23rd August 2026 [2126] (5:56 AM • Country of Alnilam • Outskirts of Schelvia City [East])
Beyond the towering barrier of Schelvia City, the outside world remained silent, untouched by the hum of civilization. A crisp morning breeze swept over the rolling hills, rustling the lush green grass that stretched endlessly toward the horizon. The sky, painted in hues of crimson and gold, welcomed the dawn with an ethereal glow.
Schelvia City stood isolated, separated from the rest of the world, positioned deep within the country of Alnilam. It was a metropolis unlike any other, a futuristic bastion designed exclusively for its residents-students who lived under its watchful technological embrace. Outside its towering barriers, there were no other settlements, no signs of human life-only nature ,reclaiming the land.
A single man-made road carved through the landscape, leading to the city's entrance gate. The contrast was striking: the smooth, engineered path against the wild, untamed beauty of the surrounding hills. The green waves of land curved gently, as if nature itself had sculpted them with careful hands.
A new day had begun. A peaceful one.
Or so it seemed.
5:57 AM → Incoming Anomaly
Unbeknownst to the city's inhabitants, something was approaching.
Far beyond the capabilities of the city's radar, an unidentified entity moved swiftly-silent, untraceable. The scanners at Schelvia's perimeter barely detected its presence, registering only a fleeting blip before the anomaly vanished from the system.
Distance: 900m...
Unknown object detected...
Error. Signal lost.
The artificial intelligence overseeing the radar system reacted instantly, transmitting a coded alert to one of the highest-ranked individuals responsible for external surveillance.
Astra Lynnwood-known as The Watcher-was among the student council. Her task was simple: monitor the world beyond the city and inside the
The city accordingly. The instant her device received the warning, she scanned the report.
"Possible Miscode. Radar Malfunction?"
Her brown eyes narrowed as she stared at the disappearing anomaly on the screen. It wasn't uncommon for the system to pick up false readings, especially given the advanced nature of the technology.
She sighed, dismissing the data as a probable glitch.
"There goes another waste of information."
The alert was archived. The anomaly forgotten.
6:00 AM
"Эй, эй... Моя леди, притормози... Не хочу, чтобы ты порвала свои прекрасные конечности, потому что ты слишком спешишь."
• (Woah, woah... My lady, hold on there... I don't want you tearing your pretty limbs off because you're going too fast.) •
The voice in her head spoke telepathically, teasing her playfully, almost as if watching the figure racing along the vast hill outside of Schelvia City, closing in at high speed.
The anomaly was Yoru.
Her speed was closing in, and with the help of ÑYXÖRÂ, she concealed herself from the radar by masking Yoru's body heat and steps with her unique gift.
Yoru's speed was closing in on the towering barrier of Schelvia City. She wore a dark cloak with her hood up as she approached.
"... Всё будет хорошо... Я ведь натренирован для этого... В том аду, перед тем как мы получили эту миссию... Я так просто не сломаюсь..."
• (... It'll be fine... I'm trained for this y'know... In that hell before we got this mission... I'm not gonna break that easily...) •
Yoru answered reassuringly, her violet eyes focused ahead with a determined resolve, staring at the destination.
"Да, конечно... Но моя леди, не переусердствуй... Я уйду, если ты мне скажешь."
• (Yeah, right... But my lady, don't overdo it... I'll leave if you tell me to.) •
ÑYXÖRÂ paused for a moment before asking,
"... Кого ты ищешь, вообще, моя леди?"
• (... Who are you searching for, anyway, my lady?) •
ÑYXÖRÂ's tone was pensive, slightly curious.
"... Ищу человека, достойного быть в команде..."
• (... Searching for someone worthy to be in the party...) •
"In the party?"
• (A party?) •
"... Это значит отряд или команда, ÑYXÖRÂ..."
• (...It means a squad or team, ÑYXÖRÂ...) •
Yoru sighed as she slowed her pace slightly and stopped, staring at the towering barrier from afar. Her violet eyes glinted slightly under her dark cloak as she answered ÑYXÖRÂ. She silently reconsidered but quickly shook it off.
Yoru resumed her sprint.
"... Почему здесь?"you
• (... Why here?) •
ÑYXÖRÂ asked again softly through telepathy.
"HTT дал мне несколько данных о достойных членах команды... И мы встретим одного в этом городе..."
• (HTT gave me several data on worthy party members... And we're going to meet one in this city...) •
Yoru answered, her speed increasing as she neared the towering barrier. The gate was visible from afar, closing tightly.
"... Понимаю... Так кого мы ищем? Девушку? Мужчину? Лидера-"
• (... I see... So who are we looking for? A girl? A man? The leader-) •
"... Девушку, которая имеет власть в этом большом городе"
• (... A girl who has authority in this large city.) •
Yoru cut her off, answering as she stopped in front of the gates, staring up at the high barrier. It reached countless kilometers high, and she wouldn't even try to measure it.
She had something more important now.
A partner, a member worthy of being in her party, for the search of the mission she had been given.
Since receiving the mission eight months ago, she had been considering many possibilities that could stand in her way.
Of course, there were going to be problems, obstacles she might not be able to withstand on her own.
This was the reason for the idea of forming a party. She needed to find members, or people, worthy of fighting by her side.
Though she disliked the idea, she couldn't ignore it.
Over the past eight months, she had searched through data on 'stand-out' people across the country of Alnilam. But she couldn't reach people outside the HTT territory.
She had come across a few people she had her eye on, and one of them was from here...
Behind the towering barrier of Schelvia City...
The girl with blonde hair...
...She needed to request this girl to join her as a member..before her mission got taken away..
6:14 AM
"Мы здесь..."
• (We're here...) •
Yoru said, breaking off her contemplation as she broke her stare at the barrier. She knelt slightly on the green grass and took a deep breath before murmuring,
In an instant, something rose from the green grass behind her, accompanied by mist. A figure materialized, glitching briefly before settling into perfection. It wore a cloak like hers, with the same violet eyes, but this figure's cloak was different-it flowed like a wave, as if it were alive, its color unnaturally shifting.
A soft, pleased smile appeared on the figure's lips as it lifted its head, staring at the kneeling girl.
"... Моя леди... Могу ли я продолжить, пока ты будешь ждать здесь, снаружи у ворот?"
• (... My lady... Shall I proceed while you wait here, outside the gate?) •
The figure asked as it reached its hand to Yoru, pulling her up softly. They stood at the same height, as though the figure mirrored Yoru. But this was just ÑYXÖRÂ taking Yoru's form at Yoru's request, to avoid drawing attention inside the city, with ÑYXÖRÂ's true appearance concealed.
As Yoru stood up, she dusted off her knees, taking ÑYXÖRÂ's hand as they stood together. Her violet eyes glanced at ÑYXÖRÂ.
She sighed, pulling her hand away gently.
"... Конечно... следуй плану, который мы разработали раньше... НИКАКИХ БОЕВ... НИКАКИХ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЙ ЛЮДЯМ... мы должны убрать оружие."
• (... Of course... Follow the plan we made before... NO FIGHTING... NO HURTING PEOPLE... we must sheath our weapons.) •
Yoru explained again, staring at ÑYXÖRÂ, who examined her new looks and features. She then turned her attention back to her, listening to Yoru's instructions. ÑYXÖRÂ smiled softly and bowed lightly.
"... Я буду выполнять, как ты прикажешь, моя леди."
• (... I'll perform as you command, my lady.) •
Yoru's violet eyes glinted down at ÑYXÖRÂ's bow. She closed her eyes with a sigh, crossing her arms, her fingers tapping rhythmically as she turned to back ÑYXÖRÂ.
"... Хорошо... теперь просто выполняй мои команды... мы свяжемся телепатически отсюда. Если на твоем пути будут препятствия, как роботы или что-то подобное... используй что-то вроде винтовки, чтобы их устранить... нам не нужно большое оружие разрушения... мы пришли сюда с просьбой, как гости, а не для битвы."
• (... Good... Now just do as I command... We'll connect telepathically from here. If there are obstacles in your way, like robots or something... use something like a rifle to take them down... We don't need a big weapon of destruction... We're here to request as guests.. not for a battle.) •
Yoru's tone was sharp yet soft, as she faced away from ÑYXÖRÂ, her back turned as she hopped onto the main road. The path led to the gate, and she approached the closed entrance.
"...Я позабочусь о кое-чём снаружи... Ты иди найди девушку... следуй моим указаниям, хорошо?"
•(... I'll take care of something outside... You go find the girl... follow my instructions, okay?)•
Yoru glanced at ÑYXÖRÂ one last time. ÑYXÖRÂ stood amid the green grass, staring at Yoru. With a simple nod, she watched her master leave, heading toward the gate. Now alone on this mission, ÑYXÖRÂ felt no fear. Her sole purpose was to obey every command from her master, Yoru Manami.
ÑYXÖRÂ stood silently for a moment before turning her attention back to the path ahead ,that was just towering barrier of schelvia city... She cracked her fingers and then pulled up the hood of her cloak.
A faint whistle of wind followed her figure as she prepared to charge. Her cloak rippled, flowing rapidly in the wind. The grass around her bent away, as if something powerful was emanating from her and causing the earth itself to shift.
With a loud zooming sound, her figure vanished from the grass, slipping beyond the Schelvia City barrier.
She leapt high into the sky, stepping through the air as though it were solid ground, moving with astonishing speed before casually bridging the barrier.
ÑYXÖRÂ crossed the towering walls of Schelvia City.
Leaping through the air, she passed-