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The Legacy of Dreams

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Chapter 1 - Warning!

Finally…. I've finally done it… I say to myself as I stare at my laptop. I'm seated on my single couch in my apartment on the tenth floor. Today is a special day…not only do I have the week off, I go t a promotion just before that and now..i've finally come up with a strategy to defeat the 90th floor in my favorite game..

A lot of people's favorite game actually. The Legendary game Dreamers Legacy…An mmorpg and world building Tower climbing game, with servers that has no know limit to how many players it can support. The game it's self is decked out with incredible world engines..every single account has it's own unique world and story line…the detail is worthy only of praises and the game system is something that has been winning awards since 2026…But what stands out the most about the it's ground breaking Ai.

I mean this in every sense..It is almost impossible to tell the characters apart from normal humans…

Think of all your favorite Ai and have it thrown into a blender… and even that may not fully compare. But as all good things come..this game has one issue…The difficulty. As I said..the Ai is ridiculous…

What does this mean for us poor players..yes..Every single account..has it's own difficulty…and more often than not the difficulty can be ridiculous… and to be honest..Getting to the 90th floor is quite literally a feat for legends…. the company Dream god Sent me an amazing ten thousand dollar sponsorship after getting this far…and in this game the pay wall is quite low…here payment is more of a convenience not a must..far from it in get this far I've only invested 200 hundred dollars..considering I've been playing for two years… not too long but not short.

You see in the game the characters unlike with other games aren't ranked with levels… heard me right, no levels…only skill were ranked in levels…and classes..But the players…a player..only their strength and skills set them apart…but in most cases you could tel who was stronger just by appearance.

But anyways..for's finally time..i open menu and enter my lobby. Eden….My world…put in the top five worlds in the entire game…that's saying something considering the two hundred million plus players and worlds.

In the Game your given a giant world most far larger than earth…those worlds are almost always in ruin..and thus the survivers are forced to enter the tower..their saving grace..but also their hell.

The towers are their own dimensions…, you climb, you get rewards..simple.

And today I'm aiming to climb past the ninetieth floor..the boss battle promises to be insane..i mean this quite literally a boss battle could take days!...o and I forgot to mention..when a character dies..yeah, their dead..they don't comeback.

But I have a plan..The Boss battle on this floor is against a boss who is practically a deity…Thought I was playing when I said the difficulty was unforgiving….I've watched the boss level whole mountains with a single attack…of course my characters are quite the monsters themselves…I've raised them for three game time that's roughly nine years..and today for five of those years the plan I have been culminating can come to pass.

As the master or can only really give suggestions and orders…you don't really get to play or interact in the fights apart from special circumstances. One such circumstance is considered a partial discent.

This is when the master either forcefully or for any other reason fully takes control of a character..In those instances the game takes on a full switch..the graphic are originally very realistic and life like but once you take over the games turns into a multi pov rpg with epic graphic controls and feedback but of course there is limit.. when the master "descends" the characters life regenerates twice as fast and their damage is doubled or tripled..but the characters can only usually allow one descent..anymore and they die and even the one does a lot of damage to the character so its not used…

Which brings us my master plan..This game in its difficulty also offers a stupidly large possibility field.. for example, a genius like myself can gather material and different spells as well as create my own type of magic. to cut out all the boring details..i made a vessel for my self…A body specifically made for me o control…I made it with the finest materials known to man..well known within the game…A body I can control full time during the boss fight..thus giving the benefits of a " masters Descent" Without the draw backs…

Every little thing counts.

I tap the button to open the magic labs and research then access the lowest floor… their the option pops onto the screen as to whether or not I want to activate my body..This was what I loved about the could do or make almost anything and the system's parameters would simply expand to accommodate you…

"Yes" I say and the voice detection activates..i then watch as my top mage and priests as well as every one in my top three main parties gather in the large lab room…all of their own will mind you.

The Mage does a linking spell and true to my eyes she glances up nd looks at me through the screen…

I get a warning notification on the screen.

[warning..Synchronization levels too high!]

It was strange warning I had been getting for the past couple of months or so, but nothing bad ever happened so I simply let it go and ignored it.

Soon my point of view switched to that of the body on the altar. It was my greatest work…my master piece, It was a tall lean metallic body but as soon as I accepted control the body begun to grow skin and flesh and soon my very face was covering it's plain one. Yes you could send scans of your face into the game…along with other things.

I then watched the body stand up and soon got the status boost notifications that all my characters gained…I was ready..we were ready.


Five hours later..

"Damit!" I spat as I hit my key board keys at a very high speed, my hands were hurting cramping yet I continued to move them across the key board as I stared at the monitor.

The sense of speed that the game give you in this mode was insane, considering how powerful the enemy and my team were the fight was very clearly leaving my level of reaction and perception..on a f******* screen!...

I drunk nothing an ate nothing either, I simply focused n keeping everyone alive… was promising to be a grueling next couple of hours.

…Two hours later

"Yes!!" I screamed as I fell from my chair onto the floor, The skin between my fingers was torn, my head was aching from the strain and my eyes were quite blurry but the smile never left my face.

I Was then bombarded by hundreds of notifications and awards….On the screen my Vessel stood broken and mangled in front of the enemies corpse. I watched my vessel fall apart in a heroic and beautiful display of light and crystals.

My Heroes were beaten and battered but alive..and that was all that mattered. I smirked as I saw a notification of Twenty thousand dollars being deposited into my bank account.

My day..just got..even..better…Im suddenly so sleepy..not sleepy…im about to black out…shit

I keep hearing the warning notification …I don't care, the reward ones far out number the warning ones..i reach for a glass of water and take a few chugs before I attempt to sit back on my chair.

Once I do I see the warnings and it's only one thing…

[Warning!..Your Synchronization rate has become too high.]


[ Warning!]

'what…is..tha-' I didn't even get to finish the thought, I simply didn't get to.