Chapter 19 - Naga Princess (1)

Chapter 18: Naga Princess 1

In the middle of the night, I was repeatedly grabbed by a drunk Sharin.


"By the way, Arisugawa, that powder I smoked yesterday, was it some kind of drug?"

"No, it's not a drug. It's made from a grass that only makes cats drunk."

"So I... am a cat?"

Sharin tilted her head in disbelief as she continued walking. After staying silent for a while, she quietly asked me if I could get more if I went back to my world. It can be addictive and turn into a habit, so I warned her to be careful.

After traveling for a bit, we took a short break to eat.

Unlike me, who was exhausted from the last two or three days, Piyo is full of energy and even started singing.

"Hahaha, you're doing great."

"Shhh, be quiet."

Suddenly, Sharin perked up her ears and began looking suspiciously around the area.

"There's something here! Where is it?"

The forest suddenly fell silent, and I grew nervous. Piyo also stopped singing and looked around vigilantly.

Only then did I hear the sound of rustling leaves in the trees behind me. When I quickly turned around, I saw a girl holding a dagger staring at me.

"I've been found, so die! You intruder!"

In the next moment, the girl pointed the blade and leaped toward me.


I barely escaped, thanks to being pushed by Sharin. Piyo jumped into the air in surprise.

"You escaped death, intruder."

The girl, who failed to kill her target, quickly chased after us and blocked our escape route to prevent us from fleeing.

She's not human; the lower half of her body is that of a snake with pink scales. Her long hair of the same color is tied into a ponytail.

"Oh, what is that girl?"

"She's part of the Naga tribe. The lower half of her body is that of a snake. They are a race with strength and speed. Even a weak woman can easily break someone's neck with her snake tail."

"Hmph, I won't miss next time!"

The Naga girl prepared her sword again, this time using her long tail as a spring to lunge toward Sharin at high speed. Sharin immediately dodged in the opposite direction from me.

However, the girl thrust her sword into the ground midway, scraping the scales on her stomach, and suddenly stopped.

Then, with the same momentum, she abruptly turned her body.

"Hass~ (Hashimatsu~)...!"

A whip-like tail struck Sharin's body as she dodged in the opposite direction from me.

(Note: Hashimatsu is something very difficult to translate without context, but according to research, the sound was produced due to an onomatopoeia of some physical effort, like "Hass" as I wrote earlier.)