I opened my eyes and squinted. I put my hand over my eyes as the sun's rays filtered through the window. I lay there for a while as I closed my eyes again. After a while I moved my hand and sat up. I looked around and spotted nothing that really caught my interest. I eventually spotted the wooden sword I used basically everyday. My gaze lingered on it a bit before I turned away.
I got out of bed and went out of my room to prepare. The sun was just starting to rise, but I knew the others would soon wake. I walked through the wooden halls as I arrived at the bathroom. I used the bathroom before washing my hands. I did some other things like brushing my teeth, tongue, and washing my face. After I was done with all of that I went back to my room.
I stretched a bit as I looked through my closet. I had to stand on a stool to actually reach my clothes but I didn't really mind. I picked out some simple clothes before putting them on. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my reflection.
Dark brown hair, brown eyes, handsome features, and a stature that was extraordinary for my age. I ran my hand through my hair as I continued to look in the mirror.
*Knock Knock Knock*
At the knocking I look towards my right where my door remained closed. Soon a familiar voice enters my ears.
" Brother, can you open the door? I can't reach the handle."
It's my little sister Luna. She's 4 years younger than me, making her 4. I walk over to the door and open it, revealing a small girl. Unlike me she had white hair, and dull red eyes. She has been blind since she was born. Despite that fact she managed to navigate most places by herself. When she was 2 it was revealed she had some unique talent for magic. Her physique was also well suited for it however a side effect of it made her blind.
I didn't care about this as I picked her and carried her over to a small chair. It was made specifically for her hence she fit onto it nicely. I looked at her for a bit seeing that she had already changed clothes. I turn around and pick up my wooden sword to inspect it.
" Do you really have to go? "
I paused at her words. I looked at her and I could practically see the sadness emanating from her. I put the sword back down and walked over to her.
" I do. EverBright Academy is the best place for aspiring Warriors and Mages alike. Out of the hundreds of thousands of kids my age only a couple thousand were accepted. "
I put my hand on her head.
" I want to have the strength to protect not only you, but mother and father as well. Not to mention those who graduate from EverBright Academy are basically guaranteed for success. "
She tilted her head down as she didn't feel any better despite my words. She grabbed my hand and held it with both of hers.
" Mom and Dad said it's a 15 year school. You'll be able to visit a couple times during the first 4 years, but after that. "
She didn't finish her sentence. The first 4 years of the academy are the easiest and the most lax. After that however, things get rough. After the first 4 years it's impossible to see your family for the next 8. In fact some never get to see their family again. But she didn't need to know that.
I sighed and took a knee before hugging her.
" I don't want to be separated from you all for so long either. But some sacrifices are necessary for a brighter future. "
I pull away from her and rest my hand on her cheek.
" Visits may be impossible after a while but I can still send letters. I'll work hard while I'm gone so you should too. Continue taking lessons with Master Kindred. That way when you enter the academy 4 years from now you'll have a far easier time. "
She nodded. I stood up and went back to grab my wooden sword.
" You're going out to train again? "
I nodded.
" Even if I have the talent to be great I can't be the greatest person I can be without putting in the work. Father told me that. Alongside his ramblings about being a man. "
I walk to the door.
" I'll eat breakfast with you all first before starting my training. Care to join me? "
I held out my hand towards her. Despite her blindness she got out of her seat and grabbed my hand. We walked to the kitchen where our mom was cooking something. I looked around and didn't see dad anywhere. I closed my eyes and listened intently to my surroundings. Soon I heard dad outside. Sharpening his sword most likely.
He was a 2nd Class Adept Warrior and also a guard of the inner district. It may not sound that good but he gets paid 25 gold coins a year. Most families in the middle district make around 5 gold a year. The ones in the inner district tend to make more around 15 on the lower end. Mom makes around 18 a year. She was a 3rd Class Adept Warrior and a teacher at Bright Academy. It was a subsidiary school of EverBright Academy.
I didn't think too much about it as we have never had any money problems. One time when I was 6 my parents brought me to the outer District. People there were poor. The streets got progressively more dirty the further we went. In fact a group of people tried to rob us. Some of the things I saw at the time I couldn't understand. I still can't understand a lot now, but I understand enough to know that I can be considered blessed.
Soon about 10 minutes passed and our dad entered from the backyard. He had his sword in a scabbard which he placed against the wall. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was 29 but looked to be in his early twenties. Mom on the other hand had long brown hair. Her eyes were also brown and she was 27.
Dad helped her set the plates which contained things like eggs, sausage, alongside some toast, and jam. Before eating we prayed. We never said it out loud as people believed in different gods. I didn't pray to any god or anyone since I didn't really believe in them. After that we began to eat.