The last Wolf howled towards the sky, Kai felt like he was being crushed by a invisible weight ,He felt as if his ribs were being crushed All he could think about was the deafening howl which filled the moonlit sky He looked at Alice ,Alice was also in the same state The Wolf Almost tripled in Size It looked down upon the fear stricken Kai and Alice "I Am Wolstrofe You have Killed my people I shall Show Thy strength "Alice shouted at kai" DON'T LOOK BACK JUST RUN CALL FOR BACKUP GO TO THE NEXT VILLAGE AND ASK MONSTER HUNTERS" Kai fell to the ground looking at the massive beast .Alice ran toward it with her sword pointing towards its neck ,The wolf punched Alice with his paw ,Alice immediately fell to ground and spat blood. Alice said"[Hellsfire]"Immediately The ground around started shaking Pillars of Flame came from beneath the wolf But it was ineffective The wolf didn't even have a scratch Alice knew it wasn't enough She said "CATHEDRAL DEPLOYMENT [Banquet of The Damned]"Kai had head about cathedrals before they are a domain where the person who used it has a great advantage it is the strongest move a Monster Hunter can use The floor turned into tiles. Kai, the wolf and Alice were now standing in a huge castle Alice immediately ran full speed at the wolf and used another blessing "OH THE GREAT WIND BOOST MY SPEED AERO AEGELIS[Speed of Wind]"Kai knew what Alice did; she used a chanted blessing Chanted Blessings are more better than the original blessing The wolf Jumped towards Alice ,Alice tried to dodge but the wolf was faster then Alice flew towards a pillar and broke through it she tumbled down The Wolf said "Stupid Human I AM A GOLD RANK MONSTER You cannot Harm me "The wolf then did the most fearful thing a monster can do "CATHEDRAL DEPLOYMENT [AGE OF THE WISE GOD]"Alice and kai were transported to another cathedral it was a cave with a campfire in the middle of the cave .They heard the Wolf say "I Shall test you strength This is My cathedral You have to clear 50 Waves of Silver rank Monsters "Kai Shouted "H-HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT SHE IS INJURED AND I AM ONLY LEVEL 2"The wolf spoke again "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FINE THEN I SHALL GRANT YOU AS LONG AS YOU WANT BEFORE STARTING EACH WAVE "Then soon more wolves could be seen Kai looked at the unconscious Alice He ran towards her and took the sword The wolf said again "Don't think of buying time to escape time doesn't move here "kai counted the wolves there were 30 of them .He used his blessing"[Child of Chaos],[Shadow Armour]"His weapon became black and he leaped forward to wolves and slashed their necks Before the wolves could even move he killed 15 of them Kai heard a voice "You have slain 16 Wolfs +389 exp, item drop: Sword of The Hidden Wolf "Kai without thinking dropped alice's sword and said "Come Forth[ Sword of The Hidden Wolf]"He heard the voice again "Due to The specified person owning [Apostle of The Night] Sword of The Hidden Wolf Will now be transformed" after a short delay "Transformation complete [Sword Of The Night] Blessing has been added "Kai was dumbfounded never in his entire life had he heard of a weapon turning into a blessing He said"[Sword of The Night]"Immediately a black sword got summoned into the air, He grabbed the sword and charged towards the remaining wolves .The wolves also charged toward him 2 wolf bit him in his ankles 2 on his shoulders He didn't even flinch and slashed their necks. more wolfs bit him and he kept on cutting their neck His injuries were being healed immediately because of [Shadow Heal]Before long he was getting tired only 2 wolf remained He Ran towards them and soon enough they also fell After that kai was panting He couldn't move anymore He fell to ground and lost consciousness When he woke up he saw that it was morning The cathedral had a day and night system Alice was still lying down unconscious He got up and summoned his stats
Level-15 Blessings:--
[Child of Chaos]
[Shadow Armour]
[Shadow heal]
[Apostle of The Night]
[Sword of The Night]
Kai smiled and said "Now I am a Silver Rank "He went outside the cave and saw a river and a few trees He washed his face and went inside the cave. He saw that the campfire was still lit. His stomach growled ,He asked Ron "Why did I not feel anything when killing those wolfs?" Ron said "Didn't I tell you [Child of Chaos] Removes unnecessary emotions. I suggest you eat the wolfs meat as food" Kai nodded and went toward the corpses of the wolfs he skinned one and skewered it with a stick and put it to cook near the fire He then went towards the river to clean up After He was done taking a bath he returned to the cave He finished eating and saw Alice still lying there motionless After that he sat there waiting for nighttime When the sunsetted he said"2nd wave now "He heard the wolfs laughter "OK" Soon enough same wolfs appeared but this time there were 60 of them After a long battle the entire cave was filled with blood and corpses Kai was the victor this time too This time kai had a few serious injuries his arms were covered in bite marks he couldn't feel his legs He decided To exercise to get stronger after cooking more food and eating them He ran around the cave for 3 hours and did 500 pushups and 150 squats After he was done he couldn't move anymore He fell asleep The Next Day when he Woke up He burned the wolfs body to free up space He took a bath and noticed that there were scars on his arms After taking a bath he went back inside and saw Alice sitting near the flame He immediately ran up to her and said "Y-YOU ARE FINALLY AWAKE" Alice told him "Y-yea what happened where are we?" Kai explained the situation to her Alice said in a shocked face "YOU DEFEATED 90 WOLFS IN 2 DAYS???"Kai said "y-yea" Alice said "Didn't you say you were level 2"Kai replied "I leveled up and now I am level 18"Alice jaw was left hanging in the air "P-PLEASE SLOW DOWN""90 WOLFS AND NOW LVL 18 I AM LEVEL 30 "