Chapter 3 - Chapter three

"A toast for our new juniors!" Mr Youngsoo raised his beer mug in cheers. The HR department was seated in an expansive beer hall, reserved just for them by Y4 corps, with each team sitting at a separate table. Yunhua, Rita, and Airi sat at a table clearly marked with a placard labeled TEAM 2, and Yunhua raised her mug to lead her team in cheers. As the clinking of beer glasses faded, the hall turned into a buzz of noise as each team resumed conversation with themselves.

Yunhua turned towards Rita, who was seated next to her. "Welcome to HR Team 2, Ms. Shin." Yunhua said as she smiled. "I hope you liked your first day? We'll continue working together starting tomorrow." Rita smiled back, not quite meeting Yunhua's eyes. 

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you." 

"That's good, then." Yunhua took a sip of her mug before continuing. "I must apologize for earlier. I'm sorry for putting you in that situation…" Rita flushed slightly. On her drive to the dinner, Rita had been trying to forget everything that happened. Rita glanced up from her mug at Yunhua, who now looked immaculate, thanks to Airi. As much as Rita wondered if Yunhua remembered who she was, the Yunhua in front of her took up all her headspace. 

Is it just me, or does she look prettier than ever? Rita reddened at the thought of this. No! Yunhua's your boss now. Not to mention that you're at work and you parted ways years ago. You can't think about this now! Rita shook her head to try to get the thought out of her head. Before she spoke again, Rita took a deep breath in. "Don't worry about it, Ms. Seo." Yunhua smiled back awkwardly in return and the team ate silently in the midst of all the noise around them. Seeing this, Airi giggled.

Those two sure are sweet for each other, Airi thought. Have they really just met? They seem so close already... Either way, it's cute. Yunhua eventually noticed Airi giggling and kicked her leg from under the table. Yunhua cleared her throat and stared daggers at Airi across the table.

"Airi, you caused this misunderstanding to happen in the first place," Yunhua snapped. "Apologize too instead of giggling, would you?" Airi shrugged and smiled back. 

"Is that any way of thanking someone who did your makeover?" Airi asked coyly. "All I did was ask if our Ms. Shin liked how you looked after." 

"Airi…" Yunhua said in a low voice. At this, Airi finally relented.

"Fine, fine, but you can't blame me for teasing. You two look just so sweet together, even though you just met." Hearing this, Rita flushed a deep rose, and it probably wasn't just because of the liquor.

Wait, Rita thought, Just met? Does Yunhua really not remember me? I should ask, but… She shook her head furiously. 

"Are you okay, Ms. Shin? I apologize for Ms. Haneul, she's just like this. " Yunhua glared across the table at Airi, as if to say You'd better agree with me on this, or else. Airi caught on and raised her hands in surrender.

"Sorry, Yunhua. Sorry, Ms. Shin. I couldn't help myself. After all, two beautiful girls in an office?" Airi smiled apologetically. "I can't help but ship you two. Though Yunhua, you should let your hair down more often. Even the company president didn't meet your standards." Rita smiled at this. Airi seemed nice and easygoing, even if she was more on the immature side. Yunhua, on the other hand, Rita couldn't get a grasp on. Yunhua was as hardworking as always, that much Rita could tell. She seemed cold towards most people, yet she was still popular, and her relationship with this Airi woman confused Rita. They were on a first name basis even at work, and they seemed close, but that could just be because the were the only two people on the team before Rita joined, and-

"Ms. Shin?" Yunhua's voice brought Rita out of her stupor yet again. "Are you feeling okay? You seemed to have had something on your mind during the day. I can't say much since you just joined today, but if you have any problems, I'll do my best to help…" 

Rita quickly shook her head and waved her hands. "I'm fine, ma'am. I was just…" Rita waved her hand in a vague motion. Yunhua cocked her head to one side in a questioning motion. 


"It's nothing, ma'am." Rita quickly looked away. Seeing this, Airi reached across the table to grab both Yunhua's and Rita's shoulders. 

"It's fine!" Airi said with her characteristically high energy. "You just both need a drink. Come on, Yunhua! Bottoms up!" Yunhua frowned but eventually gave in, and Rita smiled as well.

- - -

Yunhua was feeling rather…warm. Her eyes were getting heavy, and she exhaled slowly and softly. It's hot…where am I? Through half-closed eyes, Yunhua saw a hand wave in front of her. Whose is it? She turned. Ms. Shin? Yunhua looked at Rita. She tried to focus her eyes when she finally realized what had happened. Damn it, Airi. How much did you make me drink? In front of the new hire as well… So much for setting a good example...

"Ma'am? Ma'am!" Rita gently shook Yunhua, then slowly turned to Airi. "Ms. Haneul…? Just how much of a lightweight is Ms. Seo?"

Airi Sheepishly looked away. "I don't exactly remember her blacking out after a single drink… But I don't deny that she's rather… susceptible. Though to be fair I've also never really seen her drink so much before... She'll be fine after some rest. Honestly, I can't comprehend how she stays up all night all the time no matter what I tell her but sways at a single drink. The two are different enough, but still... Hey, Yunhua? Yunhua~" Airi waved her hand in front of Yunhua's face. "You're leaning sideways." 

Yunhua blinked sleepily. Wow, my vision's tilting now. Just how much did I drink? Oh? Who's this? Rita's soft brown hair drifted into Yunhua's view, then Rita's gently sloping shoulders, then her white blouse, and then her soft cardigan. Rita's face eventually came into focus.

"Yunhua?" Airi leaned forward. Yunhua couldn't move, and sat there as her body kept slanting sideways towards Rita.

What time is it? Yunhua wondered. Actually, now that I think about it, Ms. Shin looks rather familiar. Have I met her before…? She's so pretty... It's fine. I'm so tired. Wow, she's so close… She smells so nice. Yunhua started to tilt more and more towards Rita, and by the time Airi realised what was happening and lunged forwards to catch her, It was too late. The last thing Yunhua remembered was resting her head on something and then she blacked out.