Chapter 2 - First Fight

Within a forest area, everything was calm. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. Animals frolicked around living their lives. The sun's rays pierced through the leaves and illuminated the world around it. Suddenly, the calmness of the forest was disrupted as a blue portal appeared out of thin air. A figure was launched from the portal, and they crash onto the ground and roll across the ground for a few feet before stopping. The figure is none other than Megatron. Megatron groaned as the portal closed. 

"What the frag Primus?" Megatron cursed as he rubbed his head. 

But he stopped as he noticed multiple things. One, he was much shorter than he usually was. Two, he didn't feel metal like he normally does and three his voice sounded different. Like he was younger. He didn't understand it until he looked at his hands and saw they were not Cybertronian hands. But Human hands. In total shock, he noticed a river near him, so he stood up and walked over to it. He looked into the river and saw the face of a human looking back at him. He reached up to touch his new face and he knew right then and there that it was his. He had medium length white hair and bright crimson red eyes. He then looked at himself and noticed his outfit. 

He wore a predominantly grey jacket with purple accents towards his stomach. He had grey metal armor plating on his shoulders and more metal plating on his chest. The jacket's short sleeves were black but purple at the ends. He had two pouches on each side of his hips both right and left side. He also sported a waist cloak connected to his belt. He wore grey pants with black accents towards the top and in between his thighs. He wore high-tech all black armored boots on his legs. There was more armor plating on his forearms with black gloves. The Decepticon Symbol was adorned on his chest, stamped directly in the middle in its usual purple color. 

He looked at his new hands and was confused. Why did Primus make him a mere Human? Primus did mention that the world he'd find himself on is called Remnant. As he looked around at the forest, he guesses that this is Remnant. Looks strikingly similar to Earth. At least from what he remembers of Earth. He then thinks about what he'll do next. If he's truly on a new planet, he'll need to locate some form of civilization and gather information about Remnant. Before he heads off to do just that, he hears growling behind him. Megatron turned around and saw a tall beast with black fur. A white bone mask covered it's face as its glowing red eyes glared at Megatron. This beast looked like that one creature from Earth. Bears he believed they were called. 

The creature growled at him before letting out a roar in his direction. Knowing a battle was coming, Megatron got ready for combat. He tried to extend his sword but realized quickly that he couldn't. He tried again and again but nothing happened. The bear like beast charged Megatron. Growling, the former Decepticon leader charged the beast head on. The bear swiped its claws at Megatron, but the Cybertronian swiftly dodged by ducking down. Megatron rose back up as he sent his fist upwards into the jaws of the beast. This caused the beast to stumble backwards. Megatron didn't pause nor take a moment to collect himself. He pressed his advance and sent a punch directly into the beast's stomach before another one and then another. He repeated this process for a moment before he stepped back as the beast fall to all fours. It roared at Megatron and charged him. 

Megatron stepped to the side and wrapped his arms around the beast's neck, but it was taller than him so when it stood up on is back legs, he went up with it. But Megatron didn't relent. He squeezed his grip and began to strangle the monster. The beast roared and tried to free itself from the Transformer turned human's grasp. Megatron eventually let go as he climbed onto the bears back. He cocked a fist back and punched it in the back of the head before the bear grabbed him and threw him away. But Megatron rolled across the ground and propelled himself back to his feet. The beast growled at Megatron. Megatron growled back as he clenched his fists. But as he did, he accidently did something. 

A large gun formed on top of his right arm. It had three barrels. He looked at both his new armament and then grinned. The bear charged him and all he did was aim his fusion cannon at the bear. Megatron fired the fusion cannon, and the energy bolts ripped through the bear with ease. The bear collapsed onto the ground and soon turned into mist. This surprised Megatron. Once the body was gone. He heard more growls. He looked around at the forest around him and saw a new type of beast with black fur. It was smaller than the bear like beast and had similar features. 

"You want a fight?" Megatron asked. 

Megatron aimed his Fusion cannon at the beasts 

"Then you got one." Megatron said. 

The beasts then charged him as Megatron began to spin around in a circle while firing energy bolts in all directions. He cut down the beasts one by one. One beast leaped at him, and he caught it by the neck with his left hand. He then unloaded two shots from his Fusion Cannon into the beast before throwing it at another beast. He took aim and shot twice and killed two more beasts. Another bear like beast emerged and charged at him but Megatron quickly killed it with a charged shot from his fusion cannon. The last three beasts charged him, and he fired at them. He gunned down two of them but the last one leaped at him ready to rip him to shreds. But Megatron stepped forward and grabbed the beast's neck before slamming it onto the ground. The beast growled at him before Megatron snapped its neck. 

Megatron stood up victorious. He looked around and noticed all the bodies turned to mist just like the first one. 

"What an interesting world." Megatron mumbled.