The Internet only opened up more confussion for him. The way the story was told varied from site to site. No one had apparently managed to get Luna to talk. What had this girl been through to have lost her ability to express herself. What was it that Detective Carter had discovered that had driven him crazy. These and many more were the questions that were racking Jonathan's head.
He decided to put these thoughts aside and go meet Detective Carter's widow. By asking some of his colleagues, he managed to find the number and address. He was a little afraid of what her reaction would be. He gathered himself and started to knock on the door. A short woman with gray hair opened the door, it seemed as if life had dealt her the hardest blows.
Jonathan: I am Detective Jonathan and I am working on one of Detective Carter's old files. I wanted to ask you a few questions..
Widow: Ahh, let me guess it. You're looking for new info on the crazy "LUNA" file...
Jonathan looked surprised
Widow: Don't be surprised at all. Among colleagues and journalists, dozens of people have come looking for something new on that file. I knew the day would come when someone would be unlucky enough to get this file assigned to them. You rookies are stuck with the most impossible files. But so far, none of them have been brave enough to try to work on this file and come here to ask me for help. Apparently, you have a little more determination than them.
Jonathan: I'm not one of those who gives up easily. If you don't mind, I wanted to ask you a few questions.
Widow: Ask whatever you want, I doubt you'll be able to learn more than the file has
Jonathan:The file actually has almost nothing in it. It only talks about the victims, almost nothing about the survivor or how she tells the story. I understand that she could not talk, but they couldn't convince her to tell anything, not even in writing or by any other method?
Widow:As I remember, Carter tried many methods to make her talk, they were sure that she wasn't guilty of the murders, but they could not understand what had caused her not to talk. He said many times that I asked her, but I never even got a reaction from her. I remember that he told me that when they first met the girl she was completely covered up. Only when they did the forensic examination, is when they realized that she had marks all over her body, but she didn't allow more in-depth examinations. She only allowed the doctors to take blood, look at the marks, but nothing more invasive, if you know what I am getting at. Carter suspected something but they couldn't force her to do more in-depth checks. After that exam I remember her parents sent her to the village and left her there to recover but as far as I know she hasn't moved from there for 7 years.
Jonathan: Do you have any idea which village?
Widow: I can only say the general village but I don't know which area of it, but I believe by asking in the center of the village you can find her. I'll write it on a piece of paper.
Jonathan: Thank you very much
Widow: Be very careful son, don't fall into the same vortex where my husband fell. This profession consumes you but don't let it swallow you whole.
After hearing these words Jonathan was lost in thought. He had a task to do and he knew that until he got to the end there would be no peace for him. He knew that this determination was what had made the other detectives get to the bottom of his father's case. In his heart he felt that there was something very dark that needed to be brought to light.