A grizzled old man burst out of the mansion's front door, his weathered face etched with deep lines of anxiety and urgency.
"Master Sharp Fangs!" he called, his tone dripping with reverence as he hastened towards Ryder. He bowed deeply, his hands clasped together in a gesture of deference. "Village head awaits you. Please, follow me."
The group was taken aback by the old man's formal address, and their surprise quickly gave way to amusement. Mirian was the first to lose composure, bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
"Master Sharp Fangs!" she choked out, her eyes shining with mirth as she made fun of Ryder.
Steve couldn't hold back either, and soon he was laughing alongside Mirian. Kira's lips curved into a smile, and the rest of the group members exchanged giggles, their initial seriousness forgotten in the face of Ryder's absurdly formal title.