When I woke up Kenji was already awake. I looked at the other bed, Sam was sleeping by himself, and Iris was asleep next to me. I got off the bed and walked over to the dining area where Kenji was. Kenji had a bunch of weapons on the table, guns, and knives.
"What are you doing with all these weapons Kenji?" I reached my hand to touch the blade since it was so sharp.
"Hey. Don't touch it, Ivy." Kenji slapped my hand away.
"Kenji why do you have all these weapons?"
"None of your business." Kenji put on his contacts and then started putting the guns and knives into holsters.
"Whatever you're going to do I bet it's dangerous. Otherwise, you wouldn't need so many weapons." Kenji sat down at the table and started working on something.
"If you really have to know I'm going to go blow up a soldier base in the middle-class zone." I sat down across from Kenji, was he making a bomb? If he was, he would do an awful job at it.
"You're not supposed to cut the red wire, if you do, you'll deactivate the whole bomb." Kenji looked up at me there were eyebags under his eyes.
"Then why don't you make these bombs if you're so good at it." I rolled my eyes.
"Hmm, let me help you blow up the base and I'll make the bombs for you!" The moment I finished my sentence I heard Iris's voice behind me.
"Excuse me? What are you two plotting." I turned around to Iris and Sam just waking up, then Sam spoke up.
"If you guys are going on some mission, we're going with you as well." Kenji stood up slamming his hands on the table.
"None of you are coming with me!" Iris crossed her arms and smiled.
"Then I guess we'll just have to report you to the guards." Kenji's face turned from annoyance to shock to enraged.
"Fine, but if any of you fuck up I'm silting your throats." Everyone in the room got quiet, I felt a tickling feeling on my throat. I don't think any of us feared Kenji until that moment though it was just a threat it seemed like he could and would really do it. The silence was like a dark void sucking us in until Iris broke the ice.
"Okay, deal!" Iris walked over to the table and put her hand out.
"You must give me a weapon though." Kenji looked annoyed and placed a pocketknife in her hand. Kenji walked over to Sam and gave him a wine bottle, Sam looked confused and asked.
"What's a wine bottle going to do?"
"It's full of acid smash it on someone's head and they'll begin to melt." Kenji's face was completely emotionless when speaking of killing people. I guess this is what ex-soldiers were like? Or maybe there was something going on. Kenji walked over to me and put a sniper in front of me. Everybody in the room was shocked except for Kenji of course.
"But why give me a gun? And not the others." Kenji sighed and took out a map.
"I gave you a gun because guns take skill and technicality, I can tell you're smart that's why I believe you and only you could be capable with a gun. Now that that's settled let me explain the plan." We all stood around Kenji as he explained the plan.
Sam stood at the front side of the base while I stood on the roof of the building next to the base with the sniper set up in front of me. I wasn't going to kill anyone just shoot around them so that the others could get a chance to escape. Iris and Kenji stood near the entrance of the building acting like normal people. Then the plan went into action, Sam ran into the two soldiers guarding the entrance and stole their wallets. They quickly noticed and began to chase after him. Kenji and Iris quickly snuck in through the entrance. I looked through all the windows making sure they weren't in trouble. I really hoped they'd be fine. I had a computer with me which I had hacked into the camera system Kenji and Iris split up in the main hall. Kenji went to the left wing of the base he jumped on a table and slipped into a vent, there were no cameras in the vents obviously, so I began to watch Iris.
Sneaking into the building with Kenji was the easy part but trying to go down the hall unsuspiciously was hard. Surprisingly, there is nobody in this hall- Never mind there's a girl standing next to a room. I can place a bomb, but I need to get past her. Damn, do I use the pocketknife Kenji gave me? No, I can't kill her. I'll just knock her out! I slowly walked up behind her and grabbed her by the mouth, to no surprise she put up a fight and threw me onto a table in the room.
"Who are you! Explain yourself!" I jumped on her and she fell on the floor. I wrapped my hands around her neck from reaction. Minutes passed and I just held her neck not letting go, I felt my body shaking but I couldn't let go. Her face started to change colors and her look of anger turned into worry then fear. She grabbed my wrists trying to push me away, but she was getting too weak. When she finally let go I also let go. I can't believe I just did that. I fell on the floor, there's no time for this. I have to get serious. I dragged her body into the room and shut the door, I would have never known that an unconscious body could be so unbelievably heavy. I took off her clothes and swapped our outfits using her cap to hide my face. I left the room closing the door behind me. I felt my heart racing, I think my nerves were kicking in. I know she's not dead, she can't be I don't have the strength for that there's no way I could have killed somebody. My vision began to darken but my hearing sharpened, I felt my breathing stop and my gut began to twist.
"Hey, focus" I looked up quickly and Kenji had his hand on my shoulder.
"Kenji- I"
"How many bombs have you placed so far?" I looked into my bag
"Uhm 6 I have 4 left."
"Give them to me, I'll finish the job, you just get out of here." Kenji took my bag and left dashing down the hall; I felt my heart flutter a bit. No time to think about this, I have to get out of here. I turned and bolted towards the door but ran into one of the soldiers. He was a lot taller and buffer than the girl I had strangled he swung his arm and punched me in the face, I fell to the ground my nose bleeding. I used my hand to cover my nose I looked him in the eyes and saw his hand flying toward my hand again I tried to run but he grabbed me. Using his other hand he reached for my face a grabbed it with one hand lifting it up and squeezing my face I felt like he was going to crush my skull. My head felt like it was going to implode and I felt like I would faint again. I heard more soldiers footsteps coming down the hallway. SPLATTER. It was hot on my face I saw the blood splatter when a bullet flew through his head, the grip from his hand left and I fell to the floor with a thud, my heart was beating rapidly. I looked and saw Kenji again. He came back? Just to save me?
"Seriously Iris do I always have to help you?" I was to shocked to say anything, maybe fighting wasn't my life's calling.
"Come on get up you need to get out of here." He pulled me off the floor, how strong he was, I felt myself blushing. He's so perfect except for that cold stubborn attitude of his. I started running down the halls while he turned the other direction pulling out his gun ready to fire it as the footsteps of people came closer. I couldn't believe I was so useless, maybe this wasn't what I was supposed to be doing in life? I hate myself, I'm never useful I any kind of situation. The most I can do now is pray Kenji gets out of here alive. I ran down the hallway hearing the gunshots as my eyes began to water, why couldn't I be better than a pretty princess. I could feel my tears falling and my embarrassment growing I ran out the building without any trouble since the guards were too caught up with Kenji and Sam. Once I left the building I started hyperventilating, everything that I just did was rushing through my head. I was an official criminal. No, I can't think about that right now… calm down Iris, make sure the others are ok first. I look forward to find Ivy and Sam when Sam ran into me.
"Iris do you have a gun!" I was confused for a moment when I looked down at him.
"Uhm, no why?" Panic a little I asked.
"Ivy's in trouble look!" I turned to where Sam was pointing, though it was hard to see since it was starting to get dark out, Ivy was on top of the building next to the base and there were three guys closing in on her. She hadn't even noticed them and there was no way for us to tell her.
BANG! BANG! BANG! Damn it these guards wouldn't go away they just keep coming. Kenji stood in a doorway peering out his head every once in a while, to shoot. He was running out of ammo. I need to get out of here before the bombs blow up. Kenji scanned his surroundings, a TV, desk, chairs, potted plant, and a vent! Kenji could hear the footsteps closing in and knew exactly what to do.
"Here, he's in this room get him!" As the soldier stepped into the room Kenji slammed the potted plants pot into the soldier's face getting dirt everywhere, then Kenji kicked the soldier into the other soldiers and slammed the door using the chair to lock it. Ok, now I just have to get on the table and into the vent, as Kenji crawled into the vent, he dropped a bomb into the room as the soldiers broke down the door. Kenji crawled quickly through the vent as the bomb blew up in the soldiers' faces exploding them and shredding their bodies into a bloodbath. Kenji moved fast and as soon as he was far enough, he slipped out of the vent with a grenade in his hand. Now I just have to get down the hall in 7 minutes, it's not much time but I can make it in four. Kenji quickly sprinted down the hall killing anyone in his way without any hesitation or emotion in his eyes. I'm on the third floor, if I jump out the window down this corridor I can save myself two minutes. In one jump Kenji covered his face with his arms and jumped out the window rolling as soon as he touched the ground he quickly stood up and had a few scratches on his face.
"Hey Kenji! Over here!" Kenji turned his head and saw Sam holding Iris as she vomited. Kenji quickly made his way over to them as they stood in the alleyway.
"Where's Ivy?" Kenji spoke. Sam pointed at the building where Ivy was now in really bad trouble as she had notice the men but there wasn't much she could do.
"Are you kidding me? You guys watched her alone and didn't do ANYTHING!? Get your asses back to the dorm and I will meet you guys there. Go now the buildings going to blow." Kenji spoke sternly and frustratedly. Sam held on the Iris as they began to quickly walk towards the slums gate. Kenji turned quickly and ran towards the building Ivy was in. Ivy you have to be ok. Kenji entered the abandoned building and started heading up the stairs, he cleared each stairway quickly until, SNAP! Kenji's leg went throw the floorboard and an old nail stabbed in to his leg.
"God damn it!" Kenji grunted and he ripped his leg out of the nail his pant leg now ripped. I can't stop now Ivy might be in very bad danger. Kenji got back up with his injured leg and kept running though he became a bit unstable. Swinging the roof door open Kenji pulls out his. BANG! BANG! CLICK. CLICK. Kenji's gun ran out of ammo before he could take out the last guy, fuck. Kenji dropped his gun he was panting and tired face full of scratches from shattered glass and attacks.
"Ahhhh!" Ivy screamed as the soldier held her by the arm over the edge and stood facing Kenji with his gun up. Kenji slowly but swiftly moved his hand pulling out his switchblade as his last option. He held it up because Kenji Osoto would never back down.
"Put your weapon down and you guys will just be put under arrest. If you keep resisting I will have to put both of you down, permanently." Kenji still panting and starting to become really unstable due to his leg took two steps forward eyes locked on the soldier.
"Sir one more step and I will shoot." In silence Kenji lunged at the soldier using one hand to hold the soldiers collar while both of his feet were on the soldiers chest, Kenji used his other hand to stab the soldier repeatedly in the throat with the switchblade. The soldier let go of Ivy trying to shoot Kenji.
"Ah!" Ivy screamed as she began to fall, the look of pure terror in her eyes. Snatch. Kenji grabbed Ivy's wrist as he leaned his body over the edge of the building. Face covered in blood and injuries Kenji pulled Ivy up and they both fell on the ground Kenji looking up at the sky tired as Ivy vomited next to him and cried.
"See… I promised I would protect you, and I don't break my promises." BOOM. The base began to blow up just like that.
"Well we should get going now." After a while sunset had already ended and Ivy was helping Kenji walk through the woods to get back to the dorms. Kenji limped and Ivy's face was completely still in frozen fear of emotion.
"T-thank you… for saving me. I'm sorry for getting in the way." Kenji nodded, he had gotten back to his silent cold self. I'm glad Ivy's ok but I have to clean out the hole the nail made in my leg and get some new pants. Ivy and Kenji slowly stumbled up the stairs like two friends after one two many drinks.
"We're here." Ivy called out as Sam and Iris appeared. Iris had hand marks on her throat and one or two scratches. Sam was in perfect condition, the two had already showered and gotten ready for bed.
"Ivy you're ok!" Sam called out as Ivy helped sit Kenji down at the table.
"Yeah, it's because Kenji saved me, I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for him to have helped me. Kenji slowly stood himself back up and walked into the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind him he turned on the light. It flickered a bit while turning on and a fly began to fly around. Kenji took off his black haired wig to reveal his white hair but he kept the green contact lenses. Though it was unsanitary he rarely took them off, not even to sleep. He then took off his pants to reveal the bad leg injury as he began to bandage it up. After showering he and patching himself up he left the bathroom with the same cloak as always covering his white hair from the others. Kenji limped through the room and Ivy and Sam were the only two left in the kitchen.
"Where's Iris?" Kenji questioned
"She went outside to get something I think. Kenji shrugged and entered his room where he fell on the bed and closed in eyes in exhaustion.