Chapter 3 - Sisters

The next morning was hell.

Aster's parents tried to visit her, but she refused. Her brother attempted to see her as well, but she declined again. Furthermore, she was completely unable to move her lower half. They had Recovery Girl fix her arms, but not her legs.

Then, her younger sister Suke came.

"Woah," Suke exclaimed with an excited face. "I thought you were hit with a car! Not a fricking MOUNTAIN!" She gave Aster an affectionate punch on the shoulder. Suke's long, dark purple hair ran gracefully down her neck and onto Aster's face as she crawled onto her older sister.

"Mm-hm," Aster mumbled. She cradled her sister closer to her while recalling the accident—the car, the blood, the heroes...and Tomura.

"Oh," Suke chirped happily after a moment. "Sadako and Sakurako will be visiting you soon. Isn't that nice?" She nodded. Sadako and Sakurako were her other sisters. 

"That is nice." She replied with a smile. She hadn't seen her younger sisters in forever since the dorms were installed. UA is now so protective of its students. 

"I didn't think they would be able to come," Aster admitted. "I thought the school wouldn't allow it."

"What?" Suke gasped. "UA will always let students go for family matters! What kind of idiot are you?" She giggled and ducked under Aster's swing at her. Aster settled back. It was nice to have her little sister with her.

"Alright," Suke said. "I have to go." She shifted her way to the door. 


"Bye!" With one last wave, Suke walked through the doorway. Aster was alone again

Aster yawned. She hadn't been able to sleep since the accident. Her eyes drifted to the window. Orange light poured into her small room.

Her eyes began to shut. Finally, She slept. The promise of dreams embraced her while she lay alone. Aster thought she felt someone watching her while darkness took her vision.

The next morning her other sisters came.

"Hi hi!" Sakurako shouted as she ran into the room. She threw herself onto a chair next to Aster. Her bright smile was plastered on her face goofily.

"Chill," Sadako mumbled while walking slowly through the door. "She's still healing you noisy brat." She brushed her purple hair out of her face. Sakurako shot her a glare.

"Sadako, Sakurako, it's so nice to see you!" Aster said, hastily trying to change the subject. "How's school?"

"Well," Sadako said while settling in another chair. "School is...okay...I guess..." She shifted uncomfortably. Is her face going red? Aster thought. Wait, could she LIKE SOMEBODY? Aster's face lit up.

"Why do you look like that?" Sadako grimaced. "It's scary."

"School is great!" Sakurako shouted. "My class is awesome! I got this one kid who is a complete hot-head! He has really blonde hair and his quirk is amazing! His name is-" She stopped. Aster sighed. Sakurako began to scratch her head.


"Not getting it?"

"Shut up!" She protested. "Let me think!" She closed her eyes and smacked herself multiple times.

"Idiot," Sadako sighed from her seat. She popped a piece of candy in her mouth and watched their first-year sister beat herself up.

"Well," Aster tried. "You can tell me later. Maybe when I'm out of the hospital. So don't-"

"Katsuki!" Sakurako exclaimed happily. She turned to look at her surprised sisters. "His name is Katsuki Bakugō." She smiled triumphantly at Sadako. Her smile faded when she saw Sadako's reaction.

"Bakugō?" She asked while covering up her giggles. "The explosion kid? HIM?" She broke out into an uncontrollable laughter. Sakurako glared even harder at her.

"Okay," Aster yelped as Sakurako lunged at Sadako. "Calm down! She didn't mean it! CALM DOWN." She attempted to reach out and grab Sakurako but missed. The two wrestled on the floor for a few moments before Sadako threatened to use her quirk.

Sakurako hesitated. Aster could see the fear entering her face. Sadako smiled like a maniac. She had clearly won.

"You two should head back to school." Aster pointed out. Her sisters turned and looked at her surprised.

"Alright," Sakurako replied after a moment. She hugged her older sister and waited for Sadako.

Sadako hugged Aster as well and walked over to Sakurako and patted her head. The two waved goodbye and left.

Aster grabbed her phone and checked it. She saw a text from her father. Crap. What does he want? She opened it and groaned. 

He had gotten the hospital owner to permit him to visit her against her will. He would probably bring Yaki, Maru, and Mother. She set her phone back on the desk and waited.

Hours passed and she still lay in bed. The nurse had checked on her multiple times, but she didn't need anything. She rested her head on her pillow and tried to sleep.

When she woke, moonlight poured into her room. She looked around nervously. She had the feeling she was being watched. She calmed down and looked around again.

She thought she was just crazy. Nobody can watch her in here! The curtains were closed and the door was shut; who could get in? As she was settling down, she got the feeling again.

In the corner.

Aster put her hand behind her back. Give me a knife so sharp it can cut paper. A knife formed in her hand. She threw the knife at the corner of the room and hit her target. It slumped forward with a pitiful noise. As it came into view, Aster immediately knew what it was. Dead eyes and exposed brains?

It's a Nomu.