gasped. ["Insane! That was fast! Less than a day!"]
"Well… I have my ways." I smirked, the thrill of the chase already coursing through my veins.
["I can picture that smirk. But are you sure? Closer means more dangerous, and you know that, Dom. You don't want a repeat of last time… right?"]
I sighed. "It's okay, Xy. And I won't make the same mistakes again."
["Okay, I'll contact HQ. I'll send you their response."]
I smiled. "Thanks." I tapped the earpiece again, the small device was a constant reminder of my mission.
I stared at the tiny, camouflaged earpiece. Xy had made it herself; it fit perfectly. I should probably wear it all the time. But how? It blocked out everything else when it was in.
I let out a long breath. I'd figure something out.
A wide grin spread across my face as I surveyed my new apartment. This was far superior to my previous temporary residence. Who knew such a beautiful building existed in this rural area?
I pulled my hair into a bun, slipping on an apron. It was past nine p.m., and I still hadn't eaten. HQ was really testing my patience. They sent the funds at the last minute. But I was grateful; this would be much easier.
"Argh! Where the hell are my chuckles?!" I scowled, opening the refrigerator to find it disappointingly empty of my favorite drink! Seriously?! I'd expected it to be fully stocked, as always! What was going on at HQ? Were they facing financial difficulties?!
Annoyed, I went to my room, and unpacked my suitcase. I grabbed my wallet and headed out.
As I opened my apartment door, a scene unfolded before me that stole my breath. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
I tilted my head, feigning surprise. "Oh my… who would have thought my teacher was this kind of man." My voice held a playful lilt, a hint of amusement.
The man outside his apartment stared, stunned. The shock was palpable.
My gaze shifted to the woman beside him. Her hair was disheveled, her spaghetti-strap top askew. Her skirt was scandalously short, and her lipstick was smeared. I wasn't stupid; I knew exactly what they'd been doing.
The woman fled, mortified, leaving only the two of us.
After a moment, I broke the silence, a slow, knowing smile on my lips.
"Good evening, sir… what a coincidence. Looks like we're neighbors."