
In this next Auxiliary Volume I will be giving you a spoiler free (Mostly) List of key and important characters

Pico Dash- A Year 9 at Yaga Academy, Pico has grown up with gangs - Also he's the MC, I felt like that was important. After a series of events causes his already chaotic life to become a fighting-filled dangerous mess.

Sam- A year 9 at Yaga Academy, Sam was never the most peaceful kid. At age 8, he had broken a boys arm because he had stolen his toy gun. He is also the son of a mafia boss.

Luke Lithium- A year 9 at Yaga Academy (Starting to notice a pattern here). Luke is an rising star in the high school football/Soccer Scene, if there is one at all. Along with his sister, he seems to always either be in detention or fighting some powerful martial artist.

Lily Lithium- A year 8 at Yaga academy and head of the Society of Powered Learning. She is a Genius Prodigy who has a knack for trouble and the power to tell when someone is lying, she is truly one the smartest and most troublesome teens at the school.

Max Strike- A star Kick boxer who may as well not come to school since he never does work and only fights his maybe sorta enemy, Chen, who is a Kung Fu Champion. but more on him in a sec. Max is a year 12 who loves to do anything but school work and everything to do with fighting, like most kids his age.

Chen Jackson- Kung Fu master at only age 17. He is a year 12 who comes to school exclusively to fight Max and bully weaker kids

Ryan Gosling- He is not here sadly...

Saron Le Fold- Some dude who seems to hate Yaga Academy for some reason and all Powered people, even though he is one himself. Weird.

Thx for reading.