Chereads / The Trickster’s Hat / Chapter 5 - Foreshadowing Calamity

Chapter 5 - Foreshadowing Calamity

"Ahh, school's finally over." Trick heaved a huge sigh of relief, tiredly closing his eyes shut as he took his black backpack out of his locker.

He then opened his eyes back up only to meet a similar degree of darkness as to when they were shut.

"Guess who?" Came a soft jocular voice behind him.

The warm feminine arms he felt cover up his eyes told him everything he needed to know.

"The voice of an angel." Trick's jested, letting out a blithe smirk.

"It's Charlotte isn't it?" He turned to face her as she retrieved her hands.

She chuckled mirthfully as her long orange bounced gently on her shoulders. Her ocean blue eyes shutting close under her contagious laughter.

"You're too funny Tricky, you really are." She cut her laughter short before placing her thumb on a finger print sensor that stood firmly fixed unto her locker.

It's red glow was lost, being transformed to a blue shine.

"So what was all that gibberish in class about?" The locker popped open.

"Don't even get me started on that." Trick's face immediately got back the glum look it had before her arrival.

"You'll make me depressed all over again." He covered up his face slightly with his palm, swaying his head in shamefacedness.

She let out a smile as she watched him, grabbing her bag from within her locker.

"It's your fault for not listening in class—"

"Ohh wait a minute Trick." She placed her finger on her lip, drifting slightly in thought.

'What's she thinking so deeply for?' Trick wondered, staring at his pondering friend.

She hastily snapped her fingers in realization.

"Weren't you supposed to head to Mr Astravan's trickshow today?"

Trick's eyes widened in absolute shock. How could he have forgotten?


In inhumane quickness, Trick immediately dashed past a shocked Charlotte, sending a soft breeze of wind over her.

Charlotte's hair billowed in the air as she stared at the position her friend now gone formerly stood in.

"Em—tell him I said hi!" Charlotte yelled towards Trick who had instantly whistled past her.

"He must really love that trick show so much." She adjusted her uniform, grabbing her bag from her locker.

"But that guy—" She paused

 "He's way too fast."

Trick raced through the side walks that stretched beside the street in a haste.

"How could I have possibly forgotten?" Trick voiced out loudly as he reminisced about his encounter before heading to school.

"Trick the show starts by 2:00PM, are you sure I shouldn't pick you up from school?" His master asked, watching Trick leave the vehicle.

"Sure thing Master, I wouldn't want to stress you, with the show and everything going on—" Trick grabbed his backpack from his car.

"I'll get there on my own."

His master gave a slightly concerned look.

"I can just send drivers to come pick you u—" He was interrupted mid sentence by the young lad.

"Don't worry about me Master, they'll be too busy dropping off things for the show and so will you." Trick wore his backpack across his back.

"Don't worry one bit about me." He replied with a cocky smile.

"I'll be right there even before the show starts!"

"WHAT A FOOL!" Trick yelled, rousing himself from his thoughts as he stared at his phone. 

"Only a few minutes before it's showtime."

"Why must I always ruin things with my big mouth!" He closed his eyes in frustration opening them to an unexpected sight.

"You certainly look like you could use some help kid—why don't you get in." A figure who stayed seated in a luxurious limousine called out to him from his lowered opaque windows.


"Mr Magustriz, aren't you?" Trick squinted his eyes as he observed the mysterious figure that sat in the vehicle.

"That's quite correct." The man smiled blissfully, adjusting his glasses over his emerald green eyes.

Whilst Trick continued to run, he could still slightly see the man from the little opening made by the lowered windows.

The man looked like he was in his early forties. His face being as smooth as that of a younglin.

His forest green hair was the first thing Trick caught. It complemented his long curly mustache which was also bathe in the same dark green hue as his hair.

He also donned a green suit, matching the white T-shirt which went beneath the stylish suit fashionably.

And just on his suit pocket, a glowing badge stood firmly fixed in place. On it was the crest of a golden crown which gleamed brightly when blessed with the blistering rays of the sun,

Its golden glow drew Trick in causing him to stare at the badge, astounded by its stunning design.

'It's the same as master's.' He thought, turning his attention away from the man's apparel.

"So, are you getting in or?" The man questioned at the boy who still continued to run relentlessly, even matching his limousine's pace.

'Maybe I should just go with him.' Trick pondered.

He would have to, he really wanted to get in if meant going early to the show, but one thing bothered him about being in the same vicinity around the ominous man. Let alone enter his vehicle.

"You're Astravan's kid aren't you?" Magustriz asked, stroking his long mustache.

"Yeah—I am." Trick muttered in response to his question.

"Then I guess there'll be no problem if I dropped my old chum's kid on the way, would there now?"

He donned a wide smile, his eyes glinting in mystery.

'Old chum? More like mortal enemy.' Trick thought, remembering all of he and his master's interactions.

Whenever Astravan saw Magustriz, his joyful mood would usually turn sour instantly, and he'd wear a displeased look that contrasted all of his natural goodness.

Trick then looked back into the past, reminiscing a conversation he had with his master regarding the smiling magician a long time ago.

"Master, who is that man exactly?" An eight year old Trick asked, holding unto the large hands of his master.

Immediately, his master's gleeful demeanor turned sour and a bitter expression spread across his face.

"That slimy magician is Magustriz." Astravan contorted his face in a much more bitter manner.

"He's the slimiest, grimiest and most vile magician of them all." Trick stood dumbfounded that his kind master could dislike someone that much—

And if he hated him to that extent, in Trick's mind that person was already penned down in his black book.

"So if you see him just look the other way you hear me kid?" Astravan bent down to Trick's level staring at him sternly.

"Never should I see you with any magician, especially not him!" He finished, waiting for the child's response.

"Yes master!" Trick saluted at his master with a wide grin.

Astravan then patted his head, ruffling his blond hair under his palm.

"That's my boy!"

And that right there was the exact reason he was definitely not accepting that ride.

'I won't accept his ride, not in a million years—'

Trick reached for his phone, tapping it on to check the exact time he had left but was frustrated to find out the time was indeed…


"Thank you for the ride sir." Trick confessed with a smile bowing thankfully at the man's kind gesture.

'I have to take it.' He defeatedly confessed in a line of thought, almost shedding tears at his statement.

The driver parked to Trick's side opening the limousine's door for the young boy.

Just before Trick entered he gave him a probing look laced with both exhaustion and suspicion at how the boy could keep up with a speeding vehicle.

Trick replied with a nervous chuckle before entering into the vehicle, and the door was locked shut behind him.

The limousine was as spacious as it was large having a modern appeal on the outside and a palatial design within.

It's bright red chairs stood face to face as it was best suited for any urgent meetings the millionaire Magician would have on the go.

'Not bad, not bad at all.' Trick wondered, heaving a huge sigh of relief.

He then bent forward, removing his backpack and placing them on his lap before sinking deep into the tempting embrace of the otherworldly comfortable chairs. 

His eyes were closed shut as he enjoyed himself, lost within the warm embrace of the limousine's chairs, but his pleasant relaxation would soon be cut short—

And very irkingly at that.

"Thank you for picking up my friend, Father." An unsettlingly familiar voice came from beside Mr Magustriz.

'It can't be!' Trick pondered loudly as his eyes tore open.

His face immediately went sour and his mood bitter. 

'How could I have forgotten.' Trick eyed the figure he currently faced with a look of pure irritation.

'Where the fox is, there the jackals will also roam.'

Trick thought as he observed the one he had the most hatred for in the entire world.


Whenever Magustriz would visit Astravan for one of his trick shows, a mysterious boy could usually be seen tagging along the magician.

Trick didn't know exactly what kind of relationship the devious magician and his annoying kid had together, but seeing that the boy always called him father then it was a natural assumption that they were indeed father and son.

Yet his worries about going to his master's trick show had made him completely forget that key detail of prime importance, and he would pay dearly for it.

"Hey Trick." Mage threw a smile towards the fuming boy.

With a look of indifference, Trick turned his face away from Mage, channeling his attention towards the windows and paying his classmate's amicable salutations no mind.

"E—m." Mage cleared his throat.

"What exactly are you looking at?" 

Trick rested his face unto his palms, his eyes still turned from his adversary.

"Of course I'm looking at the scenery—" Trick's voice took a bitter tone.

"Obviously!" He harshly finished.

Mage itched the side of his head as he watched Trick stare sternly at the windows. He paused for a moment considering if he would say what it was that clawed on his mind, before deciding to finally speak up.

"But—" He voiced out in absolute confusion.

"The window's opaque."

Trick paled as his mood took a glum turn.

'That's exactly why I dislike this bastard so much!' He gritted his teeth in thought.

In a flash Trick immediately turned his attention to mage as burning red eyes clashed with calm blue and emerald ones, but his staredown was soothingly interrupted by a smirking Mr Magustriz.

"So where are you headed Trick?." The man asked, reaching into his pocket for his watch.

"I—m heading to Master Astravan's trick show." Trick mumbled.

"Ahh yes." The magician stared into space.

"That show really was today." He tucked his watch right back into his pocket.

The screeching sounds of the car brakes trying to stop the large limousine's motion came and the anxious voice of the driver followed suit.

"We have arrived at Sir Astravan's trick show." The driver announced, flinching at the stern gaze his boss threw his way.

"An—d my apologies for the rough parking." He hastily added as the window between he and his passengers slid shut.

Immediately, Trick burst out the door before proceeding to grab his backpack.

'I'm finally free.' He heaved a huge sigh of relief strapping his bag across his shoulders.

"Do tell Astravan I said hi okay?" The magician gave Trick a hearty smile.

"Will do, and thanks for the ride sir." Trick gave a standing bow thankful for the man's kind gesture.

In an instant, Magustriz immediately flinched, his body almost making a shiver.

"So that's how it is." The magician mumbled, as a large smile spread across his face.

"Huh?" Trick questioned at the man's inaudible statement.

"Don't mind me it's nothing, you're almost late right? You should go right ahead."

Trick then stared at the time, his eyes bulging in pure surprise.

"2:00PM!" He yelled anxiously quickly sticking his phone back into his pocket before attempting to make a fast paced run for the theatre.

But his run was momentarily interrupted—

By Magustriz who held unto Trick's arm.

"Wait one moment." There was a slight silence as the man stared sternly at the boy.

"Be sure to watch your surroundings okay, you wouldn't want to bump into anyone when in a hurry." He advised with a smile, letting Trick speed off into the direction of a large theatre, the location where Astravan's trick show would be held.

Mage took a concerning look at his father.

"Father, just now you seemed to flinch a little." The boy observed his father with worrisome eyes.

"Is something bothering you?"

The man gave his child a smile, patting his head under his large hands.

"No." A wide grin spread across the man's face.

"It's just an uneasy feeling."

Magustriz then clasped his arms together, staring through a lowered window that did little to hide the brilliance of the blue sky.