Chereads / Timeline's Last Defense / Chapter 4 - Back from the start

Chapter 4 - Back from the start

Inside a vehicle, a person sleeping gets woken up by a loud sound.

Trinity yawns "What the fuck did

you do(---)"

Then the person in the front seat who's driving, cheerfully sweat dropped "Oops, hehe I might have hit something hard" The person besides him hits him in the head

"Watch where you're going! you dumb fuck!"

The person driving cries sarcastically with a huge bump on top of his head.

"Why the fuck are you all cursing me out!! I'm one who's driving this vehicle you bunch of shit heads"

A tick mark appears on top of Trinity "Oh you're Suddenly talking back now!"

The person driving then shrieks "NO SIR! NO!"

Trinity suddenly get startled As a soft yawn came from behind "Why so noisy!" 

"Well... You see ..." Trinity then looks behind him and sees a beautiful young sweet girl laying down with a smile the hides menacing aung Then a voice could be heard coming from that seemingly nice girl

"I think you owe me an excuse For cursing at our team mates. Trinity~".

Trinity, who is currently panicking was about to say something but was suddenly interrupted by a loud bang. The vehicle starts sliding and crashes.

Trinity wakes up while heavily breathing "That dream again..."

Cindy who's beside him suddenly got worried "Geht es dir gut?" (Are you okay?) 

Trinity who puts on a fake smile replied with

"I'm okay"

Then the vehicle they were on suddenly stopped and an old driver looked at them "We have arrived at the given coordinates, I wish you both good luck."

As Trinity steps outside the vehicle along with Cindy, she takes out a cracked mask.

Trinity looks at her with a hint of confusion before reminding himself of her augments.

Cindy then gives him a piece of that mask.

The shard then gets sucked inside his face like a glass shard falling in water, then his face starts changing as the illusion of the Shrouded Past's ability takes effect.

His body changes into that of a 16 year old boy with an athletic build. He has a bit of a slender body with a face that resembles that of a mini celebrity he saw back when he was a teen ager. His hair color changes from bluish snow white to blonde.

A second passed as the transformation undergo and he looks to his left where cindy was supposed to be but instead saw a woman wearing glasses in her early twenties.

The woman, who realized she was getting stared at, talked suddenly in german language 

 "Was? Das ist die Fähigkeit meines Augments, mit der ich das Aussehen einer Person verändern kann. Und niemand kennt wirklich mein wahres Gesicht, wenn ich bei der Arbeit bin" (What? This is my augment's ability, it let's me change a person's appearance. And no one really knows my real face when I'm at job)

"Außerdem habe ich einige Details der uns übertragenen Mission geändert. Wir werden uns aufteilen, ich werde aus der Sicht eines Lehrers beobachten, während Sie auf Beweise oder Anzeichen des Verdächtigen achten" (Also~ I changed some details from the mission we we're given, we are going to split up, I'll be observing from a teacher's view, while you watch out for any evidences or signs of the suspect.)

Trinity, who was a bit confused as to why she did that, just nonchalantly nodded in response.

They entered the academy and swipes their fake entry card made by the administrator of EIHO to successfully infiltrate the academy. Then they both split up in to two directions, one to the student lounge, the other is to the office.

Trinity starts walking to his given dormatory and walks inside his room, he puts down his things and looks outside the window.

He looks outside, with a small smile slipoing out his face. "How.... Nostalgic.."

Then, he closes the windows and went on with the day, as a student of EIHO Academy.

In the morning, he dresses up in his uniform, and eats his breakfast. He then goes inside his classroom and waits for the instructor. Then he was suddenly called out by the teacher to introduce him self. He stumbled for a moment and gave a thought as to what his name would be and how much he would reveal. 

"Good Morning to y'all, My name is.... Zen..... Zen Drezth, im 16 years old and I have currently achieved... 5% of my concept's first stage. Nice to meet y'all." He finished introducing himself and went back to his seat

Afterwards, students and classmates would start befriending him and all sorts, he then went to attend different classes. At first he didn't really listened to discusions because he had already learned all of it. But he sometimes listened to the Conceptualization class. This would remind him of his time in this academy where he was still a bit weak. Then in the evening he goes out and starts observing different students, this goes on for a week straight.

Then one morning after a week of observing, he was now inside an arena, and is now preparing for a duel..... Well... Preparing to hold back to not accidentally kill that other person.....