Chereads / DAUGHTERS / Chapter 12 - Taking over

Chapter 12 - Taking over

 That place I was posted means I was the only female among the male security members. 

I tried as much as possible to hide my chest to blend in. I am busty, and the bullet-proof vest also helps with hiding my chest.

When that man came to me and asked me to identify myself, I was thinking what was the hold up for Mince. 

I was seriously unsure of what to do next, so when Mince finally showed up, my thinking reset to its normal state. 

I shouted at incoming Mince, and she kept coming. I pulled out my gun and shot her in the belly, twice.

And I made sure the bullets went to her belly.

She fell to the ground, she was facing down and her back was up while both of her hands were underneath her body.

The man asked me who she was again. I told him I didn't know. He looked at her lying on the ground, and turned to me to ask me again who I was.

He was mad and wanted me to identify myself, but I didn't answer him.

It was then that I heard the voice of Swiss. She spoke with me through the communication system in my ear. She told me she's clear.

And that was a flag off, it all went the exact way we wanted. The man pointed his gun at my head and would pull the trigger.

There was no other time Swiss accuracy should be tested than now. If her calculations were slow, I would be dead. If it was too fast, we would be exposed.

But, it is better to be faster than to be late. My life depends on it. 

He was about to pull the trigger and almost.

A bullet went through his head from the right side and he was down. That was Swiss doing.

All the security members immediately positioned themselves. They were quite sure the shooting was not by me, but they all didn't know where it came from.

One of them was trying to figure out where it came from, and he shot a bullet in the air. He was shot down by Swiss again.

"Over there" one shouted. He wanted to point Swiss out, and I put him down.

The man beside the one I shot caught me and was about to shoot me. Thankfully, Swiss saw him first and pinned him down.

Ace was hiding from a distance, blocking herself with the blockages, the bullet-proof blockages that were meant to stop incoming vehicles. 

Right from the entrance of the mansion was Vesta standing, and she was also shooting with the automated rifle in her hand.

Swiss was in her hideout with the sniper, Mince on the ground, pretending dead and taking them out, Oscar also from a hideout at a different angle, and I was amidst them picking out the one about to fire with a shot secretly.

They were skilled personnel, but not knowing exactly where to face was the key we used against them. 

In over five minutes of firing, we put them all down. And we won.

Swiss point of view.

On this mission, I was the one assigned to be the eagle's eye because of my skill.

That means I am operating with a sniper.

What we call eagle's eye is seeing what others can't see, and helping guard them or protect them from danger.

Just when we took over, my sisters regrouped themselves all in one spot, except for Vesta, who was still standing at the entrance to the mansion because of the unknown person inside.

They started going towards the entrance to join Vesta so they could get into the mansion.

Still checking around with my scope to confirm all the security was really down, my scope vision went through the vehicles that were packed in the curtilage, and one of the vehicles moved.

I quickly went back to check properly, and two vehicles' doors opened. There were people coming out of those two vehicles.

They were eight. With one that was just coming down.

Those men can only be put down if a bullet goes through their eyes. That was the only place exposed on their bodies.

Not just that they were heavily protected, but my sisters were not aware of it, and they would all be dead if those men started firing.

I targeted the front one and put him down. One down, seven to go. Immediately, I informed my sisters of them.

The men all went for the vehicles as their hideout. They were sure it was a sniper, but they didn't know where it came from. My hideout was really perfect.

They were more protected than my sisters. They also had the best hideouts and sights.

Then, they started shooting at my sisters, just shooting and not targeting someone in particular. I never knew what they were up to, but I had to do something fast.

"We can't do something from this angle, do something!" shouted the one that resembled father the most, Oscar.

I surveyed, over and over, nothing could be done by me due to the vehicles blocking my sight of them.

We were losing after victory. These guys actually waited for us to help them put those security personnel down, and face us themselves.

Their plan worked, we were caught off guard.

I had the sniper, but they were not visible. I came up with shooting through the vehicles. I was about to pull the trigger when my brain reshuffled, and gave me "Shoot the tank".

I never knew I could be that fast my whole life. I mean shooting three bullets in a row with a sniper.

After the third bullet, all the vehicles there commenced getting fire and those men were down.

"Brilliant, Swiss. Brilliant". That was what father said to show how relieved he was.

I sighed in excitement, that was tougher than bringing down all those security members, because we were not expecting it. But we still took over.

Mother double-checked the cameras, and she cleared us to proceed.

Then, the door of the mansion was blasted open from behind. The explosion threw Vesta off, and to a distance.

She was on the ground with her face down, and blood coming out of her head. 

No one could go and help her up because gunshots from the mansion had pinned us all down.

I thought I had lost a sister. It was the doing of the unknown man that was inside. He had killed all the guests except for the one that had the code to the vault.

He forced the man to carry the vault, and he hid behind him and was pointing a gun at his head when they came outside. 

"You make a move, this man dies, and we all lose access to the vault". He said.

Baffled with Vesta's situation, I wanted to leave my position and go check on her. But mother notified father, and he asked me to stay put.

It was only Ace that used her brain. She spoke with her through the communication system.

Vesta responded she was fine. She said if she was fast enough, she would put down the man from her position.

But father told her not to because it was of no use. We would lose access to the diamond, as the man said. He asked her to pretend dead.

Father quickly came up with the idea that Vesta should distract him, while I carried out executing him.

That meant I had to be perfect. If not, Vesta would be dead.

Vesta tried to shoot him. She wasn't fast enough, and he guarded himself with the man holding the vault. He tried to shoot Vesta, but she rolled off from her position and that left him exposed.

So I made the shot and he was down.

Afterward, the place was cleared and free. We ran to Vesta to check on her health. It was only a bruise that needed a bit of treatment.

We took the vault and were on our way home. Then, a dog appeared. He was barking at us. We wanted to run and head for our bus outside.

Vesta told us not to because the dog was her friend. When he saw Vesta, he was shaking his tail in excitement. We went home with the dog and the vault we never knew if we would ever have access to the diamond in it.