When he woke up, he felt discomfort in his body, and immediately noticed that his body was much shorter than before. It felt light. With his hearing, he heard the chirping of birds nearby and how a pleasant cool breeze blew over his body.
Opening his eyes, he saw a mesmerizing sight, the rising orange sun was rising, the sky was a mixture of orange and pink, creating a beautiful landscape.
Green meadows and trees appeared in front of him, and in the distance, tall buildings of various sizes could be seen towering.
He looked at his body, it was a small body with light brown feathers.
It became clear.
He was reincarnated as a bird, with very unusual eyes. He felt vulnerable and fragile with such a body.
I couldn't believe it was real.
Some time ago he was an ordinary person, another time he was already a demon, the very personification of the fear of war in the world, with superpowers, though in the form of a bird. But that's not the point.
Now he wondered how birds felt flying through the air. I think many people have dreamed and would like to experience this for themselves. What it feels like.
— Let's go... — He whispered, making up his mind. As if time had stopped, he unclenched his claws on his legs, pushed off from the tree branch he was holding onto and flapped his wings.
He began to soar through the air, feeling the wind resisting on his feathers, he watched in fascination as with each stroke I covered a long distance and hovered many meters from the ground. He headed towards the city that was on the horizon.
Some time later...
sitting at a traffic light in the early morning, he watched the busy traffic in the city. You could see crowds of people walking back and forth, going about their business. Someone was walking towards a robot in business suits, groups of schoolchildren were laughing as they walked to school, many cars were speeding along the road, and a black cat walking along the sidewalk stopped for a moment, hissed, and ran into a dark alley. All this was accompanied by the hubbub of passersby's conversations and the characteristic noise of passing cars.
His observation was interrupted by voices from below
—Look, what a creepy bird..." a schoolboy in a black uniform whispered, stopping, elbowing his friend in the side, and pointing at the bird.
"What happened to his eyes?" - the black-haired boy said uncertainly, staring at the strange eyes of the bird.
"Could it be a demon?" Or could it be some kind of mutation? - a girl from the group with short blonde hair joined the conversation, standing and peering at the bird with green eyes.
"A demon? Am I really in the chainsaw man's world? Although... It was worth it to expect. Judging by who he's turned into."
Turning his head in their direction, looking down at them. Mark wondered what they would do. And yes. He chose a name for himself because he doesn't remember his past name. As he had expected, he had very unusual large, spiral-shaped yellow eyes with stirrup rings with pupils in different directions.
He confirmed this when he looked at the reflection of the window of a nearby building some time ago.
"Look at that! He's looking at us," the second boy exclaimed, pointing at Mark.
— Uhh... Those creepy eyes give me the creeps," said the first one, with goosebumps running down his spine, looking away from me.
— Me too...
— Come on, let's go. We're going to be late for school...If someone catches us from the student council, it won't be pleasant," the girl said, pushing the two boys forward, taking her eyes off the bird.
Then they left, occasionally casting glances from behind. Mark silently followed them with his gaze until they left, lost in the mass of the crowd.
"How troublesome. We'll have to wait for someone to die to take over the body," Mark mused silently. It was necessary to wait for some kind of demon to appear, which is likely to cause Chaos and eventually there will be fatal casualties.
.. After
flying through the busy streets of the city for two hours, signs of the demon finally appeared. Not far ahead, a loud roar was heard, people ran screaming out of the building, and behind them, concrete fragments of the building flew apart, raising a cloud of dust. A three-meter figure came out.
.. The minotaur demon? Or a bull demon? It was a large, muscular humanoid figure covered in brown fur, with a bull's head with large, sharp horns. On one of the horns, a limply weighing man with lifeless eyes was impaled, blood dripped from behind his mouth and open stomach, pierced by the horn, dripping onto the ground. Every time the demon turned his head, the hole in the man's stomach widened and he dangled. The demon apparently got tired of this, and with his right hand he grabbed the upper part of the man's body and pulled.
One could see the man's flesh and muscles stretching under the pressure of the demon's hand, until he completely tore it into two halves. Blood sprayed in all directions, intestines and other internal organs were hanging from the upper part of the body, dripping with blood. The back part of the body fell limply behind the demon's back, and the front part was thrown aside.
Passersby, seeing this scene, froze in silent horror, and began to vomit.
The driver of a nearby passing car, distracted by this scene, crashed into a pole.
The front of the car laughed and started smoking, and the driver passed out with a bloody head.
Sitting on the roof of the building, he watched the scene unfold. What really confused him. So it's his indifference to the cruelty he saw, he literally felt nothing when he looked at it. If he were human, he would have the same reaction as all the people who were unlucky enough to witness this. This colorful performance is likely to haunt many in their nightmares.
Being a demon, he did not even raise an eyebrow at the terrible picture.
With a new roar, the bull demon resumed its rampage, wreaking havoc, overturning cars, attacking people and scattering everything that came to hand. People screamed in panic and ran away from the demon as far as possible
The demon, with one swing of its powerful arms, cracked bones and ruptured organs, knocking people back. With his feet, he horribly disfigured corpses, making minced meat out of flesh, trampling it into the road.
One person was unlucky enough to fall into the hands of the demon, it was possible to observe how he slowly stretched the muscle fibers to rupture, depriving the limbs, the demon bull watched with sadistic pleasure as the man screamed at the top of his lungs, twitching, blood began to flow from the stump and stump, splashing
A siren sounded, and a shimmering red-and-blue police car pulled up, the car turned sideways as a barricade, and four people got out, grouped together, and began firing pistols at the demon.
— Our task is to apprehend the demon! The demon hunters are about to arrive! Hold on! - the captain shouted periodically, firing.
— That's right! x3 — the others shouted in unison.
The bullets that hit the demon's body did not cause significant damage, but only enraged him even more. Throwing a man into a shop window, breaking the glass, he rushed at them with a roar, when the demon began to stomp closer, they all began to sweat, their bodies and hands began to tremble, their legs began to shake, their hearts were pounding madly, their breathing was ragged, and their pupils dilated.
One policeman, unable to withstand the psychological pressure, having noticed a panic attack, screamed in fright, dropping the gun and stumbling over his own feet, he began to run away.
His other comrades stood in place, firing pistols intensely, cartridge cases flying out onto the road, sweat streaming down their heads.
When the demon reached them, he threw the car forward with a run, barely escaping from the impact, except for one. The one who was running away was smeared on the asphalt by a car.
The bull demon was about to start killing others, but was pierced by a sword from behind in the chest. It was a young man in a black uniform who pierced the demon's muscular back with a katana, pulling out his sword, pushing off from his back, he gracefully landed on the ground, and swung the katana through the air, getting rid of the blood.
The police breathed a sigh of relief, but the demon abruptly turned around and stared at the man who dared to attack him.
— It will be interesting... Mark muttered, watching intently.