Chapter 71: Port City 2
Despite the sour looks, the group managed to board the ship.
After being rocked by the waves for a while, we managed to reach the other side safely. I thanked the sailor and he ran off somewhere without even looking at me.
The new Port City where we arrived had more ships and people than the city we came from, and it seemed to be larger in scale.
Or rather, it seems that there is an abnormally large number of people in the city. Furthermore, most of them are so-called warriors, equipped with weapons and armor.
"Hmm, what's going on here? Why are there so many adventurers?"
"Hey, what exactly is an adventurer? I've been asked that a few times, but are we considered adventurers too?"
After hearing Sharin's words, I decided to ask her about something I had been thinking about for some time.
"Adventurers are people who belong to an organization called the Adventurers Guild and make a living by accepting requests from the guild. Requests come from all kinds of people and missions. For example, exterminating vermin."
According to this definition, it seems that we are not adventurers after all.
"But sometimes these requests involve defeating Piyo and Nina's allies."
Sharin whispered softly, leaning her face close to my ears so that neither of them could hear her. By subjugation, does that mean killing them? If this happens, it will be difficult to tell what constitutes murder in this world.
While I was lost in thought, Sharin quickly told me to hide everyone.
For now, we went to the outskirts of the city so as not to be seen by anyone.
"Phew, it's been pretty noisy since we arrived in this new city. Is there a festival going on?"
"Seriously, I just wanted to rest!"
Next to Filiana, Nina groaned in dissatisfaction.
"I'll ask that satyr over there what's going on."
Nina was pointing to a person lying on top of a pile of wooden boxes behind the house. If you know her name, does that mean you know her? (Note: Here he confuses Satyr as a proper name.)
Before I could ask, she quickly went to the person lying down.