Chapter 43: A New Journey 2
Nina is cold to Filiana when she says she will leave the city.
Nina responds coldly to Filiana, who begins to cry.
"Even so, I have to say that your life here is much better than it will be outside the city. You won't go hungry or be exposed to the rain. You can sleep peacefully in a warm, fluffy bed every single day."
"Hey, Nina, aren't you exaggerating a little?"
Feeling sorry for Filiana because of Nina's harsh words, I try to stop her, but she doesn't seem to care at all about my opinion. Sharin just calmly waits for the conversation to end.
At that moment, Piyo quietly approaches Filiana.
"You know, Piyo thinks Nina is right about what she said."
Surprised by Piyo's comment, Filiana abruptly raises her head and looks at her in shock.
"So I think this journey should be a journey to become a new you."
"A new... me?"
Piyo laughed and nodded vigorously.
"Yes, it's a journey to become a stronger person who can clearly say no to things you don't like!"
Filiana slowly stands up with Piyo's help.
"Fufu, that's right. I'll come back when I'm stronger than my brother, and no one will make fun of me anymore."
"Hey, can I go on this journey with you?"
Everyone's eyes widen at the unexpected words I say.
"It's fine to stay here, but I feel like it won't solve anything. Maybe I'll find something along the way?"
It would be nice to settle down here, but I still want to step on the soil of my hometown one more time.
"Piyo is coming too."
"That's right, traveling isn't bad. You might even find a great treasure."
"Hey, I can't just go home."
"Thank you, everyone."
Filiana smiled shyly at what we said.