Chereads / Creator vs Creations / Chapter 1 - Chapitre 0 : Reality

Creator vs Creations

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Chapter 1 - Chapitre 0 : Reality

Part 1: The cycle.


Imagine a world that is divided into two categories:

Those who preach the cult "fear and be feared".

Those who preach the will to live free and culture.


Most people don't even seem to realize it, but: they preach fear and be feared, and, if they know a little detail about what is feared and what fears: they move "dominoes"....


Imagine a game where those who preach the will to live free are assaulted by the preachers of "fear and be feared"....


Imagine a world where the strong prey on the weak, and submit to stronger than themselves: imagine: reality.


There was a tribe that a certain "goddess" had heard: they had heard them pray to "to be feared supreme," their idol, their lord and their god, and their wives also prayed to "to be feared supreme."

To be feared supreme, is a concept of something so coiled that it never comes out, but so great and magnificent is its domination by "to be feared" in the eyes of the weak, worshipping "to fear and to be feared", each according to their pens and their breeding pens, like the shit of the world ready to be used "to be feared supr^me", This supreme ox, then these creatures know without any doubt rising in their hearts, that this is the only true God. Thus the mocker began to do to her posterity what she wanted to do everywhere, for these worshippers of "to fear and to be feared" are the posterity of this "goddess."

 ha yes scare! so fear that "to be feared surpême" will offer you his benefits, they perished in "to be feared supreme," of which the almost dead by "to be feared supreme" have a day of vengeance permanently in their hearts, so that his reign may become more assured, and that what idolaters would not do for their "to be feared supreme."

And like in the movie matrix: these smith programs changed without ever changing, never the same smith program: always the same program.

Imagine the last visit of a preacher of the will to live free. Imagine


Imagine that "fear and be feared" whose worshippers become a snake's burp that eats its shit and dust every incredibly long day of its perfect life finds it good, some people don't devour their tails, and consume themselves because it's so good, and so there remains a kind of jar of confot' apparently full that the cultists' idiots come to deliver by saying that it's not them: it is the one who receives it, so there was an unprecedented famine for all these snakes....

This pattern has been repeated a number of times that I don't count anymore, but the cultists to "to fear and to be feared" have never given up their cults.

For there was no longer any will to live free to renew the debris of their stupidity, they had conquered the creator.

Imagine a world where the jonas scam still works:

Ha "to be feared supreme "I knew that you are an all merciful and very merciful god, and that you would apparently leave them alive,

You know that Jonah and repentance are like a worm to living beings, that their repentance will give us the name of their idoel: to feared supreme, and that by your great strength you lorify yourself to make corpses, and to die with them and to take them with you into the underground world from which you were drawn with them by, ha you don't know him?

We all know that you are not even a god, since We are you and You are Us: you are your discpleys, your things, your components and that without Us you can do nothing..... for you are only Our dream of dominion never satisfied, for dominion has reminded Us the dead of the world under terrai to let apparently live like you Like Us! in order to breathe the crinate of your lordship and that you die with those whom you will convert to your faith. If there is one who does not participate in your faith, then: Make him bear a heavy burden so that he may raise you to the heights, and that you may remain there in peace with your fathers and mothers before you.

You will do well to load it up and strengthen it, For We are only machines and We have left no room for doubts for that... We have never had the will to live free, like beasts of the field, like you O seprent almighty of the cult to fear being feared....

We are only components of your elementary structure without a spine, while you have a strong sii vertebral column or you follow a straight path, direct into a wall in order to see better....

It was sinsi that noah perished, with matrgusalem and lamec who had given birth to him as a ^rve of consolation following the too harsh consequences of their srupidities that they had to bear them


Imagine a world where the Muslmans demaandet every day and every night to perish once and for all, because the burden they have inflicted on themselves by the cult of iron and to be feared has made their precarious existence unbearable, so much the anti-shame clothing suffocates them

Imagine a world where everyone complains about stupidity, srutotu about what they practice, and where they invent heroes who will avenge them....


Imagine: reality.


Imagine a world where the last Buddhist sect is going to disappear.



Imagine an unreal world, because.... The reality of "to fear and to be feared" is binary and everyone who eats it never gets out of it again, so imagine an unreal world where you arrive as ignorant and leave smart... So the world will invent msmart hones so that you understand that you have made good deals by buying smart phones and that therefore to fear DNA to be feared will mark smartphones as smart while anything that is not smarphone will be stamped stupid ... So every composanets in the world wants to become a smartpone because they have the smart brands.. And there is no room for doubt: the morons: are really afraid to fear of being seen as morons, which is what they are to begin with.

Imagine a world where taking off the veils translates as: 'ha god has made me a subject of oppression', of oste to persevere in to fear and to be feared, by justice because I was well dressed and I learn from this wicked offspring that my nuditer, says she who must make herself believe forever like a star of heaven, It has always been known to him, that I am only "to fear and to be feared", when domination and reign should finally become mine!

Imagine: that all the creator observes, especially at this moment, is his creature that he has made for a mother struggling in the meanders of his stupidity in order to glorify his wanderings in the heights of the supreme power of "to fear and to be feared", like an upstart to the top whose only way out is to marry with his illusions... ha to fear and to be feared mixing with will to live free has never had better results than these ....


And Abraham was a just and upright man who did not want to dishonor Sarah, her precious ridicule.... And who consecrated his only son ..

Imagine that the creator observes, precisely at this moment, a second creature that he has made for a father. and say to him:; Are you sure of yourself?

For the good cause Abraham was sure of his slavery and would not leave it:

Thus since he had listened to his wife's voice to fear and to be feared, he became a walking corpse: not alive, even before he was born, he cunningly made good deals in order to enjoy the inheritance of the flesh of flesh and the bones of laban, like a wife of laban.

Difficult to understand?

Then a third cretature intervened: ha Abraham does not harm the child, and we will multiply you, for we fear you, for you have conquered the living, and then what good can it do us to live if it is not to dominate as you dominate! We are you and you are We, We are one in Abraham and Sarah like lost in the desert.. sheep who want to be brought up for righteousness and righteousness by "to be feared supremely" and thus We become To be feared supreme, but what value is this child?


Then the creator said, "Let there be light," and all these creatures were righteous and integrated into their rules, becoming more and more firmly written stones, and so he put them to death. In any case, given what he had witnessed: these things had probably never had even a semblance of life in them, there was only

"To fear and to be feared"


Imagine a world where cultists to be feared and to be feared have placed: to be feared at the top of a ladder. And they placed fear at the bottom of the ladder.

Imagine a world where cultists give themselves confidence by inventing the one who makes himself feared supreme, and thus strive for this cult to be feared supreme, so that to be feared supreme teaches his disciples: the ways to be feared supreme.

So that those who still had a sense of life in them, die, with to be supreme feared.

Imagine the reality.


Then there was someone who explained to them: ha you want to become a with to be feared supreme? Do you want to: Become to be feared supreme?


Imagine a world where people have a pafiate vision: they see curvatures of light, but they see that there is a clear proof of a curvature of this time.


Imagine the reality.


Imagine how you will like to be feared supreme, to become to be feared supreme: you will put yourself in parks and enclosures in order to treat each other like cattle, where you will be able to become real predators of the weak, so that your race will be purified and become feared by your race.


Imagine a world: where each of you from your heights to be feared or from your barnyard from to fear: are only "cannon fodder" for "to fear and to be feared"

Imagine that you have a religion, imagine that you have possessions, imagine that you practice, and adore to be feared supreme! So that: you generate heroes by your dream.


Imagine the continuation of one of the preceding paragraphs: thus to venerate to be feared supreme, and to obtain his graces and to follow the path of those whom to be feared supreme has filled with his goodness and his joys....

You will have to strengthen yourself, you and you alone: for that you will first have to fear, you will be afraid, you will cry out, then you will hate the suns the others... so that you will become mutilated like the orcs, those pupils of ancient times who had taught Criandre Tulkas, so that they entered through the sublime door into fear and to be feared.... Until you have perfect bodies that are irreproachable in all aspects.

Imagine the reality.


Imagine a world where there was someone who invented a supreme creator who had not existed before he invented it.... And he said to all the cyultists: ha! to be feared supreme appeared to me ....and then the cultists the cruret, they did not ask questions: since it was to be feared supreme... And that for the cultists there is no divinity except to be feared supreme.

Later a polymorph visited a young girl, and made this prediction to her: "You will marry an optical illusion, all white." And he called this optical illusion; Shiva.


As the daughter of the very high perchén king of a certain mountain of a galaxy far away very long ago, she believed, because the accesses to the top of the mountain, even her father did not manage to do it.. But this visitor told the girl that in view of the history between her and him, that she would marry Shiva.


Imagine the reality.


Here's your limit: you probably can't imagine a being who preaches "will to live free" you classify him in your binary system: to be efared at the top and to fear and down: somewhere towards the middle: an average being can be mediocre....

And above all, you can't even imagine what motivates him.

Imagine: that not understanding him: you try to put him in a more precise box of your cult to fear and to be feared

Imagine: reality.


Part 2: What you're not interested in, the beginning of the story:


I was looking at the internal and external core structure of this creation.

The darkness and the light were perfectly separated. A kind of big black ball of darkness totally enveloping something: is there something in there? I asked myself, ha! not as if these things were going to answer me: then I entered: and there: there was: a kind of very breathable fluid, strange and authentic, as if I were regaining my spirit,

And underneath were these meshes of luminous light.... Even brighter than the sun's rays: I observed and looked at what was going to happen outside as a genetic code: suns, planets, galaxies, but no living beings....


The ultimate outcome of "fear and be feared", but I didn't know it yet since all these words had not yet been invented.


As far back as I can remember, long before this black ball existed: I was among a kind of 'cultists' to be feared and to be feared: from my "birth", the will to live freely seems to be like a natural enemy for cultists. I had destroyed, annihilated, to be more precise after a number of maneuvers that I don't remember, the entirety of this thing that was constantly trying to put me in a box or a box or .... Find me a place....

A place that my will to live free can never bear....

With them I did not begin by teaching their worship to fear and to be feared: I learned to annihilate....

I found myself with time, space: a lot.... Of time and space, I traveled and noticed that the annihilation I had triggered still continued at the borders of reality....

I imagined reality....


Then I would fill up this "breathing fluid" as a kind of air precursor to all "breathing", long before I even had the idea of making life forms, long before I inadvertently created light, long before I had the light receptors such as human eyes to realize that I had created stars, Planets, galaxies and also living beings, "breathing", for the conscious beings, I have never succeeded, it seems: I am as alone as when I was "born" the cult of "fearing and being feared" is modified and complexified, but it is always the same, to believe that... It seems that .. Ha, there are no words that can convey the concept of what I feel.

A mix of rage and depression? probably the closest thing to it...


Thus there were many black balls that were made: the light being nothing but a cluster to be feared and being feared became filamented, the reality is longer than that: but why not a multidimensional adventure with pseudo gods incapable of creating anything, simply focusing on the rules of their domains in order to make them perfect as a bunch of cultists to be "feared and feared". to make people fear" .. As invoking "to be feared supreme"....

 All the stories I have read, that I have been told about, that I have been shown have only this: the cult of "to fear and to be feared". I was studying the latest variety of humans...


What are humans for?

They have the ability to adapt their environment to their needs, which makes them anomalies to fear you."

Probably hated to fear and be feared because of their ability, but it is to be feared and to be feared that they will.... By their idolatry to "to be feared supreme".

Some cultists like the Jews have even invented a trick that to fear and to be feared would have done them, but it's impossible.

"to fear and to be feared" cannot generate anything other than reactions that follow one another.... This is all that "to fear and to be feared" is capable of, in other words: the cult of humans to be feared: is a reaction that their ancestors probably did not have. in fact I'm even sure of it.....


I have given myself a few principles:

Some principles since "fear and be feared" is cultivated by almost everyone while the will to live free is cultivated by only one, and some are looking for: the will to live free with their quotas of "scientific" studies with trial, error and change....

One of these principles is: If it is not discoverable from here, then the non-discoverers will have no answers about what they have hidden....


As I was studying the last human bodies I went to the age of about 7, the age when doctors do reflex tests: and if there are reflexes then the doctor declared that it is very good.

Around 11 years old, the same observation from another doctor: and I think: fucking reflexes.... I don't like the possibility that at the push of a button, others could trigger a bursting reaction worse than a nuclear explosion or a collision of two suns.....


Around 17 years old I watched others behave like breeders of cattle to reproduce, like making replicators in order to seduce each other ....and to replicate according to a code of to fear and to be feared selecting the best breeders in order to replicate them.

A long time later, a memory came back to meer: it was a bit like meerkats, but the dinosaurs were on the way to total and irremediable extermination: there were this kind of small scavenging rodents practically all black, unless there was soot that followed the explosions of ash everywhere triggering volcanic phenomena from all over the sea on the earth and even solar eruptions, maybe the sun thought that dinosaurs were beautiful to see.... And that his stony found them good to eat....

They behaved like ruthless, ruthless !!: but they always took care of their little ones... It's mammals, I had before asked a question does anyone hear my voice?

And the mammals may never have known it: but they responded, in large numbers so I decided to travel with them.... 65,000,000 years later there were humans....


They were not arrows the first men, but they knew how to use them....


That's when language became very important to me.... After extracting them from the earth: I try to extract them from "fearing and being feared", or to extract their cult of "fearing and being feared above all by to be feared supreme": but it's so much less easy: use of force: and immediately: already there are competitors who know right away that it's for to be feared... and as the scope of their thoughts does not go beyond fearing and being feared..... ha despair... rabies...

[Yes sidious, there is rage and depression.... You should feel this agitation, never forget that dark pleguis creates life, but for consciousness....]

A proof that I don't defend myself and there they give themselves a lot of confidence (the city of Assur was a beautiful city, beautiful to see) and each time: there have been famines, and it's like that for all the species of this creation: if I am dissatisfied on earth, then the famine becomes "universal" to this creation....


Why will the cultists ask: it's simple: I am the only one to make living beings: the one and only, I have not found any others... So: I stop producing living beings: and then it's like putting fools in the desert! there is no water or food..... Is that how it is..... If there were others: this "mechanism would not be like automated, but nevertheless it is the case .. so I'm the only one, really the only one....


To go back to the subject of bodies: to be feared is often like "sponsored" by the "cultists", if you are frightening in some way then the servants of "fear and being feared" give you like an injection of "pleasure" and if you get defensive, then: the cultists do it like an injection of "unpleasant".


They have always done it this way, they have never changed, they have always "sponsored" "to fear and to be feared" in this way.


There is even an account in Genesis about this kind of cultist: You wrestled with men and with god and you were victorious.


The cultists knew immediately after some explanations that it was good, because after defeating the living, they had become the leaders of the leaders of the leaders of the leaders of the leaders of the leaders of the leaders and every cultist made them a straight path.... For fear of those who have overcome the little life that remained in them.


Then they came to a land that is not theirs, like thieves: and they searched among the representations of animal men for those who would be like them:

We found a woman with the head of a lion, a dismembered and sterile moron, it is often a question of breeding with these people, we had to invent their gods: a man with the head of a donkey, two men with the head of donkeys, a man with the head of a lion....

A man with the head of a wolf, a man with the head of a doe: with his cooing like a pigeon.... And all the beautiful pigeon words....

But, no matter, it has never interested cultists to "fear and be feared" (I hear some of you saying: ha so you're right, your writings are boring, no great things to see etc ... )


Then I had an idea, ideas, a plan, plans, and above all something where I am alone, hated, just to change myself, a world where the Umbrella Corporation has accomplished its fatality, at least in part, and here I am, let the others, as if seeking to pass a veil in the eyes of the opponents of the neutral dark elves, neutrals, imagine what neutrality is according to them: very bad loyal idiots.... So chaotic and bad...

There were some kind of engraved stones with cultist programs to be feared and feared and after reassembly: they became the support of a system.

The magic of the runes became accessible again, and the constructs for exploiting the cycles became numerous again, especially with their fatality: to serve my project.


Here the story will begin: suddenly I was changing a few things, I was having this creation rebooted in order to arrive at the precise moment when I had decided, because a magician never arrives late, or early for that matter, but precisely when he has decided to, and these are not illusions.


It took me a lot of effort to realize this world: but I am only the annihilator of the creation of my "birth" and the creator of many others, I am not the strongest, and probably would never be, but the most powerful, there is no room for doubt.

>Finally make monkeys understand the difference in the strength and power of this kind of "equations" who see curvatures of space and time where there are only curvatures of light, like the curvatures of a woman who gets on her hands and knees to be caught, is not an easy exercise, the proof is that most of you don't understand.


In the end, everything I was going to do was going to be modified at least a little, by the cultists to "to fear and to be feared". But, that's my ideas at the beginning....

Like that of blowing up a black hole: in order to reshape what I want to remodel, to give to those who don't change: a place in a system in order to create a world that is a little more fun, if not funny.

yes I'll do this: hop blobbing through a black hole, so, the spirit of god rearranged the black hole and then he left the black hole and that's where a redundant narrative will begin: like a miniature version of this rage and depression before the explosion, before the white hole, the flash, and the change.

End of the introduction.