Its been a 1000 years since the last appearance of the Hero and The Demonlord for now there is peace No war in particular but that all change when the Orcs Started War with the Humans.
Our story begins in The Land of Estarosa where a simple farmer boy turned into a powerful Hero who turned the tides of war.
In the town of Melrick in the kingdom of Estarosa There's a Family of Serfs. A boy named Masato Age(10) His Father Sejuro(31) His mother Lily(28) His Younger Sister(8) His older sister Cathyrine(13)
As a Serfs they live a fairly good life they earned everyday to buy thier own freedom from the lords before Catherine Become of age to recive her blessings.
As expected they earn 10 copper coins each month and it requires 50 to become a commoners the Lord Doesn't even come to the Lands due to hasty generalization that serfs are unhygienic.
Masato learned to hunt at a very young age he was a good Hunter each shot he do using his makeshift weapons hit every target his father Watching him in the distance as he hunt's Wild Rabit And Small wild Boars for some reason he can carry them all with his small body.
Masato: Father this the fill for today
Sejuro: well as expected of my little Hero
Masato: do they really exist after all Thier age Ended 1000 years ago
Sejuro: They always existed as they say Our ancestors came from a long line of Hero but the tide turned when your great great grandpa sacrifice him self to protect the family against the orc so we are fallen nobles so keep our secrets low cause people might expose us I don't wan't the lord to take you and your siblings.
Two years have past and they we're ready to become a commoners they earn for everything But Lily got Sick with an unknown illness
Lily: Masato come here, you have to take care of your Younger Sister.
Masato: yes mother i will , i gathered the herbs on the forest that will heal your illness
Lily: it wont do i feel my time closing in
Masato: Mother Don't say that there is a way
Lily: I'm going to leave the world with contempt knowing that your future will be Bright like the sun that shine through our windows still i heared your sister won't be around since she was taken by the magic academy as expected from our bloodline. I dont have much time left so where ever you go Take your sister with you understood?
Masato Sobs and shakily answers yes
4 months have gone and Lily passed away While Sejuro Got lost in an Adventurer's mission of searching the revival plant called Aquata.
Masato and His sister was living alone so the guild adopted them cause during that years they are earning for freedom Sejuro was spending time helping the adventurers guild of the town by secrets since the lord can't know that a serf work as an adventurer.
Masato learned everything in the guild library cause the guild master is a closefriend of his father when they were nobles before.