universe power rank ;
complete authority
single authority
origin law
main law
sup law/rule
complete authority power is omnipotent inside the universe = Omniverse being.
complete and single authority power is same outside the universe and inside the Omniverse = multiverse being.
law being is ageless
rule being is supernatural being
universe is complete authority is infinity.
single authority universe is unlimited.
origin world/universe.
main world
sup world and planet
cultivation universe;
highest dao.
single dao being or world/chaos
origin dao being or immortal world
upper world
lower world
multiverse explanation;
multiverse is copies world not the original world.
multiverse is protection mechanic to universe.
inside the multiverse is affected world.
two multiverse in-between is void.
world power system user is outer heaven power user.
spiritual and physical attributes and bloodline power user is inner heaven power user.
self origin power.
multiverse power rank lowest to highest;
supernatural being.
multiverse being.
single authority being/greater multiverse being.
complete authority being.
Omniverse being.
marvel multiverse;
single authority universe/being.
universe/celestial/dimension being.
sky father