Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 45 - Vol. 3 Chapter 45 - Meeting The ‘Wolf’ Once Again

Chapter 45 - Vol. 3 Chapter 45 - Meeting The ‘Wolf’ Once Again

A.D. 878 Lundene 'Head-Quarters' of The 'Hounds' of 'New-Mongolia', 'Training-Square'


"Ofcourse while Beocca takes me to meet 'king' Alfred.. I shall have some of my men guide you and your 'acolytes' to where the 'relics' are stored.. I plan to 'gift' these to the 'church' in Winchester actually.. in the name of my wife 'Queen-Mother' Brunhilda a 'saintly' mother and most 'devout-Christian'.. she is also the 'mother' of all of 'New-Mongolians'.. all I ask in return.. is the 'church' spread word through its following.. of her deeds in a most 'positive' sounding matter ofcourse.. if it were for some reason or any reason at all spun in any kind of or sort of.. 'negative-light' or any other manner other than positive.. there will be problems for all Christians.. my wife has done much for your people you know.. she's the only thing standing between me and all 'Christiandom'.. if not for her.. well let's not speak of how things might be very different for Christians in 'Brittania' of today.. I hope we are of an understanding.." I lay down my words for the 'Bishop' to hear and heed.. for if not I shall transform him into an decoration.. or just an fresh 'history-lesson' for all students to ever study.. to learn of the 'consequences' of 'crossing' the 'Wolf'..

"You have my word m'lord.. it shall be done and the 'church' looks most forward.. to working with you and spreading the word of 'Saint-Mother' Brunhilda's story.. of her 'sacrifice'.. to the very 'Demon-Lord' himself.. o thats good yes.. we shall name you the Great 'Demon-Lord' sent by 'god' himself.. to claim his most perfect 'mortal-creation'.. the 'Saint-Mother' Brunhilda.. at the price of protecting his 'flock' from the 'Demon-Pagans' themselves.. o yes thats like 'honey'.. Jacob!.. boy!.. write this down immediately.. it's pure 'holy-honey' our believers will eat it up I say!.. with 'god-speed'!.. you 'half-wit'.." I suprisingly hear an more than 'agreeable' answer coming from the 'Bishop'..

"Well I'll be damned!.. by Freja's magnificent tits!.. you might be growing on me Erkanwald.. who knows you might even become my second 'priest' friend!.. hahaha!.. Ryprgh!.. lead these 'monks' to the 'relics' we recovered from the 'invaders'.. Beocca lead the way to Alfred and his men.." I laugh out and let Beocca know Im ready to get this 'hand-over' of the city over with..




"Brothers Siegfred and Eric.. and also another Dane called Haesten attacked and occupied Lundene merely two days before you arrived here for your lord's family vacation to his kin's land.. that has already been planned and prepared for a half a month atleast?.. I don't know how else to look at it other than by 'divine-intervention'.. truly I see no other way of understanding what I'm seeing before me.." I said to the young man I was conversating with while waiting to meet his lord the 'wolf'.. while wondering what Aethred's plan with Lundene is..

"Your 'grace'.. I don't know about 'divine-intervention' but what I do know.. is that my lord enjoys killing 'pagans'.. he claims us Christian's make poor sacrifices to his beliefs.. I for one am glad of that whether it's true or not.." The young man informed me.. making me lose track of my thoughts..

"Im sorry I must have forgotten.. what is your name again young man?" I asked the man his name.. which I know he said when he introduced himself.. but I have so much going on in my brain that his name escapes me..

"My name is Aeric your 'grace'.. I am an 'adoptive-brother' adopted by the Lord Aethred.. after mine and my twin-brother Aestan had our family murdered by bandits.." Aeric informed me of his name and then told me some information about the 'wolf' I didn't know..

"I hear talk that your 'khan'.. if Im saying that correct.. accepts all religions and lets them build places of worship in his 'capital-city'.. is this true?.." I asked a question I've been wanting to know the answer to.. since I first heard rumors of this information..

"It's true yes.. my lord's 'first-wife' the 'Saint-Mother' Brunhilda holds an official position and title of the 'Queen-Mother' of the Kingdom of The Republic of New Mongolia.. and all it's land and properties that come with said 'position' and title.. or rank you can say.. she is an most 'devout-believer' and the kindest person I've ever met Christian or 'non-Christian' alike.." he informs me of yet more information I am not aware of.. and this information is of far more 'importance' than the last..

"His Queen is a Christian?.. I've been told he has been baptized.. why not be a Christian?.." I say really talking to myself out loud..

"It is known.. your 'grace'.. 'Queen-Mother' Brunhilda is truly a most 'devout-Christian'.. and I have from my Lord's own mouth himself heard him speak of a 'Father' Beocca who washed him in the waters of the creek on his fathers lands.. a lord in Northumbria.. my brother says he was a hard man.. he says he was a great lord.. just not a good father mine wasn't good either but I didn't want him to be murdered.. my lord said he never wished harm on his father as well.. but his was 'crucified' by pagans.. and his did kill all of his mothers people to take their wealth and lands for his own.. he had a lot of reasons for wishing harm on his father.. but he taught me there are ancient laws set by the true 'creator'.. thou must respect thy father.. thou must respect thy mother.. thou must not harmeth children.. laws like that.. thats why he never harbored 'hatred' for his father.. his mothers people would have had their lands and wealth taken from someone else anyway.. he says they were the first to 'sin' by being weak.. and 'possessing' wealths they 'had-not' the ability to 'retain'.. he says he does not even blame his father.. he says if you can't respect your own father.. how will your own 'off-spring' ever respect you?.. treat others how you wish to be treated.. thats what the 'wolf' says.. those are his 'words'.." I hear more about the wolf on this day.. than the last two years I've been searching.. I've been demanding my wisest of followers to obtain.. only for it to be brought to me by a young man.. the 'adoptive-brother' of the 'wolf' him very self no less..

"Treat others how you wish to be treated.. hmm.." I mutter to myself as I think in my head.. now we can prepare.. let it be written.. that Alfred the 'great' learned of his enemy for the first time.. truly learned for the first time of his enemy on this day early in this year.. the year of seven hundred.. seventy and eight.. let it be written..