The inhabitants of this universe were stunned to see a purple light pass into their atmosphere, they soon saw that the purple light was of an orb that pushed across their sky unto the surfaces of their worlds ....
The details of this gloomy universe soon turned purple , covering down their traditional and historical architecture and interiors .
The futuristic details of this universe was also lit up by the purple orb that travelled into it's existence, the people of this universe could clearly determine that the end was near due to their advancement in all things .
Their futuristic architecture soon lit up with purple and just liked the other Universe that the phenomenon had hit , the worlds of this universes broke into chaos .
The inhabitants of this universe caught sight of this purple light taking over their atmosphere,and their fantasia setting turned out to be affected by the overflow of purple that they saw , their medieval architecture swallowed the purple beyond measures and it was like the orb was their new sun .
The universe known for having everything in the opposite is soon set back when the opposite of what they know soon hits them , the purple light shone above them and the heat from it began burning things down ,the inhabitants of this universe were the first to witness the wrath of Evoris .....
This universe witnesses a world changing event as the set sight on the purple orb , despite their atmosphere withstanding the heat of the orb they still lost a lot to the wrath of Evoris , their ultimate setting is disturbed by this end time event .
Another universe in the multiverse to see the wrath of Evoris, their dark setting is lit up by purple light and the inhabitants of the atmosphere settle to see what new thing had begun in the lane of existence.
The universe where abnormal things are known as world end events, the appearance of the purple light had thrown them into panic and several of them began to find theories to keep their mind stable , their normal detailed atmosphere is hit by the heart of purple as the orb flashed.