Chereads / Eklipse / Chapter 1 - Gra'hana


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Chapter 1 - Gra'hana

Loud resounding heavy noises sounded in the beautifull valley, the black innocent eyes witnessed like a baby all the destruction the revenge caused, it's eleven tromps sacuding in the air feeling it, breathing it.

A elephant or maybe a god in its form as a disguise leaved no marks in the mountains or valleys like just the sound was real of a long echo in the past, the mountains were just little rocks compared to his divine way, it was crying with the sadness of a hurted father and the pure innocence of a baby.

A temple in purple fire burned behind him, the beings in there were all murdered by the hate and remind of revenge, a divine white arrow iluminated the sky and turned into a sun, impacting not only the once paradise view or the temple, instead all the planet.

The innocent black eyes looked at the only survivor with hope and then turned into ashes together with the planet.

In other part of the universe, in a ship of the interstellar corporation.

Many warriors were talking in a big area, all of them where leading to the Xianzhou stellar tournament of habilities, all of them impacient, hungry for battle, talking each other of their battles and makings.

A figure that didn't payed attention sitted in a corner, it was wearing a sand coat with intricated marks that covered all his face and apparence, by his size you could tell it was a girl.

But instead of presuming or talking she stayed sitted in a corner not talking to anyone and nobody payed attention to her, maybe because her apparence wasn't expensive or special.

Her only visible weapon is covered in dirty bandaged is long but it's form is undisthinged for unexperienced eyes.

Iris sighed and yawned, her back were getting tired of being sit, but she didn't want to stand up because she know her habit of start walking without reason, impatient she is impatient as always.

"This is what happens when i inscribe without a fame or recognize im in the public via, or how i should say that?" She snezzed while trying to sigh making a cute sound that fortunatly nobody heard all of them busy in their own matters.

>"I wonder how is she doing...well i have to focus i started this because i need to improve and i only making it fighting, is not because i hate training...absolutly not...i really need someone to talk..." Iris own talking was interrumpted when a loud sound was heard in the ship and a female voice started talking in the speakers.

"Dear guests, we haved a issue with a generator, we are gonna land in the nearest planet for repairs, we ask for forgive and understand in this situation, thanks." The female soft professional voice stopped and all the warriors in the room started talking, a group near to Iris called her attention.

"I told you we should have beat that metallic purple bear! we have gain a name and with that reach four level ship instead of this shit!" A man with red piercings talked to what it seemed was his twin brother in his back was a giant sword of the same color.

"And die? i prefer winning a small name in a controled competency instead of fight with that thing, and don't tell me the story that the bear was old, you have no prove and you know it." A identic man with blue piercings instead talked more calmly, in his back was a giant shield of the same color to.

"But it was old! i readed in a book the number of marks it haves in it's neck is the number or years he lived..." He exclaimed loudly to his brother, but was interrumpted before he could continue.

"You sure it wasn't blood marks of his preys? or you getted closer to get a look Mhakus? i hope you getted closer enough like the close enough for receive his bite" The more calmed brother claimed already knowing the answer.

"Ehh no but...well you win Siruk, let's follow your plan and win this competence for win a name even if it's small..." Mhakus losed the argument as he calmed down but leaved a small reply at the end with a tone that maked Siruk tremble like knowing this will continue later.

"Fine but that's for later now we are in a stop let's try talking to the personal and see if we can help in something is better to make some contacts, alright?" Siruk the clever one started walking towards a guard his brother following her closely.

More interactions like these happened in the big room-hall, others more friendly and others not to much.

>"It seems the shield and sword indicates their temperament, funny but i think his move is clever i should win a good face here since i don't know anyone...who looks more reasonable?" Iris looked at the guards, in her experience her insctint never failed providing her good interactions but somehow all the sensation the guards gived to her was somehow sad and off.

>"Why they are so off? is something bad apart of the malfuncting generator?" Iris getted closer to the most reasonable guard she finded and talked politely to him.

>"Excuse me i would like to help in something, i don't like to be without doing anything and im very strong your team needs help carrying something?" Iris looked at the guard who seemed not surpriced by her presence it seems others asked him the same.

After what it seems some thinking and what it seemed he was receiving orders, he talked with polite tone to.

"Yes actually my equip needs help finding some replaces for the components of the generator fortunatly the planet we landed haves the source of energy we need, we created a search team you can join them, of course we can pay you if you get results if more quickly more reward." The guard talked with experience.

"I will be glad and there is no need for a reward, doing something is enough for me, where should i go?" Iris knowed make this for free will make her end good in their looks.

"Follow my friend over here he will lead you to the team with you it's almost complete for divide in twelve and explore the interest areas." The guard presented her to other guard that just arrived.

>"My name is Ben by the way i count on you for help us get out of here..." The guard paused wanting her to continue with her name.

"Iris, it's a pleasure and don't worry i will make my best Ben."

Iris assented to Ben politely expecting to leave a good impresion on the guard.

"The pleasure is mine i thank your efforts by after, good luck foreward." Ben assented back as Iris followed the other guard crossing a magnetic door.

Iris followed the guard in a corridor with blue comforting lights, that didn't like to Iris, the guard started talking interrumpting her thoughts.

"Meanwhile we are in the way to reunite you with your team i will explain you the mission details, are you ok with that?" The guard sounded more young that Ben and her tone was way more informal.

"Yes im totally ok with it, you can continue." Iris listed carefully, she wanted to make her best and wanted to make something instead of just waiting really badly.

"We will provide you with some signal receptors that will activate if you are near the material we are looking for repairing the generator, there is no need that you extract them yourself you just have to use the signal that we will also provide you, we don't wanna make you do all the job right?" The guard tried to sound gentle but maybe he was nervous? or maybe it was just Iris.

"Of course, i have a question, i can?" Iris looked for the guard reaction he seemed uncomfortable like he wasn't specting Iris really ask something.

>"I never heared of a material that can be recognized by signals...i missed some technologic advance of the interstellar corporation, if it's like that i excuse myself..." Iris looked at the guard infront of her, she was just seeing his back from her angle but it was lightly trembling.

But before Iris can continue the amateur interrogatory a woman entered the corridor by a magnetic door in the sides of the hall

She was wearing a stellar corporation red-black expensive suit that Iris recognized as something high charges should use, she was small and his brown hair covered her eyes making she look cute but deadly.

"Sorry for get in, but i think is better i answer your questions while i lead you, after all he is a new employe and we don't wanna confuse you with non complete answers, right?" The soft tender tone that wasn't all in place, her words maked Iris know this wasn't her first rodeo and it seems her suspicions have to wait until later.

" will be a pleasure." Iris answered not wanting to make a scene for something she started in first place.

"You can retire Bhyrn, we will talk later." The guard trembled and turned to respond but after looking at something Iris didn't see or maybe wasn't aware of it retired quickly in silence muffing at Iris for a moment.

"My pleasure my name is Elena and im the leader of the ship." She getted forward and continued leading Iris, the corridor seem to get bigger for Iris view.

>"Like you were asking before, what kind of materials make signals you asked or i am wrong?" Elena asked softly but Iris squirmed slightly under her dirty coat hopely maybe she didn't noticed this since Iris face was covered.

"Yes i was asking that...i hope you can answer me i don't know a lot of this things." (She was hearing us...since when? her voice is the voice of the advice she arrived her so quickly from the control room?) Iris continued walking but her peace slowed a bit.

"Well you see it's not directly the signal of the material you know? here, we are gonna give it to you later but if you are so curious, you can take a look" Elena gived what it seemed a futuristic watch to Iris with three neon 3d white lines.

>"The mineral we are looking for is Virinium for make new receptors of energy because the receptors of the generator B-19 fried we just need a bit and in a matter of hours it will be solved, you just have to send the signal and our recolecting team will do the rest, the Virinium is very fragile so let it in our experienced hands, is this enough information to you? Iris" Elena sounded very informative and open but Iris feeled off, her insctints never failed.

"Sorry for asking, is just im to dumb i only know how to fight and wanted to win a name in the tournament" (She is trying to make me doubt by being to open, if i wanna discover what is happening i should do it myself in this mission.)

Iris putted the watch as Elena watched playfully, they finally reached the end of the hall and entered a open room with many warriors that Iris guessed were here by the same reason of her.

"Yes i should have know that, good luck" Iris haved a glance of Elena golden eyes throught her hair as she turned around and goed, somehow her tone sounded to Iris like she was talking to a monkey.

"I will show you i'm more than just fighting..." Iris own talking was interrumpted by a male voice that sounded in all the room.

A man in a red suit of the interstellar corporation talked by a advanced speaked in his mouth, he just haved to speak softly and his voice can be heared in all the room.

"All of you are here for search the material needed for the reparations, we will provide you with special devices of research, when the three white lines tremble and turn purple it means the material we need is close, you just have to click the second botton one time and a signal will be send to us, after you find it you can return ship and our team will do the rest, we will reward you for your efforts." The man talked with ease and practice as Iris watched the three buttons in the right side of the what it seemed a futuristic watch in her right wrist.

As she does this, mans of the corporation provide the others the watch that Elena provided to Iris before arriving. Iris thinks what the first and third button will do as she only needs to click the second, just as Iris was thinking that the man covers her doubts.

>"The first button is just to recalibrate so don't pulse it..." The man looked at some warriors that pulsed the first button as the lines in his watch turned red some of them trowed it by the weird noise it maked.

>"If you pressed it ask for help to my assistants and they will recalibrate it for you, as i was saying, the third is used for obtain other signals so don't pulse it to, if you did go to ask for help to my assistants to...for make this the most comfortable possible i want you to make groups of three and max eight, this will help us have more security and control, there is no beasts in this planet and is part of the interstellar corporation so don't worry this planet is covered by us so it's civilized you shouldn't have problems." He was concise and direct making all the warriors understand even the ones that were asking for help with their watches, Iris noticed that some of them clicked the first or third button even after the man warning maybe just for curiosity of just playing.

"So a team..." Iris looked her surroundings and sighed, in just seconds she knowed what her team will be for insctint.

So she getted closer to them.