As soon as Reet/Arya opened the gate to go inside, she was shocked to see the atmosphere inside. Maya, who was thinking something till now, was now red with anger.
The other two men were laughing, and Anjali was coming out with the same smile. When she saw Arya at the gate, she hugged her happily.
And said, "Everyone was so impressed with my interview that they have hired me from today itself."
Now Arya felt a little relieved after listening to Anjali. She was happy for Anjali. Anjali, who was still hugging Reet, said further, "And you are also joining here with me from today itself! And you know that we both are going to work together."
Arya was not able to understand what was going on here? She was still standing at the gate of the same room. When Arya peeped inside, the other two men raised their thumbs and wished them all the best.
Arya nodded yes.
Actually when Anjali reached inside for the interview, Maya started laughing after seeing her and said, "Nowadays even cowherds come to give interview in such a big company. This company has no standard left."
The other two men were trying to silence Maya, but Maya was not going to listen to anyone. She further said, "I know a girl like you very well. Girls like you come to a big company for a job only to trap a rich man, and the one who came before you, she neither has a good look nor...."
Maya had just said this much to Kiajali who was sitting straight on the chair in front. She kept both her legs on the table in front and her sandals were facing Maya's face.
Now Maya was very angry. She stood up from her chair and turned towards Anjali. She had just raised her hand to hit Anjali, when Anjali said, "By this logic, you would not even be a peon here".
On hearing this, both the men could not stop laughing and started laughing loudly. Now Maya was fuming in anger. Anjali looked at Maya and said, "What do you think? How did you come to this company, no one will know? Sit quietly on your seat".
On hearing this from Anjali, I don't know why, but Maya sat on her seat. Now Anjali said further, "Before judging others, you should have looked into your own self. Here everyone knows how you came to this position?"
Now after listening to Anjali both the men started laughing louder. Seeing them laughing like this Maya could only get angry. She could not say anything.
When both the men calmed down a bit then both of them congratulated her and asked her to join the company from today itself.
In the meantime the door of the room opened. Both the men were still laughing.
Outside Anjali and Arya were celebrating their victory and here Maya started thinking of taking her revenge from both of them.
Now Reet/Arya was happy that she will get a chance to work with Aman. When Arya joined the office then everyone welcomed her with open heart, except Maya.
Maya still wanted to take revenge from Arya and Anjali for her betrayal. Arya got a job as Aman's secretary and Anjali got a job in the management department.
Still both of them used to meet each other during breaks. When Arya got the job of Aman's secretary for the first time, everyone present there looked at her with pitiable eyes.
At first Arya did not understand why everyone was looking at her like that. But then a girl told Arya that Aman Sir is a very short-tempered person.
He does not like even the slightest negligence in his work. If he does not work according to his wish, he is fired from the job. When Arya and that girl were talking about all this, Arya saw Maya standing in a corner and smiling.
Now she understood that Maya had deliberately got her posted here. Actually, Maya was the one who told everyone about the job, and she wanted to make Anjali and Arya's life worse than hell.
But Maya did not know that she was faced with someone. Arya had completed all the tasks of today without any problem. Aman had not come to the office today. So today Maya was sitting like everyone's boss and was flaunting her power over everyone.
But Arya, i.e. Reet, knew very well how the business world works. Now Arya was worried only about Anjali. When the lunch break came, Arya quickly went to meet Anjali.
Anjali was standing in a corner. Her face was between her hands. Both her shoulders were shaking. Seeing her, Arya thought that she was late.
Maya must have given Anjali some wrong information on some pretext or the other. When Anjali must have done what Maya told her, she must have embarrassed Anjali in front of everyone for making such a mistake on her first day.
Now Arya's heart was sinking. She was not able to understand how to go to Anjali? What to say to her?
But Arya gathered courage and walked towards the corner where Anjali was sitting.
Arya stood there behind Anjali for a while, but how long could she stand like that?
She gathered courage and put her hand on Anjali's shoulder. Anjali still sat facing forward. Now Arya was getting upset.
She could not bear it anymore. So she called out to Anjali, but even then Anjali did not respond to her.
Arya sat behind Anjali. Now her back was towards Anjali. She did not have the courage to look into Anjali's eyes and talk to her.
She sat there and said, "Forgive me! Because of me you too have to bear all this". Now Aarya's throat was choked.
It seemed as if if Anjali did not say anything in a little while, Arya would cry.But now Arya had to give courage to Anjali, that is why she was sitting there controlling herself.
She wanted him to encourage Anjali that everything will be fine.There is no need to worry about anyone, and as long as we are with each other, no one can break us.
Now she was not able to say anything further. Just then a voice came. Hearing which Aarya was startled and turned back, and her eyes widened.