Chereads / Fangs Of Fate / Chapter 3 - City Of Alterius

Chapter 3 - City Of Alterius

(Father)"Alright Wolf, here is a map of Limaria and here is the City Of Alterius, I reckon the city is exactly where you need to go to find the Dire Wolf or whatever this thing is". (Logan)"So why exactly are you helping me? (Father)"Because my son was one of the soldiers in that group that was killed, and I want you to find this thing and bring me its head!" He said with sadness and anger in his heart (Logan)"Who are you really?" (Artavius)"My name is Artavius-Stone fisted; I've fought in wars bigger than Limaria itself. (He said confidently and seriously) (Logan)"... Who?" (I said with confusion) (Artavius)"What? you haven't heard of me? I was the army general who fought the battle of salius!"(He said pouting) (Logan)"I heard of that battle, but heard the general was Farkus-Obliterator". (Artavius)"Ah him, he was the first general, but he was killed by a fierce mercenary in the tides of battle, hmm, the word must have stopped at the borders with timberfall". (Logan)"Ah, yes well I wasn't born in timberfall, I was born in the kingdom of wiltseria, Word never reached us". (Artavius)"Hmm, a noble?" (He thought to himself)

(Logan)"Thank you Artavius, I will head to the City of Alterius and Figure out what I can do there". (Artavius)"Just kill the thing and bring me back its head, I'll off an additional reward if you do". (Logan)"Hmm, I'll think about it". (A few hours past as Logan headed to Alterius).... (Lights woke up as fireflies when the night hit, the taverns lit up with people and the chatter and bustle of the city quiets down) ... (Logan)"This city, is quite pretty, the well-lit lanterns, the windy breeze going through my fur and the active music coming from the tavern". (I thought to myself) ("As I open the door to the tavern, I get wild and curious stares, some growls as if I didn't belong, as Artavius already stated".) (I sit down at the bar waiting for the bartender) (Bartender)"Ah master wolf, what will you be having today?" (Logan)"I'm A wolf of simple pleasures, just a honey-dipped mead please". (Bartender)"Fine choice lad, coming right up". (He said with a pleased look) (Logan)"Hey, I've got some questions for you". (Bartender)"Oh now, it better not be about the Boar around here that's been picking your pockets". (Logan)"What? no, I was gonn-" (Bartender)"No, I already know what you're gonna ask, you're here to ask about the creature that ripped those soldiers in pieces". (He said sarcastically) (Logan)"Yes, actually how did you know?" (Bartender)"Because every mercenary and bounty hunter from Irav, asked If I've heard of it". (Bartender)"And before you ask, yes, I've heard of it, go south down the second road and go four miles and you'll reach the investigation sight". (Logan)"Thanks".

("I drink my mead, and I pay for a room to sleep the night away") (Logan)"Well, this room seems, like it will do, not as good as the Evergreen, but still good". (I said to myself) ("I take my leather chest piece off; to reveal my Chest with bruises from the bandit encounter hours ago, I poke them a few times. then get comfortable in bed, I fall asleep peacefully") ... ("I wake up to the sunlight blaring through my window and the Bustle of the city, coming through my window, I get up and get ready") (Logan)"This city is nice enough, I might have enough time to explore the city before I go after my bounty". (Bartender)"Ah master wolf, have a good sleep, did you?" (Logan)"Yes, thank you for the room, it was quite comfortable". 

(Logan)"Well, time to see what this city is about". (Logan) ("As I walk through the city, I see markets, I see all types of people, Rhino's, Bears, Tigers, Cheetah's, and not many wolves it seems".) (Logan)"Hmm, all these people, seem happy and content, much different than back home in timberfall, everyone there, was either fighting for their life, or barely scraping by, or just dead". (Logan)"It's quite ironic considering the size difference". (I say to myself) (Stranger)"Hey Wolf! yeah you, you're looking pretty cute this morning, how about you come over here and I can take you back home". (Logan) ("Even though I have stuff to do, I thought what the hell, what could it hurt?".) (Stranger)"yes, come closer... closer into the alley... get him boys!". (Logan) ("I knew this had to be some type of trap, good thing I can climb".) (Stranger)"Well what are you waiting for?! This guy is wanted! Make him tuck his tail between his legs in fear!".

(I run until I'm out of breath, I take a knee and plan out my stratagem) (Logan)"I'm wanted? how? I just got here. am I wanted in like some different area? no, guards usually never cross jurisdiction". ("Think Wolf Think") (Dais) ("I heard it died by a wolf in mercenary armor") (Logan)"Ah, the mysterious wolf clad in mercenary armor that Dais mentioned". (Logan)"Maybe I can look into th- (WHAM!) (I fall to the ground as my vision darkens)

(Logan)"Ugghh" (Guard)"Shut up, I'm getting tired of you moaning for the last hour!" (Logan)"What? w-what happened?". (Guard)"All you gotta know is that you got caught, you illegally took a bounty from the bartender in Gravylover inn". (Logan)"What a terrible name for an inn, but what was the bounty about?". (Guard)"You should know, you took it". (Logan)"Sorry, I just got hit in my head, it's hard to remember things". (I said Sarcastically) (Guard)"Fine, you took a job about a bear in timberfall, you killed it, and came back, now your here". (Logan)"I'm not the wolf you're looking for". (Guard)"Shut up! I'm done hearing out of your mangy mouth!".