Chereads / A different Ambassador H.S. Mr. Green / Chapter 4 - Gypsies, the press and...the new ambassador?!

Chapter 4 - Gypsies, the press and...the new ambassador?!

- Call a butler. We'll dress him as a gendarme, and he'll handle security. Make sure it's someone who can deal with the press. You know how they swarm like ants, piling up, attacking…

- Got it, FĂ! A media storm is the worst.

- What happened? The man looked at me, confused.

- I want to know the name of the news outlet that reported the ambassador's disappearance.

- I don't know the name, but it's a national publication.

- More precisely, what does the article say? Can you read it to me? Or give it to the Countess… I'd do it myself, but the journalists will be here any minute, and we're a bit behind on makeup.

The phone was handed to Anna. She started reading aloud:

"The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Romania, H.E. Kang Sung-bin, disappeared last evening. The South Korean embassy is quiet today. The Ambassador has not shown up for work, nor has he been seen around his residence. Our source confirmed that he was last seen at the National Day Reception of Pakistan, and since then, no one has been able to track him down. Even his diplomatic car is missing. What could have happened to His Excellency? We tried to contact the involved embassy, but as of publishing this article, no response has been provided."

- That's the one. Wait a second. There's another update.

- What does it say?

- The Embassy car was spotted near Țara Luanei. A witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, sent us a picture of the South Korean embassy's car. We don't know if it remained in Țara Luanei or if it was heading elsewhere. We'll return with more details.

- Țara Luanei is in Buzău. I'll call Kaluci Bulibașa. We'll get the car.

- FĂ, wouldn't it be better to call Baba or Fotini... Gust...?

- No!

The Countess looked at me with concern. She knew I didn't rely on outsiders for difficult cases, so why was I reaching out to the Gypsies now? Was I afraid? Yes. Me, the fearless Green Tiger, was starting to tremble, my pulse rising at the thought of something happening to the people I cared about—especially since I couldn't be there in time to help. The Gypsies of Buzău were dear to me too, but their way of operating surpassed even the world's strictest intelligence services. And I trusted them. I had eaten and drunk with them thousands of times. Their homes were cleaner than any imperial palace, and they kept their word. Even if they fought amongst themselves, they united in times of need and struck down their enemies with full force.

- Te aves bahtalo! [May you be lucky.]

- Oho, brother Green! So keres? [What's up?]

- I'm working on a case and need your help… What do you say?

- Tell me, let's see what I can do!

- A friend of mine, a special friend, lost his car. Some guys took it… you know what I mean by 'some guys'...

- I see…

- And it was spotted in Buzău County, specifically in Țara Luanei. Can you help me find it? It's very important to my special friend… You see, if the police find out, it could cause a diplomatic scandal… He said he'd take care of you if you do him this favor.

- Green, you've lost your mind completely! The Countess whispered in my left ear.

- I'll call the boys.

- My request is that you don't touch it. Just keep an eye on it if you find it because it needs to be examined by my friend's country's secret services… We don't want any extra problems. You get me? I would've asked you to bring it here, but...

- Don't worry, brother! Good thing you told me. Send me a picture of the car so we know what to look for. I'll keep you posted as soon as we find it. We'll comb through all of Buzău.

- I owe you one!

- Yeah, with a big barbecue and some good Pietroasele wine.

- So be it!

- Alright, we'll talk later. Bye!

- Bye!

- GIRL, what's wrong with you?! Where's my Green?!

- Now why are you freaking out, Anna?

- How could you do that, FĂ?!

- Just like that!

- Sorry to interrupt your argument, but the press is already here.

The Korean intelligence officer had returned, though I hadn't even noticed when he left the room.

- Countess, did you send someone to the gate...?

- Of course, FĂ! I'm not a 100-year-old granny, I'm just anxious, lazy, and I wish I had married a rich man so I'd never have to work in my life.

- You won't get another chance!

- What do we do with the press?

Seeing that no one was giving him instructions, the intelligence officer asked again.

- You go outside and stall. I suggested.

- We need ten more minutes. Hye-jin was making the final touch-ups.

- Think you can do it? Eun-hee looked at me, worried.

- I'll do my best. How do you guys say it in extreme cases… "fighting" or should I say "paeeting"? I don't know the exact pronunciation… I just say what I hear...

Everyone in the room was stunned. Only the Countess reacted in her characteristic style:

- FĂ, what did you put in his tea? Ever since he drank it, he's lost his mind. Even he doesn't know what he's saying.

The man tasked with stalling the press left, smiling.

- It was just tea! I assure you! Hye-jin raised both hands in the air.

- Relax! The Countess doesn't arrest anyone. She's just hysterical. It'll pass. Some calming tea for her would be perfect. I suggested to the secretary.

- FĂ, you're asking for a trip to the mental hospital in Săpoca, Ojasca, Nifon…

- Ojasca or Nifon, I don't remember… But in front of the hospital, on a hill, there's a cemetery, and there's a legend that at night you can see ghosts… But I don't know why you'd send me there—I haven't even gotten angry yet.

- Don't give him any more tea. Water, țuică, soju [Korean țuică], peach wine, your local beer—anything but yellow tea. Please!

Anna was just short of bowing in front of the two women who were trying to fix my makeup.

- You say I'm the crazy one, but are you sure you have all your marbles? Or has my absence made you act like this?

I loved teasing her.

- FĂ, I'd hug you so tight, really tight, since I didn't get the chance yesterday, but I'd mess up your makeup.

- Countess, you know that sounded like we're in one of those South Korean dramas, right?

- FĂ!

- Shh! The press is here. Big cameras, powerful microphones, high-end photography equipment—so keep your voice down, as the musician would say.

I gestured for her to stay quiet.

- Are you sure you can imitate my husband?

- I don't know Korean... well, I'm not fluent. I can say a few words and expressions, but... I have an idea. Let's go outside!

I stood up triumphantly from the chair. I didn't care whether the rest of the group would follow me. I'd walk out smiling from ear to ear, and then switch to a serious face.

- Someone's coming out!

- Look, there he is!

The press, crowded together like a swarm, pushed into the courtyard. The photojournalists were arguing with the cameramen, and the reporters were bickering among themselves. They were so comical.

I signaled them to calm down. A group of well-built men appeared next to me, and among them, Hye-jin made her way forward.

- Mr. Ambassador, tell us, where have you been all this time?

- Where is your car?

- Who kidnapped you?

- How did you escape?

- Who is responsible?

- What ransom had to be paid?

The questions poured in, and I hadn't even had a chance to open my mouth.

- Good evening, first of all! I won't be able to speak much. As you can hear, my voice is quite hoarse. There was no kidnapping. I was at the doctor's. I have laryngitis. The doctor advised me not to strain my voice and to avoid speaking for a week if I want to recover faster. However, I had to come out and clarify the issues that have appeared in the media.

- And where is your car? It's been reported that it was seen in Țara Luanei.

- It's at the mechanic's. It has some technical issues. I'm not the only one in the country with a Hyundai, right? Maybe it was another car that looks like ours.

- And how do you explain the license plates?

- How do you know it's not just a bad joke? I had a good laugh when I saw what you wrote about me, but our Foreign Minister didn't find it as amusing. That's why I came out to ask you to stop the speculation. I'm fine, except for my voice. And now, if there are no further questions… I'd like to withdraw. I need to follow my doctor's advice and rest.

- There are still a few more questions...

One of the journalists spoke up. He seemed suspicious, like he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

- You can leave them with my secretary, and she will pass them on to me. I will respond to everything in writing, given my current health condition.

- Why did you take the car to the service instead of calling a mechanic to your house?

- The Embassy's car doesn't go to just any service. It's sent to South Korea, directly to the Hyundai factory. And with that, I apologize, but my voice won't hold up much longer.

I bowed respectfully before them. Hye-jin immediately stepped in to take my place while I retreated into the house, escorted by part of the staff present at the ad-hoc press conference.

- So?

Eun-hee greeted me as soon as I stepped inside.

- I think I fooled them... now let's see what Hye-jin says and what the press will write.

Then I turned to one of the security guards.

- Stay here. Keep an eye on everything media-related, including provincial outlets—especially Buzău. And if anything comes up with my name, bring it to me immediately!

- FĂ, do you actually think you're the ambassador now?

- Well, don't I have to play the role? You think I'm about to take off my makeup now? Not happening.

- FĂ, how are you going to look for clues?

- For now, I'll just watch the external security cameras… I have a hypothesis, and it might be confirmed since no one was guarding the residence.

I scratched my head in frustration.

- This wig isn't doing my psoriasis any favors. My scalp's already starting to itch…

- FĂ, stop stressing over going bald!

I didn't respond to my drinking buddy. I quietly opened my laptop and continued searching.

Not long after, the ambassador's secretary returned. Hye-jin had arranged everything. Of course, she had—it was her job.

Silence settled over the room. The only sound was the playback from the surveillance cameras. I watched everything intently, and then suddenly, I exclaimed:

- That's it! That's the one!

- What is it?

- Who is it?

- Let me see!

- FĂ, I hope this isn't a false alarm!

Eun-hee, the Countess, and Hye-jin rushed over to see the culprit.

All they could see was a person dressed entirely in black—black cap, black sunglasses, black mask worn properly—stopping the ambassador in front of the house.

They exchanged words, but it was unclear what they were saying. Suddenly, the ambassador took off running. The suspect whistled for the gendarme, and both of them took off after the Korean diplomat. The driver of the embassy's car turned on the siren and sped away.

- So these were the footsteps you heard this morning and the siren you thought belonged to the police.

- Rewind a little, please!

Hye-jin wanted to see something again.

- That's me, being pushed by Anna… but I don't know how the gate got opened… Part of the footage is missing.

I rewound a few more frames and showed them how everything turned blurry.

- We need someone who can enhance these images. That way, we can identify their accomplices.

- The gate must have been sabotaged from the inside, because that's the only way it could have been opened. The 'gendarme' handled the outside, but inside… there's definitely a mole. No one even reported the camera's signal loss.

- I also have serious suspicions about the driver. He could have opened the door and signaled E.S. to get in the car—or, at the very least, he could have raised the alarm. But he did neither.

- There are at least four people involved.

- I'm going to... Hye-jin stood up, ready to go speak to security.

- No!

I stopped her immediately.

- Why? Eun-hee didn't understand.

- I don't know if they're still in the house, which is unlikely, but as soon as they see the press conference, they'll be thrown off.

I smirked.

- We need to take precautions to make them believe that I am the real ambassador. Confusion will make them return here, to verify whether I am real or if they have the real one.

- What are you even talking about, FĂ?!

- All in due time… but until then, please act normal.

Then I turned to my "secretary."

- What's on my schedule for tomorrow?

She hesitated for a moment, caught off guard.

- Hye-jin, please tell my husband what he needs to do tomorrow!

She sighed and nodded.

- Tomorrow... you'll need to be at the Embassy as per the schedule.

- Alright… then I'll start my day at 8:30 as usual. Now, please, go get some rest. Hye-jin, do you need someone to accompany you home...?

- I have something to discuss with Mrs. Kang...Okay! The rest of you are dismissed.

I guess, like me, you all expected that I would be left alone with the ambassador's wife. Well, no one moved. I was surprised, but I couldn't show it.

- You do know that we're being filmed and recorded here as well, right? The secretary looked at me, slightly confused.

- Not anymore.

- Excuse me? The woman froze.

- You should go do your rounds, and we'll talk after. What do you say? My tone suddenly turned cold.

- Hey, are you messing with us or...

My phone whistled. I gestured to the Countess to be quiet and hold onto her thought.