Sui, observing their reactions, spoke with a stern tone, "Don't expect that the whole training will be easy; it's quite the opposite. If you want to improve your current strengths, be persistent with what's coming." The two exchanged determined glances and nodded at Sui, their resolve evident. Seeing this, Sui allowed a slight smile to curve his lips and continued, "First, let me assess your current stamina. Run around the courtyard until you pass out."
Kael and Elise grimaced but complied without protest. They began jogging around the expansive courtyard, their footsteps echoing softly against the white expanse. The air was cool, carrying a faint metallic scent, likely from the forge beyond. As they ran, the rhythmic sound of their breathing and the steady thud of their feet created a hypnotic cadence.
After nearly two hours, Kael was the first to falter. His legs felt like lead, muscles burning with every step. A wave of dizziness washed over him, and he collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. Elise continued, her face set in determination, but thirty minutes later, she too succumbed to exhaustion, collapsing beside Kael. Her more defined muscles and prior conditioning had allowed her to last longer, but even she had her limits.
Sui observed them with a critical eye, his arms crossed over his chest. His lean frame belied a hidden strength, and his sharp features conveyed both wisdom and discipline. His silver hair was tied back, revealing piercing blue eyes that seemed to see through them. He approached the exhausted pair and remarked, "You're more pathetic than I expected. It's a surprise you've managed to survive the dungeon all this time."
Hearing this, Kael and Elise felt a pang of guilt. They realized that their survival had been more due to luck than skill. Sui's words, though harsh, rang true.
Sui then instructed, "Go drink some water from the hut and rest a little." The two struggled to their feet and made their way to the modest hut. Inside, the air was cool and carried the earthy scent of aged wood. They found barrels filled with fresh water and drank deeply, the cool liquid soothing their parched throats. Afterward, they settled onto a long wooden bench, its surface worn smooth from years of use, and allowed their weary bodies to rest.
Meanwhile, in the center of the courtyard, Sui began a series of movements that resembled a dance. He swung his arms gracefully, his body moving with fluid precision. He leaped and spun, his feet barely making a sound as they touched the ground. His eyes remained closed, and a serene expression settled on his face. For twenty minutes, he continued this enigmatic routine, each movement deliberate and controlled, as if he were in a trance.
Kael and Elise watched in silent fascination, their fatigue momentarily forgotten. The contrast between their own clumsy exhaustion and Sui's effortless grace was stark. It was clear that Sui possessed a mastery over his body and mind that they could only aspire to. The courtyard, with its white expanse and tranquil atmosphere, seemed to amplify the surreal beauty of Sui's movements, leaving a lasting impression on the two aspiring warriors.
After a brief respite, Sui's voice cut through the tranquil air of the courtyard. "Rest time's over. Let's continue."
Kael and Elise, though still weary, pushed themselves off the wooden bench, the coolness of the water they'd consumed lingering in their throats. The courtyard's vast white expanse seemed to stretch endlessly around them, the training dummies and target logs casting long shadows under the mid-morning sun.
"Now, to build up your muscles" Sui commanded, "drop down and give me f
100 push-ups."
The duo complied, lowering themselves onto the firm ground. As Kael began, his arms trembled slightly with each descent, the muscles in his shoulders and triceps burning from the exertion. The scent of the earth filled his nostrils, grounding him in the moment. Beside him, Elise moved with a steadier rhythm, her defined muscles flexing gracefully under her skin, a sheen of sweat highlighting her dedication.
"Now, sit-ups," Sui's voice rang out once more.
Transitioning swiftly, Kael and Elise lay on their backs, the cool ground pressing against them. With each rise, Kael felt the strain in his abdominal muscles, a tightness that spoke of both weakness and potential. Elise, though fatigued, maintained a consistent pace, her breaths coming in controlled bursts, eyes fixed on an unseen point above.
"Curl-ups," Sui instructed, his tone unwavering.
Positioning themselves accordingly, they continued, their bodies protesting but their wills unyielding. The repetitive motions became a test of endurance, each movement a battle against their own limitations.
Throughout their exercises, Sui remained in the center of the courtyard, his presence a constant reminder of their purpose. This time, his movements had transformed. No longer the serene dance from before, he now moved with a fierce intensity. His arms sliced through the air as if wielding invisible swords, each motion precise and deadly. His feet shifted seamlessly, maintaining balance and power, his expression one of deep concentration.
Kael, amidst his exertion, found his gaze drawn to Sui. He marveled at the fluidity and strength displayed, the way Sui's body seemed to move in perfect harmony with an unseen rhythm. The contrast between his own labored movements and Sui's effortless grace was stark. It was evident that Sui's "dance" was a form of martial art, a kata performed with such mastery that it appeared almost otherworldly.
The courtyard, with its ethereal white backdrop, served as a silent witness to their training. The only sounds were their labored breaths, the soft thud of their movements, and the occasional rustle of fabric. The atmosphere was thick with determination and the unspoken understanding that this was just the beginning of their journey.
As they continued, muscles aching and sweat dripping, Kael and Elise couldn't help but feel a burgeoning respect for Sui. His "weird dance" was not merely a display but a testament to years of discipline and dedication. It was a silent promise of what they could achieve if they persevered.
With each passing moment, the line between pain and progress blurred, and the courtyard became a crucible where their weaknesses were burned away, forging them into stronger versions of themselves.
A Test of Endurance and Time
Sui's movements came to an abrupt halt, the imaginary blades in his hands vanishing as he dropped his arms to his sides. His piercing gaze settled on Kael and Elise, their bodies drenched in sweat, chests rising and falling heavily from the relentless training.
"Alright, kids, that's enough for today," Sui declared, his voice steady but firm. "Go drink some water from the barrels—hydrate yourselves. Then, you're diving into the dungeon. No armor this time."
Kael wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, his red hair damp and sticking to his skin. His body ached from the rigorous workout, muscles protesting even the smallest movements. Elise, though visibly fatigued, remained composed, rolling her shoulders to ease the tension in her muscles. However, both of them froze at Sui's next words.
"Go to Gramps Orm and borrow some weapons," Sui continued nonchalantly, as if sending them into a dungeon practically bare was no big deal.
Kael's red eyes widened in disbelief. His sore body suddenly felt much heavier. "Isn't it already noon right now?" he asked, glancing at the bright white expanse above the courtyard, which had no real sky or sun.
Sui let out a deep, rumbling laugh, his grin mischievous. "Nope," he said, stretching his arms lazily. "Go outside and see for yourselves."
Kael and Elise exchanged puzzled glances before bolting toward the red door, curiosity and unease compelling them forward. Kael reached it first, twisting the knob and pushing it open. As soon as they stepped out of the courtyard and back into the forge, they sprinted toward the front shop, where the scent of metal and burning coals filled the air.