Chapter 49: The Bee Unable to Fly 4
We went to rescue Hanenashi's companions who were being attacked by a Killer Bee.
Nina and Filiana were the first to attack.
At the moment when I thought that I could take advantage of the sudden attack, another Killer Bee appeared from the sky with an irritating buzzing of wings.
"Hey, I didn't hear anything about this!"
I wonder if it can call its friends like the Honey Bees.
Hanenashi's friends are confused by the increase in the number of enemies and the stranger who suddenly appeared from the bushes.
"Well, Nina, Sharin and Filiana, please take care of the ones here. Piyo and I will take care of the newcomers."
The three agreed with my word.
"Be careful with the tip of the tail! It is highly poisonous."
I heard Hanenashi shouting from a distance. Indeed, the Killer Bee had a long stinger coming out of the tip of its tail, ready to stab the three like a scorpion.
Although I gave orders, to be honest, I have no hope of defeating any of them. The question is whether I can buy some time for the three.
Suddenly, I looked at the ground and saw that the spear that the Honey Bee was using had broken and fallen to the ground.
"Piyo, can you stick this on its wing?"
"I'll try!"
I handed the broken spear to Piyo. As I was doing this, the Killer Bee, who was watching the situation from the sky, descended towards me.
It tries to grab me with its sharp claws. In a situation like this, if you time it correctly, you can counterattack with your sword...
That was too dangerous, there was no way I could do that! I turned my back and ran so as not to be caught.
At that moment, I heard the scream of the Killer Bee behind me. I turned around and saw the broken spear that I had handed to Piyo earlier, stuck in its thin wing.
All the other Honey Bees jumped on its body as it loses its balance. It was then surrounded by several others and thrown to the ground. Even the giants seem unable to overcome their numbers.
"Piyo, you saved me, thank you."
"Hehe, you're welcome."
The other one was also fighting against the other three. Finally, injured and realizing that it could not win, it got rid of the three and flew into the sky. The one whose wing was pierced saw what was happening and then disappeared into the forest, ashamed.