In this day again, I am tired.
Please, if anyone would.
Go and turn yourself in, I apologize if I ever made you misunderstood on something. Yet I cannot elaborate much more words that you wanted me to speak of.
I am tired, so can you stop asking me for more?
Why is it hard for you to understand that I cannot express these feelings inside me?
I am tired of myself.
I am tired of getting all your attention.
I am tired of talking.
Why is it hard for you to understand? That it is hard to express personal feelings than a normal one?
You do not know how a person's way of communicating works...
Communicating as if it is normal to anybody.
Now you wanted me to talk about my personal feelings?
You're asking for me to tell you how I feel about the day I had so much bullied words that it is used by everyone's humor.
I understand,
We have different humorous personality, yet this one...
I had enough
I cannot talk normally because I know myself too much that I will only show my flaws.
I cannot talk with that person about how they use their humor poorly because I am afraid that they will see it offensively.
Felt like a barrier.
Felt that how would communication still exist when people can't understand the basic knowledge of language and have shared inner perception?
Is this how my other cogeneration use communication?
When I already felt being locked inside the cage and whenever I tried to tell everyone,
"Stop," they still keep going.
"I am not joking,"
Unfamiliar and unsual tone they heard from me. The only lines I could ever tell, yet they felt larger than I expected.
Complete distance.
Is this a normal perspective of a phenomenological approach? Or just basically a humour that a person cannot even know their limits and boundaries?
How could a person not understand the basics of verbal and nonverbal?
To me, perhaps it is my self that I could elaborate more why I am like this, it is like a cage being locked up.
Being inside a shell, that there's a huge value in it.
And you have to forcibly...
Open it,
Seize it,
Check it,
Sell it.
So how could I communciate better, when the information of me learned by people, get information and spread it by passing the story until it is fully revised? Not revised, but change the whole story.
I am tired.
I can't.
—People can't understand the boundaries of their words, and limitations of a person who can't verbalize their own feelings.