A girl walks into a house using the key which was kept on the soil in a plant pot hidden by the leaves and flowers that grew from the plant pot; it was purple iris flower which her mother adored because it was her favorite flower. Penny is a girl aged 17. She is light skinned and is 5''6ft tall. She lives in Pennsylvania with her parents and three siblings. They were German but she grew up here in Pennsylvania. Her elder sister, Tasha was already in her second year of university while her two younger brothers were in junior high.
Penny was in her last years of high school and she was excited to finish but wasn't ready to start a new life in university. It was mid June and preparations were going on for the year's graduation. She didn't socialize much at school and was an introvert going through some phases. She walked into the living room, it still looked the same as when she left in the morning for school and wasn't surprised that she was the first to come home, she rushed home from school every day because she avoided some of her mates at school.
Penny closed the door behind her and walked upstairs to her room, threw her bag on her study table and falling on her bed and letting out a tired sigh. Penny thought of the assignment and final year project she had to complete to enable her graduate high school, she drifted off to sleep on that thought.
"Penny, wake up". I felt the hands of someone aggressively shaking me. My eyes slowly peered open to see my youngest brother Brian standing before me, he was eleven years and was only in his first years of junior high. He looked relieved when my eyes opened like as though he thought I was dead.
"Penny, mom is calling you. She seems a bit made about something though". He said with concern in his voice. I sat on my bed for a little while trying to gather myself, my head ached for some reason. Brian kept on asking if I was fine and I just nodded at him reassuring him that I was fine and he didn't have to worry about me. I found myself walking down the stairs to face my mother with Brian walking behind me. I found my other brother, Chase sitting in the living room watching TV. He was 15 years old but was already taller than I was.
"Where is mom"? I asked Chase and he pointed to the kitchen. I and Chase weren't fun of each other so it was normal that we didn't say much to one another. I slowly walked into the kitchen finding my mom prepping for dinner.
"Hey, mom". She didn't turn to look at me but continued with what she was doing. The long silence pierced the air and for some reason something felt stuck in my throat.
"How long are you going to act so lazy? You are always sleeping, how would you ever get good grades". The words finally stung, I fought back the tears that threatened.
"Help your brother with his homework and be useful and hang out the laundry".
I didn't say a word back to her. Brain stood at the door while I was about to leave and I flashed him a smile to tell him I wasn't upset. He wasn't too little anymore, he knew what went on and was quite concerned especially when it came to me.
"Come on let me see that assignment of yours".
We sat at the dining table trying to solve the math problems he had. I let him do some of the problems on his own and went to spread the laundry outside and noticed my dad's car pull up at the drive way. My dad always came up late every day, he worked really hard an even brought some work home. We weren't rich but my parents earned a good living and were able to provide for us.
Dad came out of his car and his eyes turned me and he smiled at me while I waved at him and he walked inside while I continued to spread the laundry. I could hear my mum complain to my dad about something that went wrong at work probably that's why she was so upset.
Chase helped me clear the table after dinner and I washed the dishes and headed off to my room after so I could rest. The day was finally over, I looked at the clock that ticked in my room and slowly closed my eyes, and it was half past eight. I should probably have my bath and get ready for bed, tomorrow was another to face school.