The world of Eldorath did not simply come into being through time or chance. It was forged in the womb of the cosmos, an intricate design woven by the very forces that govern existence. Long before the mortal beings known as humans set foot on its soil, before the chaos of wars, politics, and heroes, the land was shaped by the raw power of creation itself.
In the beginning, there was nothing. A vast, endless void that stretched beyond the comprehension of any mind—silent, cold, and devoid of purpose. From this void, a great force stirred. Not a god, not a being with shape or form, but an ancient will, the first seed of creation. It was known as the Loom, a sentient entity that existed before all things and would continue to exist long after all others had faded.
The Loom's power was unlike anything the world would come to know. It was not simply the force that created, but the force that governed the very laws of existence. Every element, every law of nature, every principle that bound reality together, was woven by the Loom's unseen threads. The Loom was the heart of creation—the origin of Eldorath , its gods, and all that followed.
But creation, like all things, was a paradox. The Loom, for all its power, was not alone. It knew it required balance to sustain what it would give birth to. And so, from the Loom's essence, there arose three primal forces : Chaos , Order , and Balance.
The first of these forces was Chaos—wild, untamed, and unrestrained. Chaos was the formless spark that shattered the stillness of the void, the raw energy that could tear reality asunder, but also create in its wake. It was a flame that burned without direction or purpose, formless in its hunger but potent in its power. The birth of Chaos brought forth the first elements of creation—fire, earth, water, and air, each born of its ferocity.
Chaos would shape the primordial seas, erupt the first volcanoes, and send torrents of rain across the skies. It was a force that brought life, but also death. Creatures born of the chaotic seas would swim in the waters of creation, only to be consumed in its destructive cycle. The first gods of Eldorath—those creatures who existed as embodiments of elemental forces—were birthed from Chaos. But they were not yet the gods who would rule over this new world. They were merely the echoes of what was to come.
Chaos' influence could be felt everywhere, in every living thing, from the simplest microbe to the greatest titan. It was a primal, restless energy that could not be tamed. It would be the catalyst for growth, but also for decay. Everything in Eldorath would be touched by Chaos, for nothing could exist without the potential for destruction.
In contrast, there was Order—the force of structure, of control, and of predictability. Order was the calm after the storm, the firm hand that shaped the chaos into something purposeful. It was born from the Loom's deepest design, the counterbalance to Chaos. Where Chaos was wild and unpredictable, Order was orderly and inevitable.
Order gave birth to the first laws that would govern the world—gravity, the passage of time, the cycles of day and night. The first mountains stood tall not because of Chaos alone, but because of the steady hand of Order, which guided the forces of nature to form in predictable patterns. Stars were born, and their positions in the sky were fixed. The winds blew with purpose, the rivers carved their paths, and the earth held firm.
Order also created the gods of laws—beings that embodied concepts such as justice, discipline, and stability. These gods would later come to rule over the domains of civilization, guiding the development of societies, enforcing laws, and ensuring that the natural world functioned according to divine principles. They were not born of flesh, but of concept, and their very presence would be felt in every law, every system of belief, and every form of governance that arose on Eldorath.
Where Chaos bred life and death in equal measure, Order ensured that life could persist in harmony with the world around it. Without Order, Chaos would devour itself, and nothing would survive.
But even the forces of Chaos and Order, in their infinite power, needed one another. They needed balance.
Balance was the third force, the delicate equilibrium that tied Chaos and Order together. It was the mediator, the force that prevented one from overwhelming the other. Without Balance, there would be only endless destruction or perfect stagnation—either the world would be consumed by the fury of Chaos, or it would freeze in eternal rigidity under the hand of Order.
Balance was the embodiment of harmony—the understanding that the two opposing forces must coexist for life to flourish. It was not a passive force, but an active one, ever seeking to find the middle ground. Balance tempered the fires of Chaos and soothed the rigidity of Order. It was the force that allowed the seasons to change, the tides to ebb and flow, and the passage of time to continue without faltering.
The gods of Balance were the fewest, but perhaps the most powerful. They represented ideas like equilibrium, neutrality, and coexistence. They were the creators of the natural cycles—the rising and setting of the sun, the growth and decay of plants, the birth and death of species. Without Balance, there would be no life as it is known, for everything would either burn out or be crushed under its own weight.
With the three primal forces in place—Chaos, Order, and Balance—the world of Eldorath began to take shape. The world's terrain was molded, vast oceans and sprawling continents formed. The first forests arose, thick with primordial trees, and great mountains pierced the sky, their peaks hidden in clouds.
From this world, the gods emerged.
First came the gods of Chaos—great beings of molten flame and jagged stone, their forms ever-shifting with the winds. They roamed the chaotic seas and ravaged the land with their power, sowing destruction in their wake. Yet, they were not purely destructive. They nurtured life in their own way, giving birth to creatures born of the chaos, beasts that would later become legends.
Next came the gods of Order—figures of towering majesty, their forms crystalline and unyielding. They shaped civilizations from the land, raised cities of stone and marble, and instilled law and discipline into every aspect of Eldorath. They were the ones who nurtured the first societies, bringing stability to the chaos and forging the first empires.
Finally, the gods of balance emerged—more subtle, ethereal beings, the weavers of fate and natural cycles. They were the unseen hand that guided the world toward its delicate harmony. Their influence could not be seen directly, but it was felt in every flower that bloomed and every river that flowed. They were the quiet observers, ensuring that the forces of Chaos and Order never tipped the scales too far.
Together, these three divine forces gave birth to Eldorath , a world of balance and chaos, of law and freedom, a world that would thrive and decay, rise and fall, as the threads of fate were woven.
The creation of Eldorath did not end with the birth of its gods. It was only the beginning. For even the gods, mighty as they were, were bound by the Loom. The Loom's creation was not just an act of birth; it was an act of control. The gods would rule, yes, but they would do so within the boundaries set by the Loom's design.
The Loom, eternal and ever-present, would watch over them all—guiding their destinies, controlling their movements, and ultimately shaping the fate of Eldorath itself.
Thus, the world of Eldorath was born