The kiss was really amazing to be honest I wanted the moment to just stop. Suddenly Felix pulled a knife from his pocket and said " you guys are playing games,get away from her and hand her over to me ". Lucas pulled me behind him and stood in front of me it was a very tense moment. Suddenly me heard the left door opening and one of my neighbour came when she saw knife in Felix hand she shouted and hearing that my other neighbours came. When Felix saw that he said " I will see you later, how dare you "and left then my neighbours asked me who kit was I said that it's my ex.
They then asked who was Lucas . He answered saying" I am his boyfriend " they said" he looks like a hero, you found yourself a good boyfriend ". I smiled then and said thank you to everyone and then both of as got into the door. I was very stressed then suddenly Lucas hugged me and said " why do you not share you trouble with others" I said " I don't want others to get into trouble" he then said " you are not troubling anyone, from today on I will take care of you " . Then he said "you will move to my house from today" I said " It is not a problem my friend lives with me " he then said " from now on I will come to pick you for office" I said " it is fine you do not need to trouble yourself" he then looked at me and said " you have to choose between these two" then I said "it's okay, do not worry about me you will be late " he said " it not a problem today I will drop you off to the office and I will only leave after your friend comes here" I said "it's not a problem" he then I a serious tone said " let's meet take care of you " I then nodded my head.
After that both of as sat on the sofa and were drinking coffee.
Suddenly we heard the door bell ringing again . We both looked at each other. He held my hand and said " I will not let anything hurt you " I looked at him and nodded . Then I walked towards the door with fear in my heart. When I looked through the hole I was once again in shock. The person who were standing outside will kill me if they saw this I was so scared for a second I was frozen for a second. Lucas then brought me again into my sense and asked me "who is outside?". When I saw that I was like can this day get any worst